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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


Skarlet who ?
Just recently Superman just touches her sword and it cuts his hand. Superman and Doomsday share durability initially [cant beat Doomsday same way twice obviously].

Doomsday has no resistance to magic.

Do people not get magic? Magic is powerful, her weapons are ridiculous. The gods are ridiculous.

Like I said, writers do stupid things, why did Diana not use her bracers, where was her sword, why did she not use her shield, shit even her little tiara cut Supermans throat, and she just wears that on her head and never even needs to use that. Instead she just tries to toss her lass

Writers are so stupid that they ALWAYS fuck up hero vs hero fights or hero vs popular villain fights, just like Superman vs Hulk, or Batman vs Hulk [lulz], or THOR vs Hulk. They ALWAYS forget about the heroes abilities or powers, why? Because they dont want to piss anyone off, and to shape stuff to fit in their story, despite all logic. Wouldnt be very interesting if WW just cut his arm off using her superior speed or used her indestructible bracers or shields and superior reflexes to block everything.

They always forget Supermans superspeed in fights with the hulk, and they almost ALWAYS forget about ALL of Wonder Womans powers/abilities/weapons in fights outside of her comics and fights against gods and random villains. All of a sudden when she joins the JL or fights famous villains she loses all her powers and abilities and weapons? Just like with THOR fights. Finally though she is recognized as faster than Superman in a fight... until the writers decide to throw that out the window when they feel like it randomly.

She gets jobbed the most I've seen outside of THOR. She did take out the entire Justice League in cannon though, so that was nice. Only one other than her to do that was Batman... but he actually failed, and his plans were altered. So only WW was able to stop the Justice League.

Also, her bracers shoot magic lightning at her opponent. Like Shazam/BA, THOR.

Phoenix is a universal force on the same level as Galactus, total sky father level and beyond.

Only Odinforce THOR could beat a Phoenix or Celestial enhanced/powered being. Or RuneKing THOR.

OdinForce THOR/RuneKing THOR, SupermanPrime, Celestial Sentry, Phoenix, they are basically capital G god.

So I just showed you Doomsday beating the crap out of WW ( and before that he owned entire JLA of Flash, WW, MM, Orion, Kyle Rayner, Plastic Man, BG in 1 panel) and you tell me this "bla bla bla writers are stupid" ? Dafuq did I just read ?

Magic ? Freaking magic ? How about a Guardian of Galaxy KILLED himself in order to just get rid of Doomsday ? Thousands of GLs he killed ? How about withstanding Omega Beams and beating the crap out of Darkseid ? Withstanding Waverider energy and using it against him ? Killed the being of pure energy ? LOL, this guy is ridiculous. I'll leave you alone with your delusional statements. This is just too hilarious, your nonsense made my day.


I will spit on your tomb!
So I just showed you Doomsday beating the crap out of WW ( and before that he owned entire JLA of Flash, WW, MM, Orion, Kyle Rayner, Plastic Man, BG in 1 panel) and you tell me this "bla bla bla writers are stupid" ? Dafuq did I just read ?

Magic ? Freaking magic ? How about a Guardian of Galaxy KILLED himself in order to just get rid of Doomsday ? Thousands of GLs he killed ? How about withstanding Omega Beams and beating the crap out of Darkseid ? Withstanding Waverider energy and using it against him ? Killed the being of pure energy ? LOL, this guy is ridiculous. I'll leave you alone with your delusional statements. This is just too hilarious, your nonsense made my day.
Not that I want to get in the middle of what you got going on there, but the Omega Beams are a cosmic power, not magical.


Skarlet who ?
Not that I want to get in the middle of what you got going on there, but the Omega Beams are a cosmic power, not magical.
But GLs are magical, right ? Plus, I don't think you want to tell Diana's magic is on par with Omega Beams.


I will spit on your tomb!
But GLs are magical, right ? Plus, I don't think you want to tell Diana's magic is on par with Omega Beams.

No, actually they're not considered magical. :/

Ah, but you're looking at it from ABC logic. Meaning that C must come after B and B after A. It's not always so clear cut.

You are both right and wrong. Yes, absolutely the Omega effect is far more powerful than any of Wonder Womans magical weapons. That goes without question. But the difference is Superman has a vulnerability to magic. So even though Wonder Womans sword could never be as powerful as the Omega effect, the fact is it is more effect when damage is done than the Omega Effect.

