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Which character would "realistically" win a fighting tournament in "real life"?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Eh, that's been retconned... unfortunately. A lot of the potential argument depends on which version of the character we're talking about.

Where does he get a spaceship from though? Also when/where does he travel to?
Does anyone know the exact date and where these guys were created? Could Flash find it out?
Time Travel is overrated.
you must not know, the flash can run on air molecules, build a spaceship and can run/phase so fast he can travel through time, all before lobo had enough time to say "who's the main man".


Scary Bat
you must not know, the flash can run on air molecules, build a spaceship and can run/phase so fast he can travel through time, all before lobo had enough time to say "who's the main man".
Alright, but does he know when Lobo was born or created or whatever? Or where? Just because you can time travel doesn't mean you know where/when you need to go. But you are like... the main Flash-fan on the forums so whatever I say it's not really going to matter lol.


Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Superman's beaten Shazam & Black Adam before. Just because magic can hurt him doesn't mean he's beat. And didn't the story of Injustice pretty much make it clear who would win? Superman wins. The guy could just breathe and turn WW to ice. And then shatter her to pieces. Honestly, he could just do that anyone.
WW would be able to cross her amazonian bracers to form Zeus' shield in front of her to defend against that, realistically.

And Black Adam/Shazam have also beaten Superman before. But we really shouldnt take hero vs hero fights TOO seriously from the comics. Zatanas magic hurts Superman, but all of a sudden Shazams magic [which is FAR more powerful] doesnt? No. Writers ey.

Superman would obviously win. He can pull planets around and crush supernovas in his hand, I don't think any other character in Injustice would stand a chance lol. He can lift over 1,000,000,000,000 pounds. Technically if he punches somebody in the face as hard as he could with all that power, they would die instantly

Right under Supes tho I would put Flash, Black Adam, and Doomsday
Technically WW is faster than Superman in fights and would duck or block with her indestructible bracers and then slice Supermans head off.

Ever seen justice league unlimited? The flash bodies brainiac. Ifnhentaps into the speed force enough he becomes nearly unstoppable. He almost fades away though lol so it's not very safe for him to do. But in that form he can take on anyone in the DC universe.
I do remember that, was cool :D Still, dont know if it'd work against Superman or WW who are more durable than Brainiac

he killed about 100 or so green lanterns attacking him simultaneously, in another planet the people there had to merge all the energy of their planet into one being to kill him, also taking a fifth of their planets mass with him, they put him in a burial suit, tied him with ceremonial chains made of the strongest metal in existence and launched him in space.

that pod landed on earth and 8 hours after he escaped, superman died.

Still, slower than WW up close and she'd block all his attacks with bracer, and then slice his head off... will that kill him? idk, but a headless Doomsday certainly would lose that fight.

people still dont understand.. Superman is the most powerful superhero of all time,Wonder woman cant' win because superman can defeat ww whit one punch (ww doesn't have invulnerability) same thing for flash,if superman touch flash, he is dead lol, and superman kills doomsday (the most powerful villain in dc comics,he is like hulk) Superman Always win guys :) anyway i think thiis a serius list in order of power
1 Superman
2 Doomsday
3 Darkseid
4General Zod
5 Lobo
6 Shazam or Adam
7 Green Lantern or Sinestro
8 Martian Manhunter
10 Wonder Woman
Its not a list of power, but who wins in a fight. And what good is Supermans strength when he cant land a punch on WW, given her speed and training, and equally as important indestructible bracers? Same with Flash, Superman would never touch Flash.

Ok so what I've gathered from this thread is that DC characters are so stupidly powerful that it's like they were created by kindergarteners. "Superman can lift eleventy bajillion pounds + infinity times TEN!"
Pretty much, and then they rebooted Superman and tried to tone down his powers... and then theyre like "hahahlulz nope he can lift 7 earths teehhee yayyyy Supermann f23!!"

