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Any musicians on TYM?


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
plz teach me how to play that
First your guitar should be in "Open D" tuning: DADF#AD. Use this link to tune by ear.

Also a useful link for additional chords for Open D tuning.

NOTE: I would strongly recommend against using alternate tunings on an electric with a tremolo system (ie "whammy bar"). You probably have a floating bridge that will twist and knock every other string out of tune.

The song has four sections.

Consists of 4 chords
D - 000000 (all open, hence "Open D Tuning")
G - 5x0500 (mute the second thickest string)
Bm7 - 020000 (yep, that easy)
A - 002100

D - Add in some solo stuff on the "high D string", strumming while your finger is in the following positions: 9-4-5-7
G - Use your index and middle finger to hold down the chord. Solo with your ring finger on 5, then pinky on 7
Bm7 - Use your index finger for the chord, then solo pinky on 4, then middle on 2
A - Use your index and middle for the chord, and solo ring finger on 2

I have no idea about these chords... I just like them.
D - 000000
G - 5x0500
A (?) - 7x0700
D (?) - (12)x0(12)00

D - Solo 5-4
G - This time hold down the chord using your middle and ring finger. Solo 5 with your pinky, then 4 with your index.
Bm7 - Solo 5-4 with your pinky
A - Solo 2 with your ring finger

For timing, play along with the YouTube video. :)


You guys should post pics of your gear. These are my babies:

I have a decent guitar too but idk if I have pics of it.

Good shit.

My gear:

Fender 50th anniversary 62 Jaguar
Gibson Les Paul 2005 Standard Goldtop
Fender Deluxe tube amp

EHX Memory Man
TC Electronic Trinity Reverb
MXR Analog Chorus
Magnetic FX White Atom Fuzz
Magnetic FX Electrochop




lol you ppl and your rooms full of gear.

this is mine :D (not exactly that one, jumpstyle go away, but the same program)


DuBBer Kiir

lol you ppl and your rooms full of gear.

this is mine :D (not exactly that one, jumpstyle go away, but the same program)

Dude Reason is awesome, but I prefer to run it as a VST in FL Studio. You get a lot more control out of it. If you want to see the greatest most extensive VST Synth ever made, check out Specrasonics Omnisphere on Youtube. It's godlike.

https://soundcloud.com/koleds/techmetaldropb6 - anyway here's an old "tech metal" song I wrote, again if anybody can scream lol send me some voc's!


Dude Reason is awesome, but I prefer to run it as a VST in FL Studio. You get a lot more control out of it. If you want to see the greatest most extensive VST Synth ever made, check out Specrasonics Omnisphere on Youtube. It's godlike.
last fruity loops i used was 3 i think :D. i have no idea how that looks what you mean. im fine with reason 4 though, i paid those 300 bucks once in my lifetime and i will get stuff out of it forever.

DuBBer Kiir

last fruity loops i used was 3 i think :D. i have no idea how that looks what you mean. im fine with reason 4 though, i paid those 300 bucks once in my lifetime and i will get stuff out of it forever.
Just curious, how good is Reason's sequencing? I've tried it before and couldn't ever figure it out lol


@DuBBer Kiir

i dont really have comparisons but i feel like its straightforward and easy. just paint and move patterns. you can have multiple lanes per instrument. automations are simple to make, edit and move too. you can also convert filter into volume automation tracks n stuff like that. also you can see everything at the same time, i think FL was a bit limited there (at least 3).


I have crappy poor people gear, been playing for almost 2 years now. I'm hoping once I'm settled in college I'll be able to save up enough money for a decent bass.

Silvertone LB11 Bass Guitar, I went cheap as it was my first instrument, after a few adjustments it plays pretty well, leaving only a better tone to be desired. I use Circle K strings, which I believe are the best out there.

Carvin Probass 100-20 actually not a bad amp.



king of the underground
I have crappy poor people gear, been playing for almost 2 years now. I'm hoping once I'm settled in college I'll be able to save up enough money for a decent bass.

Silvertone LB11 Bass Guitar, I went cheap as it was my first instrument, after a few adjustments it plays pretty well, leaving only a better tone to be desired. I use Circle K strings, which I believe are the best out there.

Carvin Probass 100-20 actually not a bad amp.

AUTOPSY!!!! Mental Funeral is the album I learned to play guitar to....Fucking great!!!


Fundamentals in real life
Icreate songs like jazz,rap,rock,classical(mozart and Bach,etc),but I dont have a soundcloud account...i´m lazy,I just create stuff in Fl9 since 2010.
I´ll ask Eddy Wang to post some of my work in here!

Groove Heaven

I play guitar, bass, and drums. My dream has always been to cut a record where I play all the instruments and sing. I like math/prog/metal/jazz/experimental, all that good stuff.