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Teenage Gamer May Go to Prison for 8 Years for Violent Joke on League of Legends

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Just another example of an out of control government. Fucking liberals and the media pushing this stupid shit.


Well-Known Gay Member
So, umm why isn't the westboro baptist church in prison?
I want them to play League of Legends now!!


yep let's blame the government, coz i am sure, Obama gave the arrest order himself:rolleyes:

actually msnbc did a story ( wich is very pro obama) in wich they disagreed with his indefinate detention proposal on people who are suspected of doing a crime before it happens

heres the video



Well-Known Gay Member
actually msnbc did a story ( wich is very pro obama) in wich they disagreed with his indefinate detention proposal on people who are suspected of doing a crime before it happens

heres the video

but noone is indefinately detaining this teenager
I mean come on it's not even comparable


but noone is indefinately detaining this teenager
I mean come on it's not even comparable

im sorry but yea the kid could get out but that dosent make up for the 4 months he was jailed for.

despite the cops not even finding any weapons they still wrongfully arrested this kid

just like this woman here

Receptionist Mistakes Fresh Prince Theme Song for Threat; School Goes Into Lockdown


The teen's voicemail greeting triggered a lockdown at his Pennsylvania school after a receptionist misheard his rendition of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" theme song.

While trying to confirm an appointment with 19-year-old Travis Clawson the receptionist thought the message said "shooting people outside of the school." The line is actually "shooting some b-ball," a reference to basketball.

The receptionist called 911 and Economy police arrested Clawson a short time later at Ambridge Area High School, but released him once he explained the message.

Acting police Chief James Mann says police acted "appropriately" out of concern for students' welfare.


we live in a mindframe where people dont think before they act


When did I say Obama? This is a combination of the local (liberal) government and the media.

Fuck it I blame Obama too

its not really the president but really the people above him

same for bush as well

ever since 911 havent you noticed we have lost more freedoms in the sake of protecting people from future attacks?

same with this whole sandy hook thing. like i said many times before what the kid said wasnt smart but it just go's to show people still live in this mentality that omg he said something and should be investigated

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
its not really the president but really the people above him

same for bush as well

ever since 911 havent you noticed we have lost more freedoms in the sake of protecting people from future attacks?

same with this whole sandy hook thing. like i said many times before what the kid said wasnt smart but it just go's to show people still live in this mentality that omg he said something and should be investigated
Yeah it's bullshit. We had what we needed to stop 911 before the patriot act but they didn't follow up on leads. Now they put forth the patriot act, which takes away freedoms for a sense of security... They (republicans and democrats both) say they need it to stop future attacks when it was negligence that let 911 happen. I'm sure you all know the Thomas Jefferson quote. I know there's other motives behind that shit. All it does is make more loopholes for corruption.

For the record I didn't like bush either. All the presidents nowadays are just somebody's bitch... This is most likely due to it costing somewhere around what? $100,000,000 to get on the presidential ballet? Not to mention the media is controlled by the people who have the most money. They are like the unofficial campaigners for whoever they want in. Most of the people who don't read between the lines just trust and repeat what they hear on the news.


Yeah it's bullshit. We had what we needed to stop 911 before the patriot act but they didn't follow up on leads. Now they put forth the patriot act, which takes away freedoms for a sense of security... They (republicans and democrats both) say they need it to stop future attacks when it was negligence that let 911 happen. I'm sure you all know the Thomas Jefferson quote. I know there's other motives behind that shit. All it does is make more loopholes for corruption.

For the record I didn't like bush either. All the presidents nowadays are just somebody's bitch... This is most likely due to it costing somewhere around what? $100,000,000 to get on the presidential ballet? Not to mention the media is controlled by the people who have the most money. They are like the unofficial campaigners for whoever they want in. Most of the people who don't read between the lines just trust and repeat what they hear on the news.
