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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
By terms the winner would be Ares.
He shouldn't even be associated in comics.
He himself is conflict. The God of War. He is immortal.
If he wasn't a factor, it would be a highly debatable argument between Superman and Doomsday.

Shazam and Black Adam are highly over-rated.
Their powers are greatly limited and 75% of you didn't even know Black Adam existed before Injustice.

Wonder Woman? She's literally a character they made up to prove woman could be superheros as well. It makes no sense to even give her all that power out of nowhere. Though she still has a better chance than Adam and Shazam, she would not come out on top in this battle.

Wonder Woman is just the perfect warrior. The best fighter on the planet, with the best weapons [magic], who is the fastest in a fight outside Flash, whose strength is top 5, who is more durable than everyone but Superman/Doomsday for physical attacks, but most durable overall. Her magic sword cuts through Superman and Doomsday like butter, and she's too fast in a fight for them to not get a limb or head taken off by her sword. BA/Shazam is a different story as they are resistant to some magic, although she regularly beats Shazam everywhere, which makes sense, he's kind of ignorant given his wisdom, and a bad fighter, and his magic is useless against her, and he's slower in a fight.

Her speed, godly weapons, her healing which is the fastest there is, her durability, and superior fighting abilities/strategies which are far beyond Batmans makes her the best in 1v1s. She's the ultimate 1v1 fighter.

I think Superman is definitely more useful against an alien invasion, as nicely illustrated in Injustice like 24ish.


RIP Grundy
If we are talking about comics, have you read A Trial By Fire JLA 84-89? A former vilainess Scorch helps Martian Manhunter to defeat his fear of Fire which opens up his genetic memory ( it is actaully explained that Martians were ones a savage race called Burning, the were destroying everything with fire, they were so dangerous that Guardians of Galaxy had to put the fear of fire into there genetic memory and split them into white and green races). A new persona called Fernus came from J'on's subconscious. It didn't have Jon's morals so it began to use his powers without holding back. He manipulated the whole planet (made all batman's villains sane again, put Lex US President into coma and stopped most political conflicts) used his shapeshifting, strengh, speed martian vision and invisibility so that no one in the league(even all of them together) could match him physically (he also was able to creat artificial kryptonite and use his phasing powers to phase people into matter, so it became part of them), mindraped the whole League, including Wonder Woman, Superman and Flash. Only when batman brought Plastic Man who can not be mind controlled and uses shape shifting in a more creative way than MMH and was able to physically distract him long enough for one group of the league to break from his control and fight him and for the other group of heros to travel into his subconscious and free Jon's persona.
In other comics Doomsday did beat MMH but again using his weakness to fire, and it was stated that MMH can copy anybody down to their DNA (it was actaully stated when he was scanning Diana AKA Wonder Woman and was able to turn his body into exact duplicate of her). That means he can get as strong as Doomsday ( his main power is His super adaptation which is controlled through DNA). And through his telepathy he can get all the information, knowledge, experience,memories to perfectly copy not only body but mind as well. This was extended even to souls, as it was once explained that MMH was holding all the souls of the deceased martians in his because their race had such strong connection and now he has a strong connection to subconscious of the whole planet earth. Not to mention that he can creat illusory realities for one to live in.
In current New 52 I beleive they stated numerous times that MMH is the only one who can take Superman.

