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Match-up Discussion Alright, here is my Deathstroke matchup chart, would like to hear the thoughts of the community

The threat of a 40% combo isn't relevant when all DS has to do to completely stuff it is reaction j3, and even if he doesn't get it, MB divekick is going to be negative on block. Meaning you wasted a bar to get full combo punished. DS has options to deal with all of BA's zoning, and once he's in Adam has nothing to deal with Deathstrokes j3 if DS decides he wants to go in on him. Adam also has no safe jumps to deal with sword flip, in fact I don't think anyone in the game does, so it's a guess every wake up. I've played Aris at WNF a few times in this match up, and if you really don't think it's a 5-5 after the Adam nerfs, I believe you're playing the match up incorrectly. Regardless if it's a 5-5 or a 6-4, it's definitely not a 7-3.
the divekick is there to blow up low gun shots, its not about ds dealing with BA, its that ds can't play his game... sword flip is a 4-8% punish on jumps and attack.... adam does atleast 36% per combo.... in the spacing game black adam has way more reach and is ten times more mobile then death.... i can avoid jump 3s fairly easily and 1 read is an air to air 1 for 30% for me... the tradeoff is getting his by a measly sword flip


Not the Milkman.
Deathstroke controls the air much better than BA does in this matchup. In fact, DS probably has the freedom to jump in this matchup moreso than many other characters thanks to J3 and air guns.


Best Doomsday in the world
the divekick is there to blow up low gun shots, its not about ds dealing with BA, its that ds can't play his game... sword flip is a 4-8% punish on jumps and attack.... adam does atleast 36% per combo.... in the spacing game black adam has way more reach and is ten times more mobile then death.... i can avoid jump 3s fairly easily and 1 read is an air to air 1 for 30% for me... the tradeoff is getting his by a measly sword flip
And if you miss the air to air read on a j3 you either get hit by the j3 and combod, or you get full combo punished when you land for 40% or so against a good Deathstroke. Many people forget Deathstroke has amazing offensive options as well. And Deathstroke can keep Adam out very easily with good reads. Not to mention Deathstroke can pretty much just jump around all match and there's not much Adam can do about it. I'm not saying this is in Deathstrokes favor. I'm saying it's even if he plays properly and knows how to approach the match up with the new divekick nerfs in effect.


Not the Milkman.
I feel like the Black Adam community has let the top tier-ness of the character has gotten to their head. They never seem to believe that any character can ever have a decent matchup against him lol.

Post patch, BA shouldn't be a very problematic matchup at all.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
And if you miss the air to air read on a j3 you either get hit by the j3 and combod, or you get full combo punished when you land for 40% or so against a good Deathstroke. Many people forget Deathstroke has amazing offensive options as well. And Deathstroke can keep Adam out very easily with good reads. Not to mention Deathstroke can pretty much just jump around all match and there's not much Adam can do about it. I'm not saying this is in Deathstrokes favor. I'm saying it's even if he plays properly and knows how to approach the match up with the new divekick nerfs in effect.
40%? stroke has 40% midscreen? what is it?
DS is almost 7-3 v. black adam ... you can punish everything he does on reaction ... you don't even need to learn how to make reads on your opponent

come on guys learn the matchup

Red Venom

The Main Man of TYM
DS vs Lobo 6-4?

As a Lobo player it almost feels like you have the advantage 7-3 but IDK I just suck at getting in on zoners. BUT... once I'm in you better watch yourself lol


Not the Milkman.
DS is almost 7-3 v. black adam ... you can punish everything he does on reaction ... you don't even need to learn how to make reads on your opponent

come on guys learn the matchup

It's the mind poisoning from all the BA players who think he hasn't got a single bad matchup coming here and braingwashing us.


DS is almost 7-3 v. black adam ... you can punish everything he does on reaction ...

And this is where I have to call bullshit. Alot of long distance stuff yes you can punish it. But his upclose game with his trait cancels is all safe stuff. This is an even matchup.
How does BA even get in to start combos? He cannot jump in. He cannot beat the range of Armor F3.

And even if he trait cancels... he has no mixups so... I don't know what you are afraid of.


How does BA even get in to start combos? He cannot jump in. He cannot beat the range of Armor F3.

