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Guide Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos -- Raven General Discussion Thread


Raven really doesn't have that much trouble with Flight compared to the cast as a whole.

She doesn't have any sure-fire ways to get her like Sinestro and Batgirl do, but between pillars and Singularity (depending on which stance you're in), she can handle Flight reasonably well.

What makes the Hawkgirl MU really annoying is that her normals are so much better than Raven's. d1 in particular is fucking annoying.


Like the rest of the cast?
Well, true. (OMG, Raven's normals are so bad)

But I meant specifically that Hawkgirl's normals are excellent at shutting Raven's down, more so than a lot of the cast. (Which is weird, because Hawkgirl's normals aren't considered amazing compared to the rest of the cast...)

Hawkgirl's d1 in particular is horrifically irritating. The range on that thing is absurd, and it's 6 frames fast, so there's fuck-all you can do to counter is directly. It leaves her at -1 on block, but because Raven doesn't have any normals that even hit at that range, Hawkgirl still has momentum on her side. Jumping at that range is idiotic - d2 will easily hit you. So the only option you have left is to backdash it, but because it recovers so quickly, all she has to do is move very slightly forwards and BAM! You're stuck in that situation again. Even worse, if she uses Mace Charge to come after you, and you block it, not only do you take a hefty amount of chip damage (>2%), it puts her in a great position for more d1 pressure. Lovely.

b2 is annoying too, because afterwards you literally have to guess whether the next option is going to be overhead or low - there's nothing else you can do if you block the first hit. If you guess wrong, you either take a chunk of damage, get caught in a bad reset position, or they get an opportunity to close space on you. If you guess right... you get bugger all. Then there's 32b1, which cuts through armour like a knife (ruining the one decent overhead option Raven has), and is 2 on block.

All I can say is thank fuck Hawkgirl is one of the worst characters at punishing a blocked Soul Crush. And that she doesn't have a decent projectile.


How hard is this character to learn compared to BA,DS,GL?
Can you link b3 into ji3? Congrats you've mastered one of the more difficult parts of Raven :p. As Zoidberg747 said, MU experience is a big one as she plays different to all of those characters (she has aspects of each). Other than that, the important things to learn are the ranged on her non-fullscreen special moves and knowing when to use them. Singularity (lift) and Soul Crush (3/4 screen grab) are the easiest, but the demon pillars will be more difficult. Pick the wrong range for a pillar and chances are you'll get fully punished for it.

Oh, practice ji3, d1~db2 (d1b2 is a shortcut) too as that's the other "difficult" move she has that you'll use regularly. She does have some very high execution combos, but in general the lower execution ones will hit all of the time and you'll be giving up a 1-2% of damage for the MB ones (granted it is much higher for the non-MB combos).


How hard is this character to learn compared to BA,DS,GL?
The hardest part about being succesful with Raven is Match Up experience, you just need to know what to do and when, obvious of course, but easier said then done.

Adding what to Sami said, you should learn how to juggle with Pillars as well, From close range all the way to far.

It seems easy enough, but Pillars is essential to Raven's game play


I miss you
I got 3rd in the Espacio Personal Juegos, 64 people, all the top players from the country there.

Overall I reached winners finals and then got beasted by supi. Then, in losers finals, once again. I guess it's my fault and should revise my MU thoughts on him better probably I didn't got into demon mode as much as I should had, but well. Also, Nightwing is a pain.

1. Juanse (Superman) Prize: $4000
2. Tano (Catwoman, Superman) $2000
3. Me (Raven) $1000
4. Ponto (Black Adam, Green Arrow, Shazam)
5. Puchi (Superman, Scorpion, Batgirl)
5. El Cuco (Superman, Green Lantern)
7. Broly (Bane)
7. El Chico Korn (Scorpion)

Overall it was a nice experience. I'll keep you update if I manage to get the footage.


My blades will find your heart
I got 3rd in the Espacio Personal Juegos, 64 people, all the top players from the country there.