The Omega effect is so powerful it can still mess up Superman badly but if it was actually magic it would obliterate him. It doesn't have to be insanely powerful magic to hurt Superman. This is why Black Adam has defeated him, Shazam, Circe, DCs version of Thor sliced his chest open and knocked him right out with the blunted side of his magical ax, etc.


I will spit on your tomb!
Actually, the crossovers were canon for GL for a long time until Johns came around and dicked around with GL as he saw fit.

Which really doesn't change my point. Marvel wised up and pulled away from them being canon. I believe they were STILL canon in DC until hellish 52.


Skarlet who ?
No, actually they're not considered magical. :/

Ah, but you're looking at it from ABC logic. Meaning that C must come after B and B after A. It's not always so clear cut.

You are both right and wrong. Yes, absolutely the Omega effect is far more powerful than any of Wonder Womans magical weapons. That goes without question. But the difference is Superman has a vulnerability to magic. So even though Wonder Womans sword could never be as powerful as the Omega effect, the fact is it is more effect when damage is done than the Omega Effect.

The Omega effect is so powerful it can still mess up Superman badly but if it was actually magic it would obliterate him. It doesn't have to be insanely powerful magic to hurt Superman. This is why Black Adam has defeated him, Shazam, Circe, DCs version of Thor sliced his chest open and knocked him right out with the blunted side of his magical ax, etc.
I actually argued not about Superman, but Doomsday, and that guy stated that her sword cuts him easily, while that
1) Has never happened in comic books IIRC
2) Mother Box sword did nothing but faze him for a second

And it's not like Superman hasn't beaten magical beings before, but that is not the case.
I heard GL rings are actually a magical weapon, but I'm not an expert on that so won't touch.


I will spit on your tomb!
I actually argued not about Superman, but Doomsday, and that guy stated that her sword cuts him easily, while that
1) Has never happened in comic books IIRC
2) Mother Box sword did nothing but faze him for a second

And it's not like Superman hasn't beaten magical beings before, but that is not the case.
I heard GL rings are actually a magical weapon, but I'm not an expert on that so won't touch.

Fair enough, but since Doomsday has Kryptonian DNA I would imagine his weakness would be applicable. That said, I am not 100% sure - its simply a factor to me. I can't say I am convinced Wonder Woman could beat him - I do acknowledge it as a possibility though. She has stalemated Superman numerous times and beaten him twice that I am personal aware of. She is the superior fighter to him.

Sure he has beaten magical being before - didn't imply he hasn't. But it is problematic. And no, I am positive they're (the rings) aren't magical.


Skarlet who ?
Fair enough, but since Doomsday has Kryptonian DNA I would imagine his weakness would be applicable. That said, I am not 100% sure - its simply a factor to me. I can't say I am convinced Wonder Woman could beat him - I do acknowledge it as a possibility though. She has stalemated Superman numerous times and beaten him twice that I am personal aware of. She is the superior fighter to him.

Sure he has beaten magical being before - didn't imply he hasn't. But it is problematic. And no, I am positive they're (the rings) aren't magical.
Doomsday doesn't have Kryptonian DNA. Doomsday Rex version had, but not Doomsday. And WW doesn't stand a chance against him and he already beat her. She couldn't deal with him with entire JLA backing her up, how come she will do that alone ? No way.


I will spit on your tomb!
Doomsday doesn't have Kryptonian DNA. Doomsday Rex version had, but not Doomsday. And WW doesn't stand a chance against him and he already beat her. She couldn't deal with him with entire JLA backing her up, how come she will do that alone ? No way.
You're mistaken - doomsday has always had Kryptonian DNA. He was created from Berton, a geneticist who went to Krypton several hundred thousand years ago. I still think she has a chance on some level. Just because he beat her doesn't mean he'd do it absolutely every time.

Thats like saying Superman will ALWAYS lose to Wonder Woman because she has defeated him. Again though, like I previously said - I don't think its likely. Just a possibility.


Skarlet who ?
You're mistaken - doomsday has always had Kryptonian DNA. He was created from Berton, a geneticist who went to Krypton several hundred thousand years ago. I still think she has a chance on some level. Just because he beat her doesn't mean he'd do it absolutely every time.

