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What is Wrong With These People!? - The U.S. Politics Discussion Thread


Zoning Master
Yeah, and every other source you've listed comes from a liberal rag half the time. That's why when someone questioned the political networks I posted it from a liberal source(that actually admitted it)
I've posted videos of the Young Turks and I've always identified the hosts of the show as progressive. You'll never see me post links of biased liberal or conservative media without disclosure in an attempt to mislead people.

Actually, you're the who's constantly name-calling and labeling people as liberals, socialists, marxists, Bush haters, etc. If you want others to treat you with respect, start showing respect.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I've posted videos of the Young Turks and I've always identified the hosts of the show as progressive. You'll never see me post links of biased liberal or conservative media without disclosure in an attempt to mislead people.

Actually, you're the who's constantly name-calling and labeling people as liberals, socialists, marxists, Bush haters, etc. If you want others to treat you with respect, start showing respect.
Young Turks are heavily liberal guy just like NewsBusters are heavily conservative. Do you not know this?

Actually, no I'm not. If you back track I'm pretty certain people attacked me verbally first for merely not liking Obama. I don't care if you hate Bush are a Democrat but I know who just resorts to insults for a while now even if I'm not addressing anyone in particular. There are people on here who love Obama so much if anyone says something negative, they get butthurt. Not my problem...sure, when I start getting respect they'll receive it.
I never said you said King, I said that since that's a term he's referred to as...clearly issues you have with comprehension.
What's the matter with you? Do you even lie about things you wrote minutes ago? Is lying just a trigger reaction with you?

You just wrote this:

you're just posting false assumptions such as Bush and Saudi King being friendly
That's you saying I said 'King'. You have problems reading what you wrote yourself.

Long history, as in they know each other?
No, long history as in they have done business together on a personal and government level. Again do you understand that Bush had a Saudi invest in his business before he became President? This isn't rhetorical, I'm actually asking you...

Please stop denying the fact that you're a lib, you agree with EVERY other liberal in here, every moderate liberal and everyone who loves Obama. Humor me already.
Trying to tell people who they support is the act of a mental person. I'll tell you who I support. You don't tell me and I don't support Obama or Bush. Pointing out your lies or made up nonsense doesn't make anyone a liberal.
Young Turks are heavily liberal guy just like NewsBusters are heavily conservative. Do you not know this?

Actually, no I'm not. If you back track I'm pretty certain people attacked me verbally first for merely not liking Obama. I don't care if you hate Bush are a Democrat but I know who just resorts to insults for a while now even if I'm not addressing anyone in particular. There are people on here who love Obama so much if anyone says something negative, they get butthurt. Not my problem...sure, when I start getting respect they'll receive it.
Nobody attacked you verbally. For one thing this message board has no voice function.

As for attacking you in text, no one did that either. People just pointed out you keep saying dumb and incorrect things and in return you scream at them they are liberals.


Zoning Master
Actually, no I'm not. If you back track I'm pretty certain people attacked me verbally first for merely not liking Obama. I don't care if you hate Bush are a Democrat but I know who just resorts to insults for a while now even if I'm not addressing anyone in particular. There are people on here who love Obama so much if anyone says something negative, they get butthurt. Not my problem...sure, when I start getting respect they'll receive it.
People are not "butt-hurt" because you say negative things about Obama; people are "butt-hurt" because you post inaccurate information about Obama and when someone points out that you are wrong, you call the person a liberal, socialist, bush-hater, etc. You've even labeled everyone in this thread as a liberal. Too funny.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
What's the matter with you? Do you even lie about things you wrote minutes ago? Is lying just a trigger reaction with you?

You just wrote this:

That's you saying I said 'King'. You have problems reading what you wrote yourself.

No, long history as in they have done business together on a personal and government level. Again do you understand that Bush had a Saudi invest in his business before he became President? This isn't rhetorical, I'm actually asking you...

Trying to tell people who they support is the act of a mental person. I'll tell you who I support. You don't tell me and I don't support Obama or Bush. Pointing out your lies or made up nonsense doesn't make anyone a liberal.
I never said "you said King" I was using that term...wow.

Yeah, you know what you can support whoever you want. And lie all you want, it's very amusing. But if you like Obama, chances are you're a liberal or democrat. But yeah, believe what you want guy.

