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The Wharf ATTN: All Online TYM Users!


Makes women fap
[MENTION=7790]FrozenEnemy[/MENTION] wait... No..
[MENTION=6270]Gamma-is-Back[/MENTION] ... Damn it..
[MENTION=7704]Playpal[/MENTION] fuck.. Who am I tryna talk to?
[MENTION=7140]KamikazeJD[/MENTION] wait what?
@tym mentioning people is fun!
[MENTION=16]REO[/MENTION] sup bro!
[MENTION=7084]Big Frog[/MENTION] I used up my meter like a wiffed wake up xray..

Ps [MENTION=6481]Insuperable[/MENTION]



Salt Proprietor of TYM
Glad you could finally witness my skills, Insouperable. Few fight me and leave with clean dinghys. Seriously though had fun with you. I play mostly for fun...obviously lol GGs Insoupnazi Cometh

The clear strong midshipmen today were def Slim and Magass or whatever his name was. Dudes were wreckin'.
Do you mind if I steal Faptalk??

Big Frog

Dojo Trainee
All yours, friend.

Staying true to my word, here's me and my cousin representing the Wharf. It's old, but o well.

Sorry, now back to gaming.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
[MENTION=7084]Big Frog[/MENTION]

You're probably the dude on the left


I know what barometer means, I was just being ridiculous.


Big Frog

Dojo Trainee

The politeness just oozes.

btw The Wharf room from like 1-3 pm today was the craziest I've ever seen it. Was it like everyone's day off or something??


Makes women fap
I kno big homie. I was jus playin.
Butttttt looking at your sig made me think.. We should put up a definition of woolay onto urban dictionary. People need to know the meaning.. Hell, I want to know the meaning! This should be a 'TeamWharf' project


Plays too much Civ
I decided to get my work done early yesterday since that last minute meeting screwed me over. Opening the Wharf around 4 P.M. EST. [MENTION=6481]Insuperable[/MENTION] might be rotating with me.
Random mention to the superior Kamikaze: [MENTION=7140]KamikazeJD[/MENTION]


Forgot to say Wharf's open
I didn't see it @ 1948 EST so I created it :)


GGs to [MENTION=8368]RunwayMafia[/MENTION]. Near the end I feel like I was making it harder for your Kitana. :) At least I hope so. I need lots more time against Sindel and Sheeva though, and just more practice in general. Is that throw after telestop unavoidable?


GGs to the bros in the wharf. Except kamikaze_playerhater. I whupped his ass and he got all salty "lag ruined the game bro noob vs sub is such a bad matchup for noob".

lmfao i'm just fucking around he gave me a spanking.


so i created the TYM room a few times yesterday and no one cared. today, i added a few zeros in the beginning and it was full the rest of the day lol.
i'm overall happy about the good competition in that room. it's nice. of course, it does have some bad eggs...
even a long time ago before i knew what TYM was i noticed most of the players in that room are always a lot better.


ahhh GGs to [MENTION=7140]KamikazeJD[/MENTION]. he got me with his ermac. twice! made me look like a noob that didn't know any combos.

EDIT: three times.... lol


Makes women fap
ahhh GGs to [MENTION=7140]KamikazeJD[/MENTION]. he got me with his ermac. twice! made me look like a noob that didn't know any combos.

EDIT: three times.... lol
That wasnt me, that was prolly kamikaze_player.
Im kamikazejoten or crazy_kmikaze_88. Im sure,they were good games tho. [MENTION=7790]FrozenEnemy[/MENTION] hes got quite the mac attack.
Speaking of [MENTION=7790]FrozenEnemy[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3479]AdmiralAugustus[/MENTION] admiral you kno because of u callin me and kamiplayer the 'kamikaze brothers' people really think we are? Haha im the Ermac player an he ,the noob player. Jus an observation tho, not an objection


yeah, it was kamikaze_player haha. there's too many of you people!
i was wondering why he didn't teabag and fatality me when he won. i was also wondering why he started using noob.


Makes women fap
Im not a child. I wouldnt have tbagged u. Maybe a fatality n babality. But id jus showcase my skills n go from there


well there are a lot of people in good ol mk9 online who are children and do exactly that and more lol
someone did the jumping thing to me today after i lost but ran out of time for the fatality.

GGs to [MENTION=1]STORMS[/MENTION]. didn't know mods actually played the game =]
Ggs husteen. You were a tough Sindel player. On the side note, my brother from another mother joten is very chill. He has been classy ever since I first met him imho. Likewise, playing with husteen made me a better competitor and he seems like a likable guy. I think you both should differences aside and start over tbh. I think u should join forces with me and attack the trio of playpal, agoostus, and avengedpms fwiw imho.