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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


Where is crossplay?
I'm a man and admit when I'm mistaken on something and I was clearly not up date w/all the new information (plus was never a big flash fan, didn't know he could do half of that. The writing is so inconsistent w/him I never had the desire to keep up).

Anyway, to me it seems to come to down to BA and Flash

Killjoy McGee

[Hype Intensifies]
Maybe we should do multiple tournaments with people fighting according to tiers of the dc universe. Like theres no way harley is going to compete with supes or flash.
This sounds like a fantastic idea!

Here's my take on it.

Tournament 1- de powered characters.
Green Arrow
Harley Quinn

Tournament 2- powered characters 1
Killer Frost
Green Lantern
Solomon Grundy
Lex Luthor

Tournament 3 powered characters 2
Black Adam
Martian Manhunter

If anyone disagrees with this, feel free to say so. I'm totally open to changing this or including some chars in more than one Tourney. :)

They have all been done in no particular order BTW.
This sounds like a fantastic idea!

Here's my take on it.

Tournament 1- de powered characters.
Green Arrow
Harley Quinn

Tournament 2- powered characters 1
Killer Frost
Green Lantern
Solomon Grundy
Lex Luthor

Tournament 3 powered characters 2
Black Adam
Martian Manhunter

If anyone disagrees with this, feel free to say so. I'm totally open to changing this or including some chars in more than one Tourney. :)
To me its going to be Tourny 1: Batman, Tourny 2: Green Lantern, Tourny 3: Superman. I still think batman could beat anyone from tourny 1 or 2 though lol
Because you hate fun?
The suspension of disbelief required is too much at least the movies and show tone it down a bit comics are full blow insanity the whole Justice League is a team of freakin gods with limitless powers kinda takes the fun out of itself


The suspension of disbelief required is too much at least the movies and show tone it down a bit comics are full blow insanity the whole Justice League is a team of freakin gods with limitless powers kinda takes the fun out of itself
Well if you go into the book with that attitude of course you aren't going to enjoy it. Comic Books aren't supposed to be realistic, especially Justice League. You want realistic, read crime comics like Gotham Central or Question (both DC).


You will BOW to me!
Lex Luthor II, you still forgetting that, even if WW can hurt DD with magic, he will adapt against it and be immune afterwards. Secondly i forgot to mention before that DD has IMMENSE healing factor recovery. Also his durability is even higher than Supermans,you cant expect that with just a slash she ll be able to decapitate him and above all DD wont just stand there and tell her" ok you can have my head arghhhhhhhhh!!!". And even if she does manage to do that, it doesnt change anything. She hasnt completely killed him, cause he will regenerate. Thirdly he can adapt against WW's speed and technique which will ultimately be her undoing, cause in the end she wont be able to catch up to him. And finally, DD is A LOT stronger than WW in terms of psychical strength. WW wont be able to win this with magic alone. Thats what i ve been trying to say. Flight does give her a slight advantage though, but still cant turn the tide in her favor. Original DD was fucked up as hell, thats why they toned him down. Cause he could rip everyone to shreds.

As for Flash all i have to say is that he is BROKEN as hell. Seriously.


You will BOW to me!
The appropriate question is whether or not he has any resistance to magic. If he doesn't, then whether or not he is particularly vulnerable to magic does not matter. It will effect him the way it effects everyone.

And barring any resistance to it, WW has numerous magical weapons that would combat DD's strength and durability. She won't fight him straight up. She's too smart for that. Well, when she is written properly at least.

I still say she loses, but it's not as easy as you make it sound.
I didnt say the fight will be free as hell, but still, it wont be a hard fight for DD. People really dont grasp the adaptation ability DD has, both psychically and in terms of combat. It is ridiculous.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Lex Luthor II, you still forgetting that, even if WW can hurt DD with magic, he will adapt against it and be immune afterwards. Secondly i forgot to mention before that DD has IMMENSE healing factor recovery. Also his durability is even higher than Supermans,you cant expect that with just a slash she ll be able to decapitate him and above all DD wont just stand there and tell her" ok you can have my head arghhhhhhhhh!!!". And even if she does manage to do that, it doesnt change anything. She hasnt completely killed him, cause he will regenerate. Thirdly he can adapt against WW's speed and technique which will ultimately be her undoing, cause in the end she wont be able to catch up to him. And finally, DD is A LOT stronger than WW in terms of psychical strength. WW wont be able to win this with magic alone. Thats what i ve been trying to say. Flight does give her a slight advantage though, but still cant turn the tide in her favor. Original DD was fucked up as hell, thats why they toned him down. Cause he could rip everyone to shreds.

As for Flash all i have to say is that he is BROKEN as hell. Seriously.
He will adapt... after he loses the fight, after his head was chopped off and sent into the sun. I agree.

Magic ignores someones strength and durability. This is why Superman cuts his thumb by just touching it.

Flash is kinda broken lol.
I still don't see WW beating The Shazam Wizards a Kryptonian, someone with a Power Ring, someone with Speedforce or maybe even possibly a Raven or a Cyborg, or Aquaman, or Batman because Batman is Batgod and he has a plan for everything riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
The people saying DD wins has to remember that this is a tournament, so dying once is all it takes, unless he comes back from losers and has to beat whoever killed him, assuming this is double elimination and you are allowed to kill your opponent lol


I'm not really following this thread but I'm interested to know what chance does Ares have in this tournament? anyone care to elaborate? Because I honestly believe he is a top contender, if not the best.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I'm not really following this thread but I'm interested to know what chance does Ares have in this tournament? anyone care to elaborate? Because I honestly believe he is a top contender, if not the best.
Basically nobody knows whats up with Ares, most of the time hes shown he gets destroyed, like in the Injustice comics or the WW animated movie. Hes supposed to be super powerful and all god-like... but I think hes just one of those villains they hype up so much ONLY to make beating him be so cool and badass.

The people saying DD wins has to remember that this is a tournament, so dying once is all it takes, unless he comes back from losers and has to beat whoever killed him, assuming this is double elimination and you are allowed to kill your opponent lol

People say he adapts and cant be defeated the same way twice, which basically means nothing, since he can lose that first time. He doesnt just adapt right away to attacks, he doesnt all of a sudden develop immunity from magic or physical attacks.

He isn't the Borg.

I still don't see WW beating The Shazam Wizards a Kryptonian, someone with a Power Ring, someone with Speedforce or maybe even possibly a Raven or a Cyborg, or Aquaman, or Batman because Batman is Batgod and he has a plan for everything riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?
People say he adapts and cant be defeated the same way twice, which basically means nothing, since he can lose that first time. He doesnt just adapt right away to attacks, he doesnt all of a sudden develop immunity from magic or physical attacks.

He isn't the Borg.

Lol yeah, the word "tournament" seemed to slip past them lol. And in fighting tournaments, it's generally single elimination. GG doomsday lol.

Also, isn't WW basically god status? Wasn't she forged from clay or something by Athena or some shit?


Skarlet who ?
The people saying DD wins has to remember that this is a tournament, so dying once is all it takes, unless he comes back from losers and has to beat whoever killed him, assuming this is double elimination and you are allowed to kill your opponent lol
Nice try, but Doomsday has adapted mid-fight on numerous occasions. Not to mention no one has even power to scratch Doomsday here. Maybe simultaneously they have a few more seconds against DD before they all die.