Thats like saying Superman will ALWAYS lose to Wonder Woman because she has defeated him. Again though, like I previously said - I don't think its likely. Just a possibility.
No he doesn't have Kryptonian DNA. The infant was brought to Krypton by Bertron and there he experimented on him. Doomsday Rex had kryptonian DNA fused with his body and so he was much weaker.


RIP Grundy

Can't scarlet witch manipulate the fabric of reality, at will? erm, i don't think thor can really do that.
All she has to do is decide, no more thor and he vanishes from existence?

As for Thor Vs Hulk, hulk has an indefinite level of strength durability and regenration, thor doesn't.

Where are you getting your info from.

More to the point, we're talking about characters in different universes yet i'm being unreasonable mentioning the strongest one, because er you say so?

yep i was right, you're an idiot.


I will spit on your tomb!
Can't scarlet witch manipulate the fabric of reality, at will? erm, i don't think thor can really do that.
All she has to do is decide, no more Thor and he vanishes from existence?
Gee, why didn't see do that when they just fought? I think your answer is there.

As for Thor Vs Hulk, hulk has an indefinite level of strength durability and regenration, thor doesn't.
Hm, interesting. In avengers ten Thor and Hulk were locked in a kind of mercy strength struggle for an entire hour. Thats an entire hour an enraged hulk couldn't overpower Thor. Actually, Thor does have regeneration (just not on par with Hulks) and regeneration doesn't help when you are being overwhelmed. As I said, Thor has handled the Hulk several times when he has needed to.

Where are you getting your info from
Comic books. I can site every instance I bring up.
Where are you getting yours? Imagination?

More to the point, we're talking about characters in different universes yet i'm being unreasonable mentioning the strongest one, because er you say so?
When did I say you're being unreasonable? I implied you don't know what you're talking about which you proved in this very post, again.

yep i was right, you're an idiot.

The irony is so sweet my teeth hurt.


RIP Grundy

Gee, why didn't see do that when they just fought? I think your answer is there.
Your first sentence isn't even English, i don't even know what that means. I'd love to see you bring up whatever your saying in comic books, considering it doesn't make any sense here...

In avengers 10? lol ok so like in this youtube video thor loses, does that mean in your eyes we're even? hahahahahah

Bringing up TOAA is stupid
When did I say you're being unreasonable? I implied you don't know what you're talking about which you proved in this very post, again.
You're an idiot.


I will spit on your tomb!
Your first sentence isn't even English, i don't even know what that means. I'd love to see you bring up whatever your saying in comic books, considering it doesn't make any sense here...
So in other words you have nothing of substance to say and focus on an obvious typo?

In avengers 10? lol ok so like in this youtube video thor loses, does that mean in your eyes we're even? hahahahahah
Cartoons, movies, out of continuity comics aren't canon, you moron.

Lol, outstanding.

You're an idiot.
Again with the amazing irony


Eternal student
I am saying he would never hit her when she's fighting him, "realistically". Shes MUCH faster in a fight, would block everything, and if one or two went through her durability is more than enough to take some punches from Superman.

But she kills Superman quick, and fast, shes too fast upclose, and he cant hurt her from far away. Superman needs resistance to magic, and then its fair. [same with a fight, realistically, against THOR]

No snakes allowed in this tourney.
You're worse than Batman fanboys.
"Realistically" Superman's attacks are just below the speed of light
"Realistically" being near his punch is being next to a giant explosion
"Realistically" WW can get hurt by bullets and swords
"Realistically" WW gets injured by attacks from the likes of cheetah and hawkgirl
In canon, like the comic "Sacrifice" she admits that Superman is superior and she was losing to a braindead supeman that was just swinging his arms around and throwing shit.

But you're just going to come back and continue saying "umm..errr she'll win", so how about this. Give me your sources.
Show when WW can go untouched when fighting superman.
Show me when she ever dodged anything near the speed of light, hell even past the speed of sound. I'll even take it if you give me a valid source that states "WW can dodge things that move at the speed of light"
Please give me a source that proves she'll just shrug off supes no hold barred attacks, when she gets injured by the likes of cheetah.
I'm waiting.

I'm not saying he'll shit on her in a fight like you're saying of the reverse, but you're going to have to convince me that WW just bodies Superman.