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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


Mainless Wanderer
Some things I noticed:

1) It looks like you may need to get a little more familiar/comfortable with your strings. For instance, on Wonder Woman you connected a 13 instead of a 132, and a b1 instead of a b1u2. In both cases, you don't need to worry about hit confirming, because even if they block the first attack you will be safe. It's always better to throw out the entire string, which also (obviously) gives you good combo opportunity on hit.

2) You can duck (or Low Shot) under that red toolbox on Ferris when a power character throws it. It flies slowly enough that you should be able to do it on reaction for a free punish. You can also duck under the turbine from anywhere in its hit path.

3) Good job zoning out the Green Lantern. Keeping him out of Lantern's Might range is definitely the right way to play the matchup, and unless he has a lot of patience it's going to be a nightmare for him to advance on you.

4) I noticed you liked to use d2 as a poke and then hit confirm it into Sword Flip. D2 is good, quick, and has deceptively long horizontal range, but poor damage scaling. For instance, your full d2-flip did 10%, while a naked flip already does 8%. Both b1(u2) and b2 also have good horizontal range, and are low and overhead respectively. I believe they give you a better chance to cause some damage than d2 in most situations.

5) I was going to tell you that you can punish Aquaman's ground trident if he doesn't have trait on with a reversal Quick Fire or MB Quick Fire, but by the end of the match you seemed to catch onto that yourself, so good work!

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Little to no use.

Doomsday is at WORST an even match. It's pretty winnable.

Doomsday is really player dependent. It matters if you are ready for the doomsday randomness and if they player is just going to do shit or respect you. a lot of doomsdays like to go ham and just do random shit because thats the nature of the character and i have a hard time beating people that are impossible to get a read on.


95% of TYM discussion: "It's fine"
I'm just going to throw this out there ftr.. anyone that picks DS will be waiting the duration of time at character and stage select for entering cheese mode.. and you know 9/10 DS players do nothing but spam that cheese. And yes I can get in, but as DS likes to say.. "you're getting annoying".

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I'm just going to throw this out there ftr.. anyone that picks DS will be waiting the duration of time at character and stage select for entering cheese mode.. and you know 9/10 DS players do nothing but spam that cheese. And yes I can get in, but as DS likes to say.. "you're getting annoying".
Cool story, bro.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
I'm just going to throw this out there ftr.. anyone that picks DS will be waiting the duration of time at character and stage select for entering cheese mode.. and you know 9/10 DS players do nothing but spam that cheese. And yes I can get in, but as DS likes to say.. "you're getting annoying".
Cool story, bro.


Dojo Trainee
LordChozo - yeah, I do need to get used to strings. Injustice has that slightly stiff feeling that I'm not used to since I play Street Fighter mostly. Thanks for the advice. :)


Mainless Wanderer
LordChozo - yeah, I do need to get used to strings. Injustice has that slightly stiff feeling that I'm not used to since I play Street Fighter mostly. Thanks for the advice. :)
Yeah, I've actually never even played MK9, but was big into SSFIV, so I know exactly what you mean. I think that's one of the reasons I settled on Deathstroke as a main - all his specials are basically quarter circles. Now though that I play Injustice as much as I do, it's honestly weird going back to Street Fighter. I load up AE and get all kinds of confused. I liked SF, but I love Injustice.


Dojo Trainee
I dislike AE for various reasons; I do dig SFxT, however. Injustice is also quite awesome, I like that projectiles are actually really strong as opposed to how they are in AE. Anyway, gonna keep "stroking" away. :)
Decided to record some matches. I'm a beginner, just FYI. Let me know what I did good, bad, and so forth. If you like my page at all feel free to subscribe! I can use all the support I can get. Anyway, for a beginner I don't think I'm too bad????? I just don't know any matchups so punishing is always a guessing game for me.

Some more points:
1. Don't get into a habit of Sword-flipping in the neutral game. You will get away with it against newer players but when against someone who knows there shit you're a dead man.
2. Use Sword spin as your primary wakeup attack. As much as a good move SF may be, stick to Sword-spinning on wakeup.
3. Throw more. DS has a great throw that gives you a good amount of space between your opponent. Throw when your opponent is negative at the end of a blockstring. Throw after a D1 on hit. Just throw a lot.
4. Use Low shots more. The move may not be what it is pre-patch, but Low shots is still a great move that will force your opponent to be patient in their approach.
5. Abuse F3. This move is godlike and should be abused by every DS player. Great range, hit confirms into 30% damage, +10 on block! Creates a 50/50 situation between B2 and B1 on block, or even a throw.
I'm just going to throw this out there ftr.. anyone that picks DS will be waiting the duration of time at character and stage select for entering cheese mode.. and you know 9/10 DS players do nothing but spam that cheese. And yes I can get in, but as DS likes to say.. "you're getting annoying".
Am I the only person who believes NRS purposely put this quote in the game to convey irony?

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
So, I'm not sure who posted about the B2, Stage Bounce, B3, ji3, 323, F23xxSword Flip is one of the greatest things to happen to my gameplay. Took a pretty easy 40 wins (and only taking 1 loss) tonight against my teammate and this was a huge part of why. Just having the option to get huge damage off the B2 makes it more or a threat and gives really nice damage, it makes B1U2 so much more viable in the long sets I play. Since a ji3 can now lead into a free B2 or B1, the low usually gets block because B222 is lower damage. And F3 is too slow to it gets blocked easily on reaction.

