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Guide KILLER FROST - Living Combo Archive/Discussion (Archived)


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana

After testing the wall carry of the f112/f113 combos vs the 11b2 combos, there is only one character space more distance covered with the 11b2. The point is that it is more distance and you only get more damage if you use the f113 variation... you get slightly less damage from using f112 instead of 11b2!

[2 bars] J3, 11b2~Slide, u3, 2~MB Iceberg, (wait), b3, MB Grab, NJ2, 2 - 42%
[2 bars] J3, 11b2~Slide, u3, 2~MB Iceberg, MB Grab, NJ2, 2 - 40%

B3, j3, u3, u3, 11b2~Slide, u3 - 41%

But here is something... A TRUE wall carry combo (hella less damage though lol):

1133~EX Iceberg, dash, 11b2~Slide, u3, 1~Iceberg - 31%

This goes right into the corner from the start of the round!

EDIT: Much improved version makes it worth it for full wall carry!!

1133~EX Iceberg, j2, b3, j3, 2~Slide, u3, 1~Iceberg - 37% :p

EDIT 2: !!! New BnB wall carry combo without losing any damage from ground hit to slide !!!

OLD COMBO - 111~Slide, u3, u3, u3, 11~Iceberg 38% with barely any wall carry and it's hella hard

NEW COMBO - 111~Iceberg, 11b2~Slide, u3, 1~Iceberg 38% with wall carry and way easy

NOTE - The new combo actually does 0.64% more damage AND you can opt for 22~Iceberg at the end for more damage lol



Dojo Trainee

I see you've been very busy lately. Lots of good stuff. Glad you caught up with the TA combos post-patch, and the wall carries look neat.

It's going to take me a little to catch up with your work. Swamped at work right now.

Quick question though - curious why you included b3 as a starter. Do you start combos with b3 often? I can only see that being useful in rare punish situations.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana

I see you've been very busy lately. Lots of good stuff. Glad you caught up with the TA combos post-patch, and the wall carries look neat.

It's going to take me a little to catch up with your work. Swamped at work right now.

Quick question though - curious why you included b3 as a starter. Do you start combos with b3 often? I can only see that being useful in rare punish situations.
Imagine you land a MB b3... now imagine in a tournament having not practiced what to do afterwards for max damage/reset/positioning. That's why.


Dojo Trainee
I thought the TA combos would be too hard at first, but after using them online... they are much easier now with the practice.

ApocaLips, because you get more potential damage from mb b3
Sure, but it's also 10 frames slower and not an overhead. I just don't see why you'd ever sacrifice those traits in the neutral. The bit of extra combo damage, IMO, is never worth the extra chance of a hit into vortex, so I'd literally never use it in the neutral. When do you tend to?


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
B3, j3, u3, u3, 11b2~Slide, u3 - 41%

You can add a standing 1 to this for 42% but allows the opponent to tech roll. I like to do the above combo into a meterless vortex setup.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Sure, but it's also 10 frames slower and not an overhead. I just don't see why you'd ever sacrifice those traits in the neutral. The bit of extra combo damage, IMO, is never worth the extra chance of a hit into vortex, so I'd literally never use it in the neutral. When do you tend to?
I just mean using MB b3 to absorb a move, not for a mixup or bounce cancel. Of course I would use overhead in those situations.


Dojo Trainee
I just mean using MB b3 to absorb a move, not for a mixup or bounce cancel. Of course I would use overhead in those situations.
I get that you're using it for the armor, but I still use f3 every time for that. Punishes more moves it absorbs because it's faster, and if they don't try to poke, you still throw out a fast overhead.

If people use it, I'll gladly include it as a starter. I just wan't aware it gets use.


I'll be back 3ing
'B3, j3, u3, u3, 11b2~Slide, u3 - 41%'
41% off a mb parry into an untechable knockdown is preety sweet if it works off parry


Dojo Trainee
How fast is the f1 into MB freeze? I've been trying for awhile and cant get it. Feels like a 1 frame link
After slide, you need to f1 very fast so that it hits at the peak of their flight. Cancelling into freeze isn't too strict.

If you have trouble, try switching to 2. The drawback there is you might get accidental icebergs, but the timing is more lenient.