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Worst Movie You've Ever Seen?



Thankskilling is another shitty movie.

A killer turkey? Give mea break.

The Butcher is garbage as well.


I want Kronika to step on my face
I only remember one movie that sucked so bad I couldn't watch more than five minutes.

I don't remember the name, but it was for one or two of the Wayans brothers. Probably Marlon Wayans.

I only remember that I couldn't watch five consecutive minutes and had to turn off the TV. It was unbelievably bad.


"Tell me, do you bleed?...You will."
The Last Airbender. What a shot in the face to all fans of the show. "HES MAKING FIRE OUT OF NOTHING" Walked out when that happened


Confused Thanagarian
...The Last Airbender was pretty good, right guise?

Either that or the masterpiece that is After Earth
I imagine After Earth's directing was mostly this: Shamalamadingdong-"Hey Will, you know that thing you do really well where you put a lot of emotion into a character and can pull off deep and touching scenes? I need you to be a character that does the exact opposite of that."

The Last Airbender is my official worst movie ever. My favorite part is where they go to the EARTH village full of people who can control EARTH and are surrounded by EARTH who are too afraid to fight the bad guys until a couple of 12 year olds point out all of the EARTH.

Very close runner up is Halloween 3: Season of the Witch. To this day, I still can't figure out why they listened to the guy who said, "Hey guys, let's do another sequel to Halloween, except this time Mike Myers won't even be mentioned and the bad guys are the heads of a Halloween costume company. Kids will love it, 10/10 would totally see again!" I've sat down at least 3 times to try and watch this movie and I still haven't finished it


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
The Room
Food Fight
So bad that they're good...
Those were both of my answers.
Are you a Nostalgia Critic fan?
His verbal decimation of both of these appalling fetish films is glorious.

Food Fight has everything terrible, ever. Unfunny jokes, fetish imagery, lifeless animation, corporate buttfuckery and sponsorship, no plot, no charm, racial stereotypes... I mean, this movie must have ended a few lives.
Interestingly Food Fight was directed by Lawrence Kasanoff, the man who also directed Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and still somehow kept his directing job. Has he killed himself yet? "Charlies Sheen claims that acting in Food Fight turned his brain into "cancer pizza"".
At least the most redeeming character and acting performance in Food Fight redeemed his past by getting confirmed for Smash.

The Room, well, you know how it is. Denny is one suave, 12 year old creep.

M.Night Shama-Llama-Mon is an abuser of Avatar...

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
@everyone who posted in here, do me a favor and search "the room (2003) - funniest scenes".

Do that and i dare you to tell me by watching this 8 minute video, that this isn't the worst movie ever.


TYM's Head Herpetologist
Master of Disguise: Imagine Dana Carvey doing absolutely nothing funny for an hour and twenty minutes. It's mercifully short, but it feels like it's the length of Gone With The Wind. Parts of this film were filmed on 9/11, so it's lucky that they were filming on that day or this would have been the worst thing in the world to happen that day.

Movie 43: Such a great cast! What are they doing in this movie? The whole movie is just a bunch of unfunny, garbage shorts stuck together. Once again, don't be fooled by the great cast.

Foodfight!: I normally don't mind product placement in films, but this literally exists only to be a commercial.. and a very poor one at that. I have no idea what Brand X tastes like, but it's definitely better than this. I thought it was the worst animated movie ever, until I watched...

Titanic - The Legend Goes On: It's a story about the sinking of the Titanic, except rapping dogs and racist mice sing musical numbers. Oh, and no one dies because dolphins save them all. What a disgrace to everyone who perished in that event.

The Tall Man: If you've seen M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village", this has a similar twist ending, but it's somehow ten times worse and way more predictable.

Birdemic: I normally love a 'so bad it's good' film like Sharknado or Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, but this one is just so boring and the special effects are so poor that I can't have fun at all.