Ok. So later retcon for more story. Whoever wrote that doesn't really understand just how powerful the Guardians are as just one of them knocked Superboy Prime into another universe. I don't see Doomsday at that level to take out 100 Lanterns and a Guardian and then go on to be defeated by Superman.
I'd have to agree with you Reedoms, they kind of pulled a World War Hulk and made him too powerful, beating people he shouldnt be able to, and with such ease. Writers get carried away sometimes.

the flash would travel through time before LOBO or doomsday or superman was born/created and make it so you were never born or created. flash wins /thread.
But then Flash would go so fast that he created that time ripple which took away his powers, killed his mother before she was born, and saved the dinosaurs which ate all the humans in the first place.

EDIT: Does anyone know that if i do a single post quoting lots of people that they all get notified that i quoted them, or do i need to tag them, which i forgot how to do.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Alright, but does he know when Lobo was born or created or whatever? Or where? Just because you can time travel doesn't mean you know where/when you need to go. But you are like... the main Flash-fan on the forums so whatever I say it's not really going to matter lol.

he's the flash, he has the fastest thinking capability, he would be able to figure out where lobo was born, go back in time, kill his mother and end it before lobo knew what happened. /thread


Joker waiting room
this is just becoming a matter of " i main this character so theyre the best"

Just an FYI, superman was mindfucked when he found out doomsday was just as fast as him, people also still dont understand that killing doomsday once guarantees youll never kill him again when he returns for your ass on a plate


Eternal student
Its not a list of power, but who wins in a fight. And what good is Supermans strength when he cant land a punch on WW, given her speed and training, and equally as important indestructible bracers? Same with Flash, Superman would never touch Flash.
Are you really trying to say that superman couldn't land a hit on WW?
Now, tell me wonderman is completely blocking and dodging superman not holding back again.

Also love how you said she's cutting off doomsday head. Good one


Eternal student
Clearly you know Supermans speed, but not about Wonder Womans. Or her durability. or her bracers.
I do know WWs speed. I read some of her comics as well as justice league ones involving her. There is even a comic, canon mind you, where the 2 are forced to fight and she says that he is stronger than her, and this was against a braindead superman that couldn't form thoughts. Did you watch the video? The fact that her bracelets are indestrutible doesn't mean her body is. WW gets hurt when when she gets hit by Hawkgirl or GL, and your seriously telling me she's taking supermans punch when he isn't holding back?


Magic, its why WW wins, its why THOR wins.
If you mean against Superman, that's debatable since the guy who has extensively written both Thor and Superman gives it to Supes.

What about Martian Manlover? Couldn't he just mind wipe everyone?
Depends which version we're talking here. If he's in his burning martian form, everyone on Earth is already fucked and the apocalypse has come. If just normal, he could pretty much slap everyones shit in a 1v1.


Scary Bat
he's the flash, he has the fastest thinking capability, he would be able to figure out where lobo was born, go back in time, kill his mother and end it before lobo knew what happened. /thread
Alright, so let's do paradoxes instead, like Flashpoint, if Flash goes into the past and screw about with things, making people not be born etc. it could seriously alter the course of history, possibly resulting in his own death, meaning he never goes back in time to stop people being born in the first place, and loop ad infinitum.

It's one of the more annoying arguments I've heard as to why Flash couldn't just "back in time" Batman, as Batman has probably saved his life a few times... or saved the Earth, or whatever, so by ensuring he doesn't exist.. well yeah you get the picture.

Time Travel is the most irritating thing to argue. Ever.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Alright, so let's do paradoxes instead, like Flashpoint, if Flash goes into the past and screw about with things, making people not be born etc. it could seriously alter the course of history, possibly resulting in his own death, meaning he never goes back in time to stop people being born in the first place, and loop ad infinitum.

It's one of the more annoying arguments I've heard as to why Flash couldn't just "back in time" Batman, as Batman has probably saved his life a few times... or saved the Earth, or whatever, so by ensuring he doesn't exist.. well yeah you get the picture.

Time Travel is the most irritating thing to argue. Ever.
you have a point so then i would just leave lobo at the beginning of time where the guardians have it protected and see if he can survive that LOL


Scary Bat
you have a point so then i would just leave lobo at the beginning of time where the guardians have it protected and see if he can survive that LOL
Hehe, it's getting ridiculous to argue, but somehow I think leaving someone as chaotic as Lobo at the beginning of time could have horrible ramifications for history in general in the long run :eek: