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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Hehe, it's getting ridiculous to argue, but somehow I think leaving someone as chaotic as Lobo at the beginning of time could have horrible ramifications for history in general in the long run :eek:
maybe, so couldn't flash theoretically pick apart lobo's molecules at one by one at his speed and destroy them by splinting them (theory of relativity went out the window) and run away fast enough to get away from all the nukes? lol


Alright, so let's do paradoxes instead, like Flashpoint, if Flash goes into the past and screw about with things, making people not be born etc. it could seriously alter the course of history, possibly resulting in his own death, meaning he never goes back in time to stop people being born in the first place, and loop ad infinitum.

It's one of the more annoying arguments I've heard as to why Flash couldn't just "back in time" Batman, as Batman has probably saved his life a few times... or saved the Earth, or whatever, so by ensuring he doesn't exist.. well yeah you get the picture.

Time Travel is the most irritating thing to argue. Ever.
Well, Impulse doesn't have that problem. He's immune to time changing effects which is why when Zero Hour happened, nothing changed for him.


Scary Bat
Well, Impulse doesn't have that problem. He's immune to time changing effects which is why when Zero Hour happened, nothing changed for him.
Luckily Impulse isn't in the game :p
maybe, so couldn't flash theoretically pick apart lobo's molecules at one by one at his speed and destroy them by splinting them (theory of relativity went out the window) and run away fast enough to get away from all the nukes? lol
I dunno lol. Probably. #NerfFlash
This is the nerdiest, geekiest, dorkiest fanboy conversation I have seen on the internet in a long time. I love it!

I have to say, I am somewhat unimpressed by the talk of Lobo's regenerative capabilities. After all, the question is who would win a tournament. If Lobo showed up and got blown into molecules, even if one of those molecules was sufficient for him to eventually regenerate, I doubt that would suffice to be declared winner of the tournament. Maybe he'd be back for the next tournament, but being able to regenerate seems to come into play for someone losing, not winning. Being blown into a molecule is not going to be a winning move.

What about Ares as winner? Out of all of the cast, he's the only actual God, no?

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
If you mean against Superman, that's debatable since the guy who has extensively written both Thor and Superman gives it to Supes.

Depends which version we're talking here. If he's in his burning martian form, everyone on Earth is already fucked and the apocalypse has come. If just normal, he could pretty much slap everyones shit in a 1v1.
You need to read that entire comic for context.

And if THOR wanted to end Superman he could, a godblast to him would kill him obviously. But again, cant take hero vs hero fights seriously as they always mess it up, and forget the heroes powers and abilities. like Superman's superspeed against hulk, or THORs superspeed against hulk, or THOR's godblasts against Superman or hulk, etc.

Cant take some writers seriously, remember when Batman defeated the hulk by KICKING HULK IN THE STOMACH?!


THOR is faster than current Superman too, new 52, I believe, as THOR swings and attacks at several times the speed of light with Mjolnir. I dont think Superman has 3x speed of light attacks or reflexes in new52, nor should he.

THOR is overpowered. So I understand why writers try to ignore things like his godblast, antiforce, energy manipulation, lightspeed attacks/reactions, etc. It wouldnt make a very exciting THOR vs Superman or THOR vs Hulk fight... same reason they never make sense when Superman fights hulk, or fights WW, using their full abilites make for quick dull fights. Have to make it interesting and always leave it at a draw, or close to it, or just not have anyone actually end the fight and not upset the fans.

Generally its a popularity contest, sometimes it literally is, its done by votes sometimes.

Back in the day it used to be Superman getting 90%ish of the vote in fights against THOR, nowadays most recently it was 65-35% in favor of Superman, people are finally first off actually being aware of THORs existence, and how ridiculously powerful he is.

This is the nerdiest, geekiest, dorkiest fanboy conversation I have seen on the internet in a long time. I love it!

I have to say, I am somewhat unimpressed by the talk of Lobo's regenerative capabilities. After all, the question is who would win a tournament. If Lobo showed up and got blown into molecules, even if one of those molecules was sufficient for him to eventually regenerate, I doubt that would suffice to be declared winner of the tournament. Maybe he'd be back for the next tournament, but being able to regenerate seems to come into play for someone losing, not winning. Being blown into a molecule is not going to be a winning move.

What about Ares as winner? Out of all of the cast, he's the only actual God, no?
Agreed, WW cutting off Doomsdays head or Lobos head, which she would likely do relatively easily "realistically" would get her the win. Does Doomsday and Lobo live to fight another day, sure.

Thats why I listed Ares as a wildcard, we don't know much about him because he's all over the place and does not have much history to go on, not as many feats to compare... we all know what happened in the Injustice comics, was not a good showing for Ares... but SHOULDNT the god of war be able to take out Superman, who is not resistant to magic?

Generally the writers answers are "no Superman wins we will make shit up that defies logic to make Superman win".