And even if he trait cancels... he has no mixups so... I don't know what you are afraid of.
He has Divekick, MB Divekick, B+23, B+1, DF+1, DB+3, and a plethora of other tools.


Not the Milkman.
DS is probably better than anyone in the game at controlling BA's divekicks. Not saying that makes the matchup in its own, but seriously, DS's air control is amazing.


Get over here!
I think Batman is a 4-6 at best.

Unless I just suck at the matchup and am doing something wrong.

Once gets in (which he will because of his trait) one wrong guess on his many mixups and you are eating a ton of damage, getting carried to the corner which is hell against Batman, often without him even needing to use meter.

You can't use MB b3 or f3 because even if he doesn't have trait his blockstrings all hit so many times (quickly) that they beat out your armor 99% of the time.

With Batman's new buffed uppercut jumping at him is much more risky because he can now get good AA damage.

The only thing that is good in this matchupfor DS is Batman's wake-up game sucks

If the Batman player is patient and knows how to use trait you are basically screwed IMO.

Plus you burn so much meter in the struggle to keep Batman out that he always has a massive meter advantage (assuming the Batman player is smart) which means clashes are almost if not always a losing battle as well.

Am I missing something here?

I don't think this is a 5-5 like Mit has on his chart. This is at BEST 4-6 possibly 3-7. I have more trouble with Batman because of his trait than any other character in the game

general m2dave
GGA Slips


I have batman at 4-6 as well. Definitely not unwinnable though.

Ji2 and his fuckload of tools and options make him a handful.


Get over here!
I have batman at 4-6 as well. Definitely not unwinnable though.

Ji2 and his fuckload of tools and options make him a handful.
I agree, his Ji2 combined with his trait and his fast hi/low mixup game is just so damn frustrating. I really do think it is 4-6 or worse. I agree not unwinnable but you have to make a lot of right guesses and really outplay the Batman player to win that matchup. 3-7 is not an unwinnable matchup IMO, just a bad matchup. I would consider a 4-6 a "slight" advantage match and I think this matchup is a bit worse than "slight" advantage personally. My main training partner (my brother) is a really solid batman main and i have a lot of experience in this matchup and it is absolutely an uphill battle for DS at best.

Edit: Just to be clear i consider:
5-5: even (duh)
6-4: just a slight advantage matchup
7-3: large advantage matchup
8-2: massive advantage matchup
9-1:: almost unwinnable even when played perfectly
10-0: unwinnable (duh)

I would definately consider batman to be at 7-3 advantage vs DS. Not unwinnable but clearly in batman's favor by more than just a "slight" advantage IMO
That batman writeup is epic fail....

His mixups without trait cancel are so easy to block offline.

His bat pressure is avoidable with good spacing.

He uses tons of meter.


Zoning Master
Matix218, I think your analysis is accurate. I have fought Perfect Legend and Forever King and I have come to the same conclusion.

Deathstroke is a solid character, but he loses to the top tier characters just like everyone else.

Aquaman 4-6
Batman 4-6
Black Adam 5-5 (possibly 4-6)
Superman 4-6
The Flash 3-7
Wonder Woman 4-6



Not the Milkman.
I change my mind about KF, that's even.

Raven is even. D2 just stomps the crap outta her trait. Without her trait, she's not that threatening. Just hold down when her trait is up and you're protect from teleports, pillars, and force grabs. D2 on reaction if she teleports, it catches all teleport locations because it autocorrects.


Not the Milkman.
I feel like m2dave is the only DS player who argues that WW is a bad matchup. I'm pretty convinced its even too.

Jay Rupp

Human Smoke or Riot
Aquaman: 4-6
Batman: 4-6
Flash: 4-6
Green Arrow: 5-5
Killer Frost: 3-7
Hawkgirl: 6-4
Nightwing: 4-6
Raven: 4-6
Scorpion: 2-8
Solomon Grundy: 5-5
Wonder Woman: 4-6

As I have always said, Deathstroke is low mid tier.
Crazy. Hes high mid tier, you must not be playing him right.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk


Not the Milkman.
Here's a tip. Pick Watchtower against Nightwing. Helps TREMENDOUSLY when you have frequent unblockable projectiles that he can't jump away from in staff mode, or even reach in staff mode.