Fabulous Goofball
I will admit that some of Joker's trait suggestions and Lobo's MAYBE Suggestions are "wish List" suggestions. But you have to agree that Joker's 212, and f232 strings need to get fixed since a lot of the characters can just duck his mids, it's really more of a fix than a buff. I also see F21 becoming an overhead mid instead of a mid overhead as more of a fix than a buff as well. These changes, including less startup time on RLG would improve his close up game, considering how.... weak his zoning game is, I feel like he needs these changes. With Joker's Trait, I was just thinking "what would make Joker players ever use this thing?" All his trait does is improves his walk speed and jump in speed, what about his dash speed? I was also thinking maybe he should get a damage boost, but decided to think up of something more interesting and useful.I see some suggestions as viable and I see some as "wish list" stuff. Consider the effect these changes will have in tournament play, casual players, et cetera. For lobo i agree with the lower vertacl hitbox when dashing and trait suggestions. For joker i agree with the decreased start up on gas. Making his parry 1 frame is interesting.
With Lobo, his hook charge is his only wake up option, but it's just bad. The chain will whiff a jumping opponent and Lobo would most likely eat a combo because it looks like Lobo invincibility on wake up doesn't last that long. Then there is MB Hook Charge, it has armor, but it doesn't kick in until AFTER the chain, see the problem?