BUT, This is comics people. One writer says Superman is God,can destroy galaxies with a sneeze and punch holes in reality and the other says the same about Flash who can run faster than time or even Death:)and than they both are getting slapped around by Grundy in the next story:)it all serves the story.
I like your logic, so what you're saying is, Grundy wins. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
If we are talking about comics, have you read A Trial By Fire JLA 84-89? A former vilainess Scorch helps Martian Manhunter to defeat his fear of Fire which opens up his genetic memory ( it is actaully explained that Martians were ones a savage race called Burning, the were destroying everything with fire, they were so dangerous that Guardians of Galaxy had to put the fear of fire into there genetic memory and split them into white and green races). A new persona called Fernus came from J'on's subconscious. It didn't have Jon's morals so it began to use his powers without holding back. He manipulated the whole planet (made all batman's villains sane again, put Lex US President into coma and stopped most political conflicts) used his shapeshifting, strengh, speed martian vision and invisibility so that no one in the league(even all of them together) could match him physically (he also was able to creat artificial kryptonite and use his phasing powers to phase people into matter, so it became part of them), mindraped the whole League, including Wonder Woman, Superman and Flash. Only when batman brought Plastic Man who can not be mind controlled and uses shape shifting in a more creative way than MMH and was able to physically distract him long enough for one group of the league to break from his control and fight him and for the other group of heros to travel into his subconscious and free Jon's persona.
In other comics Doomsday did beat MMH but again using his weakness to fire, and it was stated that MMH can copy anybody down to their DNA (it was actaully stated when he was scanning Diana AKA Wonder Woman and was able to turn his body into exact duplicate of her). That means he can get as strong as Doomsday ( his main power is His super adaptation which is controlled through DNA). And through his telepathy he can get all the information, knowledge, experience,memories to perfectly copy not only body but mind as well. This was extended even to souls, as it was once explained that MMH was holding all the souls of the deceased martians in his because their race had such strong connection and now he has a strong connection to subconscious of the whole planet earth. Not to mention that he can creat illusory realities for one to live in.
In current New 52 I beleive they stated numerous times that MMH is the only one who can take Superman.

BUT, This is comics people. One writer says Superman is God,can destroy galaxies with a sneeze and punch holes in reality and the other says the same about Flash who can run faster than time or even Death:)and than they both are getting slapped around by Grundy in the next story:)it all serves the story.
His mind control in the new 52 would work on pretty much everyone outside WW, BA/Shazam and maybe Raven?

Still, copying Dianas DNA doesnt grant him her speed and powers, as those have nothing to do with her DNA like it does Superman and such, but they are just gifted to her by the gods.

I wouldnt be surprised if MMH took Superman, Superman has a LOT of weaknesses and doesnt resist anything, magic or mind control.

I agree, many writers are stupid.


I will spit on your tomb!
touche, you've got me there.

You're opener would have been stronger with 'i'm an idiot' though, again so we know to move on x

Problem with your list is.

Galactus is BY FAR the most powerful person there. (Bringing up TOAA is stupid)

Thor has handled Hulk expeditiously every time he has truly needed to. In including killing him AND The Thing once while missing an arm and an eye.

Scarlet Witch along with Havock tapped into her entire power, fired it into Thor and all it did was slow him down.

Thor killed Sentry

Thor, before he even has Mjolnir defeated Apocalypse.

Thanos is more capable than Thor - whilst admitting he fears Thor's power. But how many people can take Thanos on? Almost no one under Skyfather level.

Like I said, it would have been easier for you to make some shit up... oh wait you did!

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Problem with your list is.

Galactus is BY FAR the most powerful person there. (Bringing up TOAA is stupid)

Thor has handled Hulk expeditiously every time he has truly needed to. In including killing him AND The Thing once while missing an arm and an eye.

Scarlet Witch along with Havock tapped into her entire power, fired it into Thor and all it did was slow him down.

Thor killed Sentry

Thor, before he even has Mjolnir defeated Apocalypse.

Thanos is more capable than Thor - whilst admitting he fears Thor's power. But how many people can take Thanos on? Almost no one under Skyfather level.

Like I said, it would have been easier for you to make some shit up... oh wait you did!
Yeah idk why someone would mention Galactus or TOAA or like Celestials or skyfathers. Only those unfamiliar with comics would bring those up in hero discussions.

And yes, THOR easily > Scarlet Witch. and he snapped Sentrys neck.


You guys are talking absolute nonsense, mixing universes together, tut tut.

Thor is marvel ffs, if you insist on bringing in marvel characters,

Scarlett Witch
TOAA (the one above all lol)

LOL Thor. He wouldn't have a chance against any of the above... maybe, MAYBE galactus and thats a bit of a stretch.

If we don't limit ourselves to the game and focus on DC, it would be The Presence or Michael Demiguros or his brother.

In this particular universe, if we limit ourselves to the game. In the context of a tournament, it's going superman or flash. Just because someone can regenerate, doesn't mean they won anything!

You guys don't know anything about comics (puts flame suit on hahahah)
In marvel my favorite powerhouse is Legion aka David Haller, Xavier's son. He has multiple personalities ( couple of hundreds ) and each of them has it's own power set. Some of the warp reality and time.


I will spit on your tomb!
Yeah idk why someone would mention Galactus or TOAA or like Celestials or skyfathers. Only those unfamiliar with comics would bring those up in hero discussions.

And yes, THOR easily > Scarlet Witch. and he snapped Sentrys neck.

Yeah, you can count on one hand how many people can defeat a fully fed Galactus on one hand.

Mmm, Thor snapping Sentry's neck wasn't canon so that one doesn't count. I'm not busting chops, just that if you start using non-canon things then you have to deal with other people using non-canon stuff. That said lol, I don't think there is one person in the JLA who could defeat Thor one on one.


Yeah idk why someone would mention Galactus or TOAA or like Celestials or skyfathers. Only those unfamiliar with comics would bring those up in hero discussions.

And yes, THOR easily > Scarlet Witch. and he snapped Sentrys neck.
Thor snapped Sentry's neck in a WHAT IF story, that isn't canon. In Seige when they fought Sentry was more powerful than him and avengers, but when Bob Reynolds ( the human persona of Sentry- void) realized what he was doing he let Thor kill him. He is a reality warper and can not die unless he wants to stay dead.
AND about Scarlet Witch. Have you read House of M. Because she changes the whole Marvel reality into what she believes to be an ideal world. I doubt Thor can take her at this level.


I will spit on your tomb!
Thor snapped Sentry's neck in a WHAT IF story, that isn't canon. In Seige when they fought Sentry was more powerful than him and avengers, but when Bob Reynolds ( the human persona of Sentry- void) realized what he was doing he let Thor kill him. He is a reality warper and can not die unless he wants to stay dead.
AND about Scarlet Witch. Have you read House of M. Because she changes the whole Marvel reality into what she believes to be an ideal world. I doubt Thor can take her at this level.

You're one of those people...

Well, I'll just say I don't agree. Void was in control when Thor killed him.

Scarlet Witch and Thor recently clashed, she tapped into her entire power and all it did was slow him down.



Skarlet who ?
Wonder Woman is just the perfect warrior. The best fighter on the planet, with the best weapons [magic], who is the fastest in a fight outside Flash, whose strength is top 5, who is more durable than everyone but Superman/Doomsday for physical attacks, but most durable overall. Her magic sword cuts through Superman and Doomsday like butter, and she's too fast in a fight for them to not get a limb or head taken off by her sword.
Her speed, godly weapons, her healing which is the fastest there is, her durability, and superior fighting abilities/strategies which are far beyond Batmans makes her the best in 1v1s. She's the ultimate 1v1 fighter.
Ultimate fighter my ass.

"Her magic sword cuts through Superman and Doomsday like butter, and she's too fast in a fight for them to not get a limb or head taken off by her sword."
Proof or didn't happen.
And even then, Doomsday doesn't give a damn about that.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Problem with your list is.

Galactus is BY FAR the most powerful person there. (Bringing up TOAA is stupid)

Thor has handled Hulk expeditiously every time he has truly needed to. In including killing him AND The Thing once while missing an arm and an eye.

Scarlet Witch along with Havock tapped into her entire power, fired it into Thor and all it did was slow him down.

Thor killed Sentry

Thor, before he even has Mjolnir defeated Apocalypse.

Thanos is more capable than Thor - whilst admitting he fears Thor's power. But how many people can take Thanos on? Almost no one under Skyfather level.

Like I said, it would have been easier for you to make some shit up... oh wait you did!
TOAA yeah, not even a question. Living Tribunal too for DC's side

Depends on how you look at it, because he was stripped of his nullifier once and people like Odin's spirit dick-slapped him while he napped.

Correct on Hulk.

Scarlet Witch bloodlusted, like House of M where she warped the universe? I dunno about that...

True but didn't he need to really juice it for that? I remember some plot being involved, like Wolverine levels of it.

Yeah Apoc is a bit overrated.

Thanos with IG? Deuces.


You're one of those people...

Well, I'll just say I don't agree. Void was in control when Thor killed him.

Scarlet Witch and Thor recently clashed, she tapped into her entire power and all it did was slow him down.

He was phisically turning into Void to provoke Thor. Why else he would be screaming at that moment:"Kill me" if he was fully under Voids control. And Thor could have killed him before he tore down Asgard if it was so easy, but he didn't. But I agree that sounds stupid. It is all Bendis writing shit. In building up to the SEIGE in Dark avengers Sentry overpowers Molecule Man who has realiti warping power equal to Cosmic Cubes and than he just dies because of Thors lightning. He could at least state that it was thor's famous God Blast not just a lightning that didn't kill him before but did later. The same thing with Scarlet witch. Although I beleive she has never been on the House of M power level after her supposed death in that event. And you know Phoenix possessed mutants were smacking Thor in AvX storyline. When Scarlet witch and Hope together were able to contain Phoenix.It is all just stupid!
I don't think you should get personal because of this nerd nonsense ( and I am saying that being a nerd:)) mate.


I will spit on your tomb!
PLEASE, don't even put his name on my screen lol. Can't stand him and l o e b

Yeah, I and every other Thor fan noticed Thor being turned into a Jobber to say "Hey look how powerful they are now!" I think thats why Thor has been getting a lot of love lately. It made a lot of people pissed off how he got jobbed into all that crap. That said though, to me it was clearly the void at the final moment. Keep in mind too lightning, albeit his weakest magical attack, did kill the Chaos king too.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. People have been debating did or didn't he for years now. Guess we'll find out shortly with how the SUPER amped up Sentry is manhandling Thor right now.

And I'm just busting chops, nothing is personal to me really. :)


His mind control in the new 52 would work on pretty much everyone outside WW, BA/Shazam and maybe Raven?

Still, copying Dianas DNA doesnt grant him her speed and powers, as those have nothing to do with her DNA like it does Superman and such, but they are just gifted to her by the gods.

I wouldnt be surprised if MMH took Superman, Superman has a LOT of weaknesses and doesnt resist anything, magic or mind control.

I agree, many writers are stupid.
See, the problem is his telepathy didn't work on some magic users in old continuity as well, but again MMH never used it to such extent and in such perverse way as he did when he lost control. It basically worked on anything that had organic mind( hence Plastic Mans no longer being organic as Batman states) and Wonder Woman and also Raven(not the one from teen titans but a Shaman, a powerful mage helping JL in that story). And he did use telepathy on Black Adam before. Where in New 52 is it stated that he can't now???
Some of wonder woman powers come from her having DNA of a god( god like a race of very powerful beings not almighty spirit:)) but you are missing my point. He is able to overmatch her physically. His Shapeshifting can make his body as dense as it needs to be to withstand supermans strengh. And he doesn't need to copy her DNA. If he copies say Doomsdays DNA he will automatically be stronger and faster than her. Plus the phasing, matter manipulation and intangibility.


PLEASE, don't even put his name on my screen lol. Can't stand him and l o e b

Yeah, I and every other Thor fan noticed Thor being turned into a Jobber to say "Hey look how powerful they are now!" I think thats why Thor has been getting a lot of love lately. It made a lot of people pissed off how he got jobbed into all that crap. That said though, to me it was clearly the void at the final moment. Keep in mind too lightning, albeit his weakest magical attack, did kill the Chaos king too.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. People have been debating did or didn't he for years now. Guess we'll find out shortly with how the SUPER amped up Sentry is manhandling Thor right now.

