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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Really, Black Adam would in the end out fight her. It would be hard for Adam though.
Not sure, WW never tires, despite what that one animated movie incorrectly tried to show that her heart would give out or something stupid like that. Why would he outfight her? Shes just such a much better fighter than he is, the most skilled warrior on the planet.


Skarlet who ?
uhhh Death of Superman?

Plus, Doomsday still loses to Black Adam, and WW.
Wow, way to argue using the first issue they fought when they fought lots of time afterwards and Superman has never won. Not to mention Superman died in that fight and Doomsday just regenerated later.
Doomsday already raped Wonder Woman in comics, so no.
Black Faggam will also lose.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Wow, way to argue using the first issue they fought when they fought lots of time afterwards and Superman has never won. Not to mention Superman died in that fight and Doomsday just regenerated later.
Doomsday already raped Wonder Woman in comics, so no.
Black Faggam will also lose.
kool story.

neither of them died, derp.

cool logic about BA losing, just using gay slurs is a much better way to argue things for sure.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Superman died and then got resurrected by PIS story travelling from death.
Did you not read it or something?

'technically he wasn't so much DEAD as in a Super-coma, no one had the technology/knowledge to know the difference

he was revived in part due to being Lit up with high intensity lights while Cadmus took his DNA for Cloning,(the de facto explanation for his powers is that he absorbs yellow sun radiation) and then when the Eradicator/ The Kryptonian/ Visored Superman stole his body again, and put it into a regeneration chamber at the Fortress, using the body as a battery to power himself

between those two acts he was awakened but mortal (no stronger than a human), and later Eradicator returned the energy to him that he'd siphoned, making him Super again'

And saying "kool story" and just "he loses" without actual evidence is way to go.
kool story is what you get for not reading the thread. Maybe if you read this thread you'd already see why I said Doomsday loses. Or are you special and everyone has to repeat themselves for you? <3


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Flash makes everyone in the tournament cease to exist before the tournament even begins.
Themyscara sinks to the bottom of the ocean before WW arrives there, causing her to drown at a young age.
Superman is aborted from time shortly after landing.
Doomsday is lobotomized ala Superlords
The bullet that kills Batman's parents mystically fragments mid-flight and impales Bruce Wayne with shrapnel propelled at the speed of light.
Everyone else is just killed off normally by spontaneous disintegration or hyper-accelerated aging, with no known cause.
Mars is never seen or heard from again.

All in time for dinner. :cool:


Skarlet who ?
Did you not read it or something?

'technically he wasn't so much DEAD as in a Super-coma, no one had the technology/knowledge to know the difference

he was revived in part due to being Lit up with high intensity lights while Cadmus took his DNA for Cloning,(the de facto explanation for his powers is that he absorbs yellow sun radiation) and then when the Eradicator/ The Kryptonian/ Visored Superman stole his body again, and put it into a regeneration chamber at the Fortress, using the body as a battery to power himself

between those two acts he was awakened but mortal (no stronger than a human), and later Eradicator returned the energy to him that he'd siphoned, making him Super again'

kool story is what you get for not reading the thread. Maybe if you read this thread you'd already see why I said Doomsday loses. Or are you special and everyone has to repeat themselves for you? <3
So why do you write Superman beat him when he didn't ? They had lots of matches after that and none of those he won ( aside from DD clones).
You said WW beats him while DD beat the shit out of her.
BA won't do shit either, let me know when he will be able to take on Darkseid or tons of GLs, or JLA simultaneously.
Then we talk.
As of right now
Doomsday stomps/thread.


RIP Grundy
You guys are talking absolute nonsense, mixing universes together, tut tut.

Thor is marvel ffs, if you insist on bringing in marvel characters,

Scarlett Witch
TOAA (the one above all lol)

LOL Thor. He wouldn't have a chance against any of the above... maybe, MAYBE galactus and thats a bit of a stretch.

If we don't limit ourselves to the game and focus on DC, it would be The Presence or Michael Demiguros or his brother.

In this particular universe, if we limit ourselves to the game. In the context of a tournament, it's going superman or flash. Just because someone can regenerate, doesn't mean they won anything!

You guys don't know anything about comics (puts flame suit on hahahah)


Dojo Trainee
By terms the winner would be Ares.
He shouldn't even be associated in comics.
He himself is conflict. The God of War. He is immortal.
If he wasn't a factor, it would be a highly debatable argument between Superman and Doomsday.

Shazam and Black Adam are highly over-rated.
Their powers are greatly limited and 75% of you didn't even know Black Adam existed before Injustice.

Wonder Woman? She's literally a character they made up to prove woman could be superheros as well. It makes no sense to even give her all that power out of nowhere. Though she still has a better chance than Adam and Shazam, she would not come out on top in this battle.

