Saint Op Omen
Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Best bet is just trying to establish that he has no criminal past and that time served while awaiting trial is just punishment as nothing of substance was found.Well hopefully his defense can establish that "lol jk" corroborates with Justin's plea by providing context.
He would probably get away with community service and/or probation..
That is a very very small tip of a very very large iceberg...If prisons get a bigger budget then schools, then you have to start thinking there is something seriously wrong with the system.
If ppl who run prisons get funds for having prisoners, thats just wrong.
Why you think so many ppl get prisontime for just possesion of weed. They even have undercover agents in school being young woman who seduce them to get them to sell weed. Thats just crazy lol
State/city funding ,police funding, are all influinced by prisons...and it is the biggest reason things like drugs are illegal when by all means are not the gov's job to regulate...
Prisoners are "transfered" ie sold state to state for cheap labor...
Major companies have prisons do small things like mail sorting or machine repairs and use them as "workers" for tax loop holes...
The truth is very disturbing and large groups of people are targeted for this to make tons of $...
Sent under duress.