And I'm just busting chops, nothing is personal to me really. :)
Yeah, you are right. Wait is Sentry back from the dead now? I haved read about him after Seige


Stay Puft
Superman because he is extremely dumb. Hes as powerful or as weak as the writer wants him to be, he has no clear limits (not even Kryptonite some times). I watched the DC Animated Superman/Doomsday and in that they wrote him to be immortal, he just needs time to regain himself.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
See, the problem is his telepathy didn't work on some magic users in old continuity as well, but again MMH never used it to such extent and in such perverse way as he did when he lost control. It basically worked on anything that had organic mind( hence Plastic Mans no longer being organic as Batman states) and Wonder Woman and also Raven(not the one from teen titans but a Shaman, a powerful mage helping JL in that story). And he did use telepathy on Black Adam before. Where in New 52 is it stated that he can't now???
Some of wonder woman powers come from her having DNA of a god( god like a race of very powerful beings not almighty spirit:)) but you are missing my point. He is able to overmatch her physically. His Shapeshifting can make his body as dense as it needs to be to withstand supermans strengh. And he doesn't need to copy her DNA. If he copies say Doomsdays DNA he will automatically be stronger and faster than her. Plus the phasing, matter manipulation and intangibility.
No Wonder Woman is still faster than Doomsday in a fight. And Martian Manhunter still would not posses her indestructible bracers or Zeus' aegis shield. And more importantly almost all of her powers dont come from her natural birth; her durability, speed, strength, intelligence, flight all come from gifts and power bestowed on her by different gods. She was born with basically nothing, it has nothing to do with her biology.

MMH would still be slower and susceptible to magic, and if he ever tried to get close enough and attack her his head would separatefrom his body with an all too fast magic sword attack.

And according to the comics its the gift of Empathy that was granted by Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom which gave her "The Sight of Athena" that makes her immune from mind control now. Which makes sense if you think about it, the wisdom of the god, their sight or insight is not going to be messed with by some martian or non god. Magic, ey.

Yeah, you can count on one hand how many people can defeat a fully fed Galactus on one hand.

Mmm, Thor snapping Sentry's neck wasn't canon so that one doesn't count. I'm not busting chops, just that if you start using non-canon things then you have to deal with other people using non-canon stuff. That said lol, I don't think there is one person in the JLA who could defeat Thor one on one.
Everyones using non-canon stuff. we have been this entire time.

Thor snapped Sentry's neck in a WHAT IF story, that isn't canon. In Seige when they fought Sentry was more powerful than him and avengers, but when Bob Reynolds ( the human persona of Sentry- void) realized what he was doing he let Thor kill him. He is a reality warper and can not die unless he wants to stay dead.
AND about Scarlet Witch. Have you read House of M. Because she changes the whole Marvel reality into what she believes to be an ideal world. I doubt Thor can take her at this level.
Scarlet Witch put all of her power and tried to defeat THOR, and it did nothing to Him.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Ultimate fighter my ass.

"Her magic sword cuts through Superman and Doomsday like butter, and she's too fast in a fight for them to not get a limb or head taken off by her sword."
Proof or didn't happen.
And even then, Doomsday doesn't give a damn about that.
Just recently Superman just touches her sword and it cuts his hand. Superman and Doomsday share durability initially [cant beat Doomsday same way twice obviously].

Doomsday has no resistance to magic.

Do people not get magic? Magic is powerful, her weapons are ridiculous. The gods are ridiculous.

Like I said, writers do stupid things, why did Diana not use her bracers, where was her sword, why did she not use her shield, shit even her little tiara cut Supermans throat, and she just wears that on her head and never even needs to use that. Instead she just tries to toss her lass

Writers are so stupid that they ALWAYS fuck up hero vs hero fights or hero vs popular villain fights, just like Superman vs Hulk, or Batman vs Hulk [lulz], or THOR vs Hulk. They ALWAYS forget about the heroes abilities or powers, why? Because they dont want to piss anyone off, and to shape stuff to fit in their story, despite all logic. Wouldnt be very interesting if WW just cut his arm off using her superior speed or used her indestructible bracers or shields and superior reflexes to block everything.

They always forget Supermans superspeed in fights with the hulk, and they almost ALWAYS forget about ALL of Wonder Womans powers/abilities/weapons in fights outside of her comics and fights against gods and random villains. All of a sudden when she joins the JL or fights famous villains she loses all her powers and abilities and weapons? Just like with THOR fights. Finally though she is recognized as faster than Superman in a fight... until the writers decide to throw that out the window when they feel like it randomly.