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
I do know WWs speed. I read some of her comics as well as justice league ones involving her. There is even a comic, canon mind you, where the 2 are forced to fight and she says that he is stronger than her, and this was against a braindead superman that couldn't form thoughts. Did you watch the video? The fact that her bracelets are indestrutible doesn't mean her body is. WW gets hurt when when she gets hit by Hawkgirl or GL, and your seriously telling me she's taking supermans punch when he isn't holding back?
I am saying he would never hit her when she's fighting him, "realistically". Shes MUCH faster in a fight, would block everything, and if one or two went through her durability is more than enough to take some punches from Superman.

But she kills Superman quick, and fast, shes too fast upclose, and he cant hurt her from far away. Superman needs resistance to magic, and then its fair. [same with a fight, realistically, against THOR]

So we are talking about a tie for first between Thor and Jormungandr?
No snakes allowed in this tourney.


Cant take some writers seriously, remember when Batman defeated the hulk by KICKING HULK IN THE STOMACH?!

Generally its a popularity contest, sometimes it literally is, its done by votes sometimes.
Yea, but the JLA/Avengers crossover wasn't a fanvote thing. It was a story written by top writers at both DC and Marvel, one of which is know for his run on Superman and Avengers. It's why the story is actually good. They didn't have anyone job to others and the fights that were in it were really close along with the great characterization.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Yea, but the JLA/Avengers crossover wasn't a fanvote thing. It was a story written by top writers at both DC and Marvel, one of which is know for his run on Superman and Avengers. It's why the story is actually good. They didn't have anyone job to others and the fights that were in it were really close along with the great characterization.
...but its still a popularity contest, the most popular major character always wins... despite all logic.

All of a sudden THOR forgot about his magic????

All of a sudden hulk can get kicked around by Batman???

All of a sudden Superman doesnt have superspeed against hulk??

cant take that stuff seriously, and nobody ever does when we talk about hero vs hero fights. Just gotta take their feats and things we know about them, since the writers cant do that, as theyd make for bad fights and piss off LOTS of fans.


...but its still a popularity contest, the most popular major character always wins... despite all logic.

All of a sudden THOR forgot about his magic????

All of a sudden hulk can get kicked around by Batman???

All of a sudden Superman doesnt have superspeed against hulk??
Like Kurt Busiek says, magic affects Supes like it would a normal person. If it shocks you, it'll shock him. If it turns you into a frog, it'll turn him into a frog. Just because Mjolnir is an enchanted hammer doesn't mean it should automatically slap his shit. Also, I don't think Hulk was in JLA/Avengers or if he was I'm definitely not remembering it since Batman only squared off against Cap and they had a tie.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Like Kurt Busiek says, magic affects Supes like it would a normal person. If it shocks you, it'll shock him. If it turns you into a frog, it'll turn him into a frog. Just because Mjolnir is an enchanted hammer doesn't mean it should automatically slap his shit. Also, I don't think Hulk was in JLA/Avengers or if he was I'm definitely not remembering it since Batman only squared off against Cap and they had a tie.
and a godblast would turn you and i to dust.... so Superman is Superdust.


I also agree that Mjolnir hits wouldnt kill him right away like Wonder Womans sword would, as I believe THORs Hammer attacks have generally been shown to be physical attacks... SOMETIMES its considered magic attacks, and if you go thatway then its even more unfair, more than it already is for Superman.

Godblast from THOR, or Antiforce, = a very dead Superman. Logically.

the batman fight was from earlier, and hulk fought Superman in that issue, I believe we are talking about the same one.


Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
When Superman and Thor get in a tussle and Supes barely comes out on top due to Thors magic shit not knocking him out immediately. Then the rest of the Avengers dogpile him like assholes.
Thats after Martian Manhunter saved Superman when THOR first attacked him.

Also, as usual, the writers are fucking stupid and THOR never used his powerful magic attacks against him.

Another popularity-based-logic-out-the-window don't-piss-off-any-fans superman-always-wins-even-if-it-doesnt-make-sense fight ey.


Problem with this is much characters like Supes, Flash, Doomsday, Shazam/BA are pretty much broken and trying to compare there feats and strength wont lead to much but a reasonable draw.

Sent from my Batmobile using Tapatalk 2


Another popularity-based-logic-out-the-window don't-piss-off-any-fans superman-always-wins-even-if-it-doesnt-make-sense fight ey.
Idunno. The guy who wrote it was writing Avengers at the time which consisted of Thor so I guess he figured Supes would come out on top. We'll never know.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Idunno. The guy who wrote it was writing Avengers at the time which consisted of Thor so I guess he figured Supes would come out on top. We'll never know.
Give Superman some resistance to magic and he might be right.

Which Supes has shrugged off

But seriously Thor would win simply because he's a warrior god with centuries of experience over Clark.
THORs godblast > omega beams.

The motherfucking Batman.
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Scarlett Viper

Let's begin the witching hour.
Heck the only reason WW can't beat Supes is cause she's more vulnerable than he is...Thor doesn't have that problem.