Why did I not know about this before, and who should I be thanking for a new combo that is actually going to make me feel conifdent when I finally don't have schedual conflicts that prevent me from going to The Break?
So, I'm not sure who posted about the B2, Stage Bounce, B3, ji3, 323, F23xxSword Flip is one of the greatest things to happen to my gameplay. Took a pretty easy 40 wins (and only taking 1 loss) tonight against my teammate and this was a huge part of why. Just having the option to get huge damage off the B2 makes it more or a threat and gives really nice damage, it makes B1U2 so much more viable in the long sets I play. Since a ji3 can now lead into a free B2 or B1, the low usually gets block because B222 is lower damage. And F3 is too slow to it gets blocked easily on reaction.

Why did I not know about this before, and who should I be thanking for a new combo that is actually going to make me feel conifdent when I finally don't have schedual conflicts that prevent me from going to The Break?
I don't tend to use wall bounce cancels in my combos, DS should be saving meter for clash or reversal MB QF punishes. I would only do them combos when the opponent has no clash and I have meter stocked up.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I don't tend to use wall bounce cancels in my combos, DS should be saving meter for clash or reversal MB QF punishes. I would only do them combos when the opponent has no clash and I have meter stocked up.

Nah, not the bounce cancels. the interactable stage bounces. Where you kick them into the background by hitting the interact button.

Meterless 40%.


Death is my business
I think i put the b2xxinteractable bounce in one of my stage videos , either way it's good as they won't always block it but beware that if you're facing "one of those" who know that the bounce is a high and -9 on block they could punish you for a full combo.

Btw i've found some new bombing corner setups , i'll try making a video of it soon enough.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I think i put the b2xxinteractable bounce in one of my stage videos , either way it's good as they won't always block it but beware that if you're facing "one of those" who know that the bounce is a high and -9 on block they could punish you for a full combo.

Btw i've found some new bombing corner setups , i'll try making a video of it soon enough.

The hit-stun on B2 seems to be enough that it seems hit confirmable though. I could be wrong though. Just how it felt when I was doing them last night. Which is, of course, the first time I've actually gone for them. The free, east damage isn't even the best part though. To me, the best part is bringing a validity to his mix-up game now that B2 will do enough damage to be a threat. F3 is just too damn slow if whoever you're playing against actually knows how to block.


Not the Milkman.
The hit-stun on B2 seems to be enough that it seems hit confirmable though. I could be wrong though. Just how it felt when I was doing them last night. Which is, of course, the first time I've actually gone for them. The free, east damage isn't even the best part though. To me, the best part is bringing a validity to his mix-up game now that B2 will do enough damage to be a threat. F3 is just too damn slow if whoever you're playing against actually knows how to block.

F3 on block is just about as deadly as F3 on hit ;)

Background bounces are great. I've been incorporating them as much as possible in my game lately. Here's what I use:

B1U2, 3 xx Interactable, B3, Ji3, 323, 12 xx Flip
B1U2, F3, 3 xx Interactable, Ji2, 323, 12 xx Flip
F3, Ji2, 3 xx Interactable, Ji2, 323, 12 xx Flip
132, Ji2, F2 xx Interactable, B3, 323, 12 xx Flip
B2 xx Interactable, B3, Ji3, 323, 12 xx Flip

There are slightly stronger versions of these combos, but I find these easily doable in a match and easy extra damage.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
F3 on block is just about as deadly as F3 on hit ;)

Background bounces are great. I've been incorporating them as much as possible in my game lately. Here's what I use:

B1U2, 3 xx Interactable, B3, Ji3, 323, 12 xx Flip
B1U2, F3, 3 xx Interactable, Ji2, 323, 12 xx Flip
F3, Ji2, 3 xx Interactable, Ji2, 323, 12 xx Flip
132, Ji2, F2 xx Interactable, B3, 323, 12 xx Flip
B2 xx Interactable, B3, Ji3, 323, 12 xx Flip

There are slightly stronger versions of these combos, but I find these easily doable in a match and easy extra damage.
Oh, I love the frame advantage off of F3. Don't get me wrong, still an awesome move. But I like knowing that I have an overhead for solid damage that isn't exactly able to be blocked on reaction.
When you play a few hundred games or so a week with someone, they tend to get really used to your habits, which honestly forces me to be more random with my mix-ups and approches.

While I kind of lost the ability to vortex except on an extremely rare occasion (Shazam's option select teleport WU is the bane of my existence). But even then, putting the fear in someone of punishing them for doing a wake-up makes it an option again (even if only occasionally).

And I dunno why, but I find the timing for 323, 12 xx Flip dificult. Then again, 323, F23 xx Flip tool me a while too and now I hit that 100% of the time....
But again, mainly having B2 as a much more legitimate threat helps a lot in that I can get B1U2 to connect more now that it's a legitimate mix-up where both options are gonna cause real damage (B222 and throw damage aren't terrible, but it's not full-combo damage).


Not the Milkman.
323, 12 xx Flip is more difficult than F23. 12 comes out 1 frame slower, and has a less vertical hitbox. 1, 323, 12 xx Flip makes things easier, but it's not always possible to add the first 1 in there.

And yeah, I feel ya on B2. It's good, but not high damaging unless you want to blow large amounts of meter to bounce cancel. B22 xx Spin is the most meterless damage you can get off of B2 aside from B23F2. I've been trying to use that string more lately too, because it's DS' highest damage string, and puts opponents full screen. Take into account the chip and hit damage that they have to deal with to get back in (MU specific of course), and you could be looking at a pretty decent pay for your overhead.

G4S Silent Jay

I enjoy hurting you.
I don't think I have ever once used B23F2. Seems like a good option though. I'll have to see how it goes when I run sets again tonight.
Gotta love anything that gets you that distance again.


Not the Milkman.
I feel like B23F2 is criminally underused. It's probably just because B222 is such an easier input, but DAT DAMAGE.

Also, B222 is unsafe on block (B22 isn't though), while B23F2 (stops at 3) is completely safe.