And actually, yeah they did earlier in the topic and in the other topic but I'm not going to list names. If you read page by page you'll see this yourself but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

People are not "butt-hurt" because you say negative things about Obama; people are "butt-hurt" because you post inaccurate information about Obama and when someone points out that you are wrong, you call the person a liberal, socialist, bush-hater, etc. You've even labeled everyone in this thread as a liberal. Too funny.
Really? Could have fooled me dude. I'm pretty sure I was one of the few who actually said something "not agreeing" with Obama and those same people jumping on me for it...lol. Yeah, inaccurate information as in facts about Obama's ideals and policies? Right...

No, I call people out on how it is. People don't defend Obama unless they're a Democrat or liberal, socialist or moderate. And they certainly don't insult others over Obama critique unless chances are they share his ideals flat out to some degree. I never called Obama supporters "Bush haters" if someone is bringing up Bush constantly then obviously they hate him, but I'm pretty sure bush isn't president anymore so why is his name even brought up when I bring up Obama? lol Isn't he the current President?

I'm not labeling "everyone" in this thread, only those who go nuts over Obama criticism as if I insulted their mothers...you really do enjoy putting words in people's mouths I've noticed. Still think Wright isn't a racist because I noticed you have no countercase for my link(and saying you think it's from a conservative site don't count) because you brought up YT's who are progressively and very biased for the leftwing agenda. Don't believe me? All of their videos politically are bashing the right or mocking a conservative. Where are the mocking videos of Obama? Michelle Obama? Bill Mayer's hypocrisy? I can go on and on...
I never said "you said King" I was using that term...wow.
We all saw what you said, stop trying to get out of it.

Yeah, you know what you can support whoever you want. And lie all you want, it's very amusing. But if you like Obama, chances are you're a liberal or democrat. But yeah, believe what you want guy.
But I'm not lying. Everything I have said you can check for yourself. You on the other hand lie about nearly everything. Like you just lied about me liking Obama when not only have I never said I liked him, but I have said specifically I don't support him.

Yet you just lie about people to attack them and try and justify your own warped ignorance.

And actually, yeah they did earlier in the topic and in the other topic but I'm not going to list names. If you read page by page you'll see this yourself but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
I know what was written and no one attacked you. You attacked people and got responded to in kind.

And I'm still waiting for an answer to my question about Bush and his Saudi investor. Do you understand that Bush's first business was invested in personally by a Saudi?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
We all saw what you said, stop trying to get out of it.

But I'm not lying. Everything I have said you can check for yourself. You on the other hand lie about nearly everything. Like you just lied about me liking Obama when not only have I never said I liked him, but I have said specifically I don't support him.

Yet you just lie about people to attack them and try and justify your own warped ignorance.

I know what was written and no one attacked you. You attacked people and got responded to in kind.

And I'm still waiting for an answer to my question about Bush and his Saudi investor. Do you understand that Bush's first business was invested in personally by a Saudi?
No, I've posted my opinion and got attacked for it. Not trying to get out of anything. Neither am I, I provided links assuming you read them explaining Obama's connections as well as backed my shit concerning Rev Wright being a racist but I get it, at this point you just don't want to accept the facts, fine. You're trying to make a big deal out of nothing just because Bush and Saudi King are on good terms...when I brought up something Obama did...

"warped ignorance" got ya, right there you're resorting to petty insults because you have nothing else, you didn't read the entire topics obviously. Not my problem if you have selective reading.
Not trying to get out of anything. Neither am I, I provided links assuming you read them explaining Obama's connections. You're trying to make a big deal out of nothing just because Bush and Saudi King are on good terms...
There you go again talking about the Saudi King when we have just established I never mentioned him. What are you talking about the Saudi King for?

You're the one with warped ignorance, yeah you didn't read the entire topics obviously. Not my problem if you have selective reading.
Stop projecting your own faults onto other people. Your selective reading means you don't respond to what people write and now you're just copying and pasting comments about your ignorance back at me. I have read everything and responded accordingly while you still can't respond to my question about Bush and his Saudi investor.


Zoning Master
Not trying to get out of anything. Neither am I, I provided links assuming you read them explaining Obama's connections. You're trying to make a big deal out of nothing just because Bush and Saudi King are on good terms...
Yet you're trying to make a big deal out of nothing just because Obama has billionaire friends who happen to be Muslim.

Do you now understand why no one in this thread takes you seriously?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
There you go again talking about the Saudi King when we have just established I never mentioned him. What are you talking about the Saudi King for?

Stop projecting your own faults onto other people. Your selective reading means you don't respond to what people write and now you're just copying and pasting comments about your ignorance back at me. I have read everything and responded accordingly while I'm still waiting for you to respond to my question about Bush and his Saudi investor.

