lmao at your sig just because it is my local news channel.Dude, are you really posting this right before he goes into EVO wanting to win?
And posting a vid from 2012? Which is hilarious, but shit, c'mon now lol.
Only if he turns Green and says BRADY SMASH!Fuck 'im, he plays Aquamaaaaaaaan.
But srsly, I'd love to see Tom rip shit up at EVO.
Flawless logic here. Do it!Dude...... You play Aquaman.
And here's Why:
Tom Brady wants respect and shouts I'm Comin...
Terence Stamp shouts I'm Coming.... in The Limey
Who did Terence Stamp play?
No, that is like 1% of the community and he just probably chooses to listen to that over the other 99%.the community has spent so much time just flat out hating and not giving him any respect like he really isnt a top player.
#IamtheonepercentNo, that is like 1% of the community and he just probably chooses to listen to that over the other 99%.
Lol who didnt give him any respect, streammonsters? Pffffffffftttthat was epic! lmao even though its old. im perfectly fine with the way brady is acting now. the community has spent so much time just flat out hating and not giving him any respect like he really isnt a top player. so because of it he just gives no fucks now. i for one will always support tom brady he's a cool dude knows his stuff and deserves more respect but will simply never get it. God bless tom brady
Lol sub zero does need a damage boost, or they should have let him keep his reset. Cyrax kept his. Don't act like sub zero is fine, he got nerfed into the ground.Every time I hear Tom Brady or have met him he's trash talking players and acting like he belongs in top 8...then says something retarded about game balance that makes no sense (I still can't fucking get over subzero needed a dmg buff and that puddle vortex way back)
seems like RE0 will have ps4/xb1 soon.Now Brady makes ppl happy to win expensive shit :