Overall I reached winners finals and then got beasted by supi. Then, in losers finals, once again. I guess it's my fault and should revise my MU thoughts on him better probably I didn't got into demon mode as much as I should had, but well. Also, Nightwing is a pain.

1. Juanse (Superman) Prize: $4000
2. Tano (Catwoman, Superman) $2000
3. Me (Raven) $1000
4. Ponto (Black Adam, Green Arrow, Shazam)
5. Puchi (Superman, Scorpion, Batgirl)
5. El Cuco (Superman, Green Lantern)
7. Broly (Bane)
7. El Chico Korn (Scorpion)

Overall it was a nice experience. I'll keep you update if I manage to get the footage.
great job man! Tano is no joke, his Catwoman is sick.


I miss you
great job man! Tano is no joke, his Catwoman is sick.
Actually I defeated Tano 2-1 against his Catwoman in winners semis, we've playing the Raven-Catwoman matchup since day 1. He turned me upside down with supi in losers finals. But yeah, he's an awesome player and more of Catwoman mains should look up to his gameplay.


Princess of the Sisterhood
I got 3rd in the Espacio Personal Juegos, 64 people, all the top players from the country there.

Overall I reached winners finals and then got beasted by supi. Then, in losers finals, once again. I guess it's my fault and should revise my MU thoughts on him better probably I didn't got into demon mode as much as I should had, but well. Also, Nightwing is a pain.

1. Juanse (Superman) Prize: $4000
2. Tano (Catwoman, Superman) $2000
3. Me (Raven) $1000
4. Ponto (Black Adam, Green Arrow, Shazam)
5. Puchi (Superman, Scorpion, Batgirl)
5. El Cuco (Superman, Green Lantern)
7. Broly (Bane)
7. El Chico Korn (Scorpion)

Overall it was a nice experience. I'll keep you update if I manage to get the footage.
Good shit dude!! Gime footage I wana see your Raven.

Also Zoidberg747 yeah Flash is going to be a problem. Played my buddy The_SNKE in a local today. Winners finals I beat him 3-0 then in grand finals we had really close games till he reset it 3-2 and then fucking bodied me 3-1.


I miss you
Good shit dude!! Gime footage I wana see your Raven.

Also Zoidberg747 yeah Flash is going to be a problem. Played my buddy The_SNKE in a local today. Winners finals I beat him 3-0 then in grand finals we had really close games till he reset it 3-2 and then fucking bodied me 3-1.

http://www.twitch.tv/geeklounge at some point they'll maybe upload the footage. Also, check out the Grand Finals, damn it was sick.


My blades will find your heart
Good shit dude!! Gime footage I wana see your Raven.

Also Zoidberg747 yeah Flash is going to be a problem. Played my buddy The_SNKE in a local today. Winners finals I beat him 3-0 then in grand finals we had really close games till he reset it 3-2 and then fucking bodied me 3-1.
It seems like a bad MU for sure. With time I think it can be overcome though(or maybe some flash nerfs huehuehuehue).

Grats on getting 2nd at your local though. Still a solid showing.


Princess of the Sisterhood
It seems like a bad MU for sure. With time I think it can be overcome though(or maybe some flash nerfs huehuehuehue).

Grats on getting 2nd at your local though. Still a solid showing.
I know it'll get easier to deal with but his flash is the absolute best I've played and he just gets better everytime I see him. Cant wait till we get to go to vindication. I'm so fucking proud of him (,: also thanks!


I know it'll get easier to deal with but his flash is the absolute best I've played and he just gets better everytime I see him. Cant wait till we get to go to vindication. I'm so fucking proud of him (,: also thanks!

<3 you homie, you and me are gonna make some noise at Vindication! :D


I miss you
Apparently they contacted the group who put up all the logistics and stuff for streaming the tournament, only the Grand Final was uploaded to youtube. The whole content is property of Personal, a mobile phone company which hosted the event. Let's hope they upload the rest of the footage as well :(