There, maybe now you get it? Ok, here I'll help you ok since you obviously are ignorant to the fact that he's referred to as that.


What is the name of the video please?

And nothing to project, you're reading what you want to read, plain and simple. Stop speaking of things you're not aware of.

Yet you're trying to make a big deal out of nothing just because Obama has billionaire friends who happen to be Muslim.

Do you now understand why no one in this thread takes you seriously?
Sure do, because I don't share the same political philosophies you guys have. But it's ok, I don't expect you to actually come out and say it. Uhh, I never said Obama has billionaire friends who happen to be muslim. I said happen to be terrorists...

Again you're putting words in my mouth. So by you saying that you must think Muslims are terrorists automatically? Because I'm pretty sure I said terrorists, not Muslims if you quote me.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Yeah, you know what, I'm just going to watch and laugh at this for a bit and blow it up in time. I can't sit back quietly.

:D. Rev, you're like my MK Bill Maher.

By the way, a happy 420 to everyone. I've grown to love this day more than Christmas.
Imagine this, my friends...a happy little daydream fit only for the constraints of my fragile little mind: What if, next year, on this day of days, America were to officially legalize, regulate, micromanage and openly distribute, export, and start turning a coin on it? What if, this time next year, on this day of days, the world collectively for the first time all went pot shopping?
Can you fucking IMAGINE the money that would be made that day?
In store? Online? Internationally to pro-pot nations?

Fuck a deficit. It'll never, eeeeever happen in such a manner, but hey...I can dream.

There, maybe now you get it? Ok, here I'll help you ok since you obviously are ignorant to the fact that he's referred to as that.


What is the name of the video please?

And nothing to project, you're reading what you want to read, plain and simple. Stop speaking of things you're not aware of.
But you did say I said it. We can all scroll back and see you said that specifically. Is it any wonder you lie about things like politics when you even lie about what you say on this very board in this very thread?

Don't project your ignorance onto me. I'm still waiting for you to respond to the factual comment about Bush and his Saudi investor.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I never said that you said that, For the billionth time I said I said that using Saudi King as a reference...you said Bush and Saudi Leader, Saudi King, Invester same shit...you're either trying to be witty or seriously misunderstood what I said.

You're the one lying, I need not project anything onto you if I did you'd be smarter and more educated. I already did you just post "lies, lies, blah, blah"

I have better things to do then try to reason with those who can't be reasoned with. I'll let you believe what you want.
I never said that you said that, For the billionth time I said I said that using Saudi King as a reference...you said Bush and Saudi Leader, Saudi King, Invester same shit...you're either trying to be witty or seriously misunderstood what I said.
FINALLY you mention the investor. Well, we got there in the end.

So just to clarify, according to you, the King of Saudi Arabia is the same person as a completely different Saudi businessman who invests in a private business.

Ok. That makes absolutely no sense at all. It's like you take words and just throw them together in the hope they make a sentence and something you say in that sentence might be right.

The Saudi investor was Bin Laden's half brother Salem bin Laden. The King of Saudi Arabia is Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. They are 2 completely different people.

You're the one lying, I need not project anything onto you if I did you'd be smarter and more educated. I already did you just post "lies, lies, blah, blah"

I have better things to do then try to reason with those who can't be reasoned with. I'll let you believe what you want.
Again you're just copying and pasting back my observations you lie and make things up and aren't educated.

If you can't do anything better than 'No YOU are' then you should probably stop posting.

And you are the least reasonable person I have ever met.


I hear what you're saying, but I think as long as something is illegal like that, its just going to contribute to organized crime. Rather heavily regulate and deal with it that way, with the hope that it gives you more control than you have now. Hell, with research they may find toned down versions that have similar effects but are not as addicting. I might be way off here, but I think the problems of legalizing are not as bad as the problems of making them illegal. Maybe the addict isn't better off, but at least eight year old girls won't be killed in their homes from a stray bullet over a drug deal gone bad.


Are there any other conservatives here who know how to actually debate? I'd love to have an intelligent conversation with you. I'm not saying this as a shot to MKF, it's a serious question. I love debating.
I'm not sure I qualify as conservative, but Im sure we disagree on some things. :-D


Drug gig? Against weed or other black market drugs being legalized for recreation use. Medical use however, I'm all for weed being legalized if it can help someone. That is all.
So, if you really are for individual rights, which conservitives are supposed to be, how do you justify telling someone what they can or cannot put into thier body, or how they have fun? Why is it ok to use caffiene, nicotine or alcohol for recreational use, but nothing else?