She gets jobbed the most I've seen outside of THOR. She did take out the entire Justice League in cannon though, so that was nice. Only one other than her to do that was Batman... but he actually failed, and his plans were altered. So only WW was able to stop the Justice League.

Also, her bracers shoot magic lightning at her opponent. Like Shazam/BA, THOR.

He was phisically turning into Void to provoke Thor. Why else he would be screaming at that moment:"Kill me" if he was fully under Voids control. And Thor could have killed him before he tore down Asgard if it was so easy, but he didn't. But I agree that sounds stupid. It is all Bendis writing shit. In building up to the SEIGE in Dark avengers Sentry overpowers Molecule Man who has realiti warping power equal to Cosmic Cubes and than he just dies because of Thors lightning. He could at least state that it was thor's famous God Blast not just a lightning that didn't kill him before but did later. The same thing with Scarlet witch. Although I beleive she has never been on the House of M power level after her supposed death in that event. And you know Phoenix possessed mutants were smacking Thor in AvX storyline. When Scarlet witch and Hope together were able to contain Phoenix.It is all just stupid!
I don't think you should get personal because of this nerd nonsense ( and I am saying that being a nerd:)) mate.
Phoenix is a universal force on the same level as Galactus, total sky father level and beyond.

Only Odinforce THOR could beat a Phoenix or Celestial enhanced/powered being. Or RuneKing THOR.

OdinForce THOR/RuneKing THOR, SupermanPrime, Celestial Sentry, Phoenix, they are basically capital G god.


Just recently Superman just touches her sword and it cuts his hand. Superman and Doomsday share durability initially [cant beat Doomsday same way twice obviously].

Doomsday has no resistance to magic.

Do people not get magic? Magic is powerful, her weapons are ridiculous. The gods are ridiculous.

Like I said, writers do stupid things, why did Diana not use her bracers, where was her sword, why did she not use her shield, shit even her little tiara cut Supermans throat, and she just wears that on her head and never even needs to use that. Instead she just tries to toss her lass

Writers are so stupid that they ALWAYS fuck up hero vs hero fights or hero vs popular villain fights, just like Superman vs Hulk, or Batman vs Hulk [lulz], or THOR vs Hulk. They ALWAYS forget about the heroes abilities or powers, why? Because they dont want to piss anyone off, and to shape stuff to fit in their story, despite all logic. Wouldnt be very interesting if WW just cut his arm off using her superior speed or used her indestructible bracers or shields and superior reflexes to block everything.

They always forget Supermans superspeed in fights with the hulk, and they almost ALWAYS forget about ALL of Wonder Womans powers/abilities/weapons in fights outside of her comics and fights against gods and random villains. All of a sudden when she joins the JL or fights famous villains she loses all her powers and abilities and weapons? Just like with THOR fights. Finally though she is recognized as faster than Superman in a fight... until the writers decide to throw that out the window when they feel like it randomly.

She gets jobbed the most I've seen outside of THOR. She did take out the entire Justice League in cannon though, so that was nice. Only one other than her to do that was Batman... but he actually failed, and his plans were altered. So only WW was able to stop the Justice League.

Also, her bracers shoot magic lightning at her opponent. Like Shazam/BA, THOR.

Phoenix is a universal force on the same level as Galactus, total sky father level and beyond.

Only Odinforce THOR could beat a Phoenix or Celestial enhanced/powered being. Or RuneKing THOR.

OdinForce THOR/RuneKing THOR, SupermanPrime, Celestial Sentry, Phoenix, they are basically capital G god.
Magic! - I don't have to explain shit:)!
Dude, you saying again that only WW beat entire JL. But I wrote you a paragraph about Trial by Fire story ( JLA 84-89) which is canon where MMH destroys the whole JL and then some.

I know what Phoenix Is! It just makes my point stronger, Scarlet Witch and hope were able to nullify it. I was talking about how powerful Scarlet witch is even after Her resurrection.