Against supes, his long range, I feel like I'm fighting an uphill battle. One mistimed dash and I'm full screen or eating a f23. After his f23 breathe, I still have trouble doing anything. Am I supposed to just push block? And with his box jumping, do I just d2? I do b12 and get punished on block which sucks. Batman is a total pain in the ass with bats and crazy cross ups. How am I ever supposed to get him off of me? Even long range I tend to trade his batarangs with my fad and if he has bats out, I won't win at all, lol.
Grundy is a whole new beast for me. I just try to poke and eat his armored grab everytime. Is like they just throw it out there bc they know I have to do b12 to do anything and his grab phantom box is huge! Him and dd, when he has armor trait on, give me a hell of a time. -_-
Superman vs Aquaman zoning can go eother way with both but AM pretty much must be responsive here but for the most part anything superman does (zoning wise) from the ground or close to it (like a low to the ground ia lazer) FTD can interupt it (more of a read then a reaction unless youre scouting for it) and then air lazers can are punished by ftd deep if there not mb'ed and watershield helps alot if you think he will mb them (which he mostly likely will if he has the meter) a properly timed dash out of watershield right when the 2nd hit of MB'ed air lazer hits you gives you plenty of time to punish him with a ftd
Then footies is pretty even too with Sups. F23 breath is nothing AM should be afraid of with with fast and long reaching normals
Then box jumping??? Idk what youre saying but AA all his jump attempts dont forget you have one of the best AA''s in the game
With batman you shouldnt be losing zoning wise you force him to come to you for the most part and those 'crazy crossups' d2 that ish
When batman calls out bats i like it slow down and look to watershild them it gives him 0 offense if he tries to rish in behind them bc if he tries anything Burst youre shield and he has to work his way in all over again. Trait really covers up in this mu too for any mistakes or bad reads you make
Then with grundy walking corpse is so bad on wiff take advantage of that and it has so much start up hell he can armor though the 3 in f13 and you still have enough time to jump and make it wiff
DD trait armor isnt much to fear just play youre game like you would and if you connect anything on him cancel it into MB rush Aquaman has an easier time them most against DDm's trait bc of rush
Hope this helps