Eagle Eye

I Seek To Depose!
people still dont understand.. Superman is the most powerful superhero of all time,Wonder woman cant' win because superman can defeat ww whit one punch (ww doesn't have invulnerability) same thing for flash,if superman touch flash, he is dead lol, and superman kills doomsday (the most powerful villain in dc comics,he is like hulk) Superman Always win guys :) anyway i think thiis a serius list in order of power
1 Superman
2 Doomsday
3 Darkseid
4General Zod
5 Lobo
6 Shazam or Adam
7 Green Lantern or Sinestro
8 Martian Manhunter
10 Wonder Woman
ww killed shazam in flash point paradox. doesnt that explain something?

Eagle Eye

I Seek To Depose!
Lobo beats WW, he can't die even if decapitated. He's just as strong if not stronger than Supes.
lobo might cant die but he could still take a nice ass beating. because you cant die doesnt make you all that good. its all about the fighting. superman would just beat his ass to the point where lobo would want to die. im not a fan of superman but stop using the whole excuse saying he cant die to make up for his lack of fighting skills.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Flash makes everyone in the tournament cease to exist before the tournament even begins.
Themyscara sinks to the bottom of the ocean before WW arrives there, causing her to drown at a young age.
Superman is aborted from time shortly after landing.
Doomsday is lobotomized ala Superlords
The bullet that kills Batman's parents mystically fragments mid-flight and impales Bruce Wayne with shrapnel propelled at the speed of light.
Everyone else is just killed off normally by spontaneous disintegration or hyper-accelerated aging, with no known cause.
Mars is never seen or heard from again.

All in time for dinner. :cool:


I will spit on your tomb!
You guys are talking absolute nonsense, mixing universes together, tut tut.

Thor is marvel ffs, if you insist on bringing in marvel characters,

Scarlett Witch
TOAA (the one above all lol)

LOL Thor. He wouldn't have a chance against any of the above... maybe, MAYBE galactus and thats a bit of a stretch.
It would be easier for you to say "I don't know what I am talking about but I'll make some shit up".

That way we know to move on.


RIP Grundy
It would be easier for you to say "I don't know what I am talking about but I'll make some shit up".

That way we know to move on.
touche, you've got me there.

You're opener would have been stronger with 'i'm an idiot' though, again so we know to move on x


Did you not read it or something?

'technically he wasn't so much DEAD as in a Super-coma, no one had the technology/knowledge to know the difference

he was revived in part due to being Lit up with high intensity lights while Cadmus took his DNA for Cloning,(the de facto explanation for his powers is that he absorbs yellow sun radiation) and then when the Eradicator/ The Kryptonian/ Visored Superman stole his body again, and put it into a regeneration chamber at the Fortress, using the body as a battery to power himself

between those two acts he was awakened but mortal (no stronger than a human), and later Eradicator returned the energy to him that he'd siphoned, making him Super again'

kool story is what you get for not reading the thread. Maybe if you read this thread you'd already see why I said Doomsday loses. Or are you special and everyone has to repeat themselves for you? <3
If we are talking about comics, have you read A Trial By Fire JLA 84-89? A former vilainess Scorch helps Martian Manhunter to defeat his fear of Fire which opens up his genetic memory ( it is actaully explained that Martians were ones a savage race called Burning, they were destroying everything with fire, they were so dangerous that Guardians of Galaxy had to put the fear of fire into their genetic memory and split them into white and green races). A new persona called Fernus came from J'on's subconscious. It didn't have Jon's morals so it began to use his powers without holding back. He manipulated the whole planet (made all batman's villains sane again, put Lex US President into coma and stopped most political conflicts) used his shapeshifting, strengh, speed martian vision and invisibility so that no one in the league(even all of them together) could match him physically (he also was able to creat artificial kryptonite and use his phasing powers to phase people into matter, so it became part of them), mindraped the whole League, including Wonder Woman, Superman and Flash. Only when batman brought Plastic Man who can not be mind controlled and uses shape shifting in a more creative way than MMH and was able to physically distract him long enough for one group of the league to break from his control and fight him and for the other group of heros to travel into his subconscious and free Jon's persona, they finally were able to take Fernus down.
In other comics Doomsday did beat MMH but again using his weakness to fire, and it was stated that MMH can copy anybody down to their DNA (it was actaully stated when he was scanning Diana AKA Wonder Woman and was able to turn his body into exact duplicate of her). That means he can get as strong as Doomsday ( his main power is His super adaptation which is controlled through DNA). And through his telepathy he can get all the information, knowledge, experience,memories to perfectly copy not only body but mind as well. This was extended even to souls, as it was once explained that MMH was holding all the souls of the deceased martians in his because their race had such strong connection and now he has a strong connection to subconscious of the whole planet earth. Not to mention that he can creat illusory realities for one to live in.
In current New 52 I beleive they stated numerous times that MMH is the only one who can take Superman.

BUT, This is comics people. One writer says Superman is God,can destroy galaxies with a sneeze and punch holes in reality and the other says the same about Flash who can run faster than time or even Death:)and than they both are getting slapped around by Grundy in the next story:)it all serves the story.