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The Top 10 Characters.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Lets play soon

We should always train
Anytime bud. I always get your empty invites like an hour after you send them (I have notifications off), so we need to be formal gentleman of the evening and plan a time OR send a message saying "wanna play?", thus I can cancel what I'm doing and respond and play. ;)


What's a Smarrgasm?
Batman, Superman, Black Adam, WW, Aquaman, Lantern, Flash, Frost, Batgirl

Then like five characters tied for 10th cause its just like MK where we could never agree on the fringe characters. Doomsday, Sinestro, Nightwing, Deathstroke, and probly even more im not naming.

MMH and Zod are IMO up there as well but i wont try to place them yet. Despite what many people seem to think, I believe the character diversity in this game could be insanely good. However, Superman/Adam/Lantern/Batman seem to be used a LOT more than other characters.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
NPO- BA, Supes, WW, GL, Aqua.

That seems pretty spot on. i woudl just swap out WW for batman personally but i dont really think it matters who is top 5 or not in this game. its too matchup dependent for it to really matter so any character can work as long as you have something to cover their bad matchups

Darth Mao

Your Tech is Mine! #buffRaiden
1. Superman
2. Black Adam
3. Aquaman
4. MMH
5. Batman
6. WW
7. Batgirl
8. Green Lantern
9. Flash
10. Doomsday

Not sure about Zod place, perhaps replace Babs.


Zoning Master
The frost MU IMO is always primarily judged on the post blocked slide option

ZOD poses threat here multiple ways

Also his empty jump back game is great, If u read your arc is bad or he has the upper hand in your distance and jump back u can ZC out or trade ji3 w her d2

Everything she does full screen is punishable

The d1 after the slide and the f3 after slide all can be paried

It's an interesting MU
Zod's post slide game is great, but Killer Frost wins this match up 6:4 unless Zod has a favorable stage (i.e., Rooftop). Ice daggers and iceberg, which Zod cannot punish if performed outside of charge range, prevent trait activation. The ability to parry and freeze slashes is also very annoying, but fortunately this should be a non-issue in the next patch, I hope.

I actually believe Killer Frost is Zod's most difficult match ups.


Why are people sleeping on Frost now?

FUck it why not

1. Black Adam
2. Superman
3. Wonderwoman
4. Batman
5. Aquaman

6. Zod
7. Flash
8. Killerfrost
9. Batgirl
10. Green Lantern

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Zod's post slide game is great, but Killer Frost wins this match up 6:4 unless Zod has a favorable stage (i.e., Rooftop). Ice daggers and iceberg, which Zod cannot punish if performed outside of charge range, prevent trait activation. The ability to parry and freeze slashes is also very annoying, but fortunately this should be a non-issue in the next patch, I hope.

I actually believe Killer Frost is Zod's most difficult match ups.
I respectively disagree 100%
KF is so weird to place in a list.

IMO, she only has one bad MU, which is black Adam. So that alone should make her a candidate for top 5.

Her tools alone should make her a candidate for top 5.


Her air game is garbage. While KF has a superior ground game, there are characters who have just as good as a ground game, or better, and on top of that, they also have a very good air game to go along with it. Characters like BA, Supes, WW, and GL all have a superior ground game, just like frost, but they also have a superior air game as well, where frost suffers in.

But her comeback factor CANNOT be ignored. This alone definitely makes her top 10 hands down.
Hawkgirl(trust me at least 3 exist) and black Adam are very bad matchups for her. But she is good with either slight Advantage or 5/5 on most of the cast. Very hard to place her.


Dead Kings Rise
Killer Frost will always be top 10 imo because she's Killer Frost. Yeah, they nerfed her trait and her damage.....but she still has safe 50/50s and one of the best comeback potentials in the entire game. They'd have to nerf her slide in order for her to drop out of top 10.

Also thank you xKhaoTik and RiBBz22 for being the only Frosts that keep it real.


Dojo Trainee
1. Black Adam
2. Superman

The rest is Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Batgirl, Green Lantern, Killer Frost, and Doomsday. MMH, Zod, and Zatanna are too new.


Dojo Trainee
He only has one 7 3, maybe you should do your homework before talking about a character you don't know.

According to who, you? And you must be?
I won't partake in your initial flare to begin a senseless argument because it isn't needed.

It is your opinion on where he is placed, but it is not an opinion that he isn't top 10.

If you have a 3-7*, you are not top 10.

In the future, please refrain from being obnoxious.


Joker waiting room
According to who, you? And you must be?
I won't partake in your initial flare to begin a senseless argument because it isn't needed.

It is your opinion on where he is placed, but it is not an opinion that he isn't top 10.

If you have a 3-7*, you are not top 10.

In the future, please refrain from being obnoxious.
I won't reply to that dumb logic where what you say is fact and mines not, fyi, raven and DD along with sinestro have 1/1/2 7 3s yet are still considered top 10...


1. Black Adam
2. Superman
3. Wonderwoman
4. Aquaman
5. Batman
6. Green Lantern
7. Zod
8. Martian Man Hunter
9. Batgirl
10. Killerfrost