It's amore, BABY.
I love when people base matchups off of watching a terrible player. The only match you couldve seen of me vs a flash was at NLBC, against a terrible flash player. You haven't seen any match where I'm desperate for my life the entire match. There was even a guy at Vxg who raped me like 15-4 because he understood the matchup.A good superman will have to use lasers and breath just to make flash trying to get close from fullscreen again. And Flash has no projectile which means that he has to deal with f23 breath everytimes he goes in and again, Flash' string don't have a decent range beside his very slow b22.
I've seen KDZ against a flash, and it was fucking one sided lol. I believe he likes downplaying his main, especially since people saw what superman was capable of at EVO.
Dodge speed into trait isn't viable at all since the active frame are weird (working only in the middle of the string). Just try it in a real game and come back here. Also, if DS decide to MB his fire shot, you'll lose 20sec trait (for around 30sec round you will cry) and some life to get back fullscreen again with no option but dashing.
If I downplay my character, it's not nearly as much as people insanely overhype my character, to the point of looking at a top player vs scrub match and basing an opinion off of that