Come On Die Young
Here we go again, bitches.

Revolver, 1. clearly ignored the first part lol...I can't force you to read the links.
What????? I copied and pasted the part of that first link that backs up my point and disproves yours.... what are you talking about? The southern democrats were the ones against civil rights, as well as the southern republicans. It wasn't a republican vs democrat thing, it was a north vs south thing. The northern democrats fully supported the civil rights act, and, obviously, it was signed into law by a democrat. Again, the southern democrats were not socially liberal. They are not like the modern democratic party.

2. Seems totally pointless, I wasn't the one who brought up the Gay Marriage bit...you did, nobody is bitching about it. It's simple, some states passed it, others didn't. If you're gay and want same sex marriage, go to a state that has it. Simple, if not go to a state that bans it. Again, simple.
Again, it's not just about marriage. The majority of the republican party rallied against the repeal of DADT and many want it reinstated. And about the states, that's a horrible argument. I've heard it many times in arguments about states' rights. If your home is in a state that doesn't support gay marriage, why should you move from a place you otherwise love and call your home? It's the laws that should change, not you.

3. Obviously you never heard of something called "adoption" as I was, look it up you may be intrigued to learn there's always alternatives to "abortion" which again is merely used as a cop out and birth control just because people didn't act responsible or were too horny to care until you actually get pregnant. Who says if a random chick gets knocked up, the kid will automatically grow up in a "bad environment"? You must think every random girl who gets pregnant is around a bad environment? That makes no sense or is quite an assumption...my cousin had a baby last year, 19 tried to keep it a secret. Guess what? Even though she's liberal, she knew abortion was wrong because she lacked taking responsibility and wanted to keep it a big secret from everyone. Instead she considered adoption but ultimately decided to keep the baby and raise it, with some help.
I fully support adoption and think it's great if you decide to go that route. However, the problem is that you can't count on everybody to do that... in the majority of unwanted pregnancy cases not terminated by abortion, the baby is kept. It's a natural thing to keep your baby, whether it was intended or not. A lot of these children will be growing up in bad environments and it would be better to give the mother the choice of terminating the pregnancy if they don't want that. There's also the problem of the woman having to carry this baby for 9 months. Sometimes they can't afford to be doing that, whether it's work issues, having an abusive partner, drug addiction, etc. It's the same problem with saying that if people don't want an STD, they shouldn't have sex in the first place. No... you cannot choose what they're going to do, so it's better to increase the education and availability of things like condoms.

lol, you act as if I'm the ONLY person on this entire site who has issues with weed being legalized...like I said, for medical purposes I'm ALL FOR IT. Recreational? NO! We already have alcohol, why do you need weed? Do you not know you fuck up your brain cells? It's not like it's beneficial to smoke daily, like I said before. I knew this pothead who was a friend of my friend, couldn't remember my name. Kept calling me Paul, when I've met the guy numerous times telling him it's "Pete" yeah...let's legalize weed, now picture drunk and HIGH people behind the wheel...and I don't really care what Pat Robertson says, if Jesus or God said it then I may agree. Guess what, there will ALWAYS be a black market on something...nothing you can do about it. Legalizing every illegal drug will ultimately do more harm then good. And then guess what? Whatever IS illegal will still be out there on the black market...
At least you support medical marijuana, that should be a no-brainer. But you're completely wrong about marijuana and definitely need some educating on the sociological and economic impacts of drugs. First of all, no marijuana doesn't kill brain cells.... that's classic 1960s anti-drug propaganda. The study that showed this was actually a very interesting one. An experiment was done on monkeys in which they were put in gas masks and forced to inhale hundreds of times more marijuana smoke than one normally would. What caused the brain damage was actually oxygen deprivation, not the marijuana. All contemporary studies show no impact on brain cell structure (however, it does have a positive effect on fighting off cancer cells). Yeah, there are dumb potheads out there. However, many of these people are already like this, and have tendencies to gravitate towards drug use.
High people behind the wheel... not a big problem actually. Most scientific research done on this has showed little to no difference than sober driving. If I were to rate it from best to worst, I'd say sober>high on weed>sleepy>drunk.

As for the other drugs, I support decriminalizing it, but not legalizing it to have heroin sold in stores etc. The drug war has completely fucked up our prison system and we have spent billions trying to combat something we can't exactly fight. History has shown that fighting fire with fire doesn't work. We have to treat drug abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal problem if we want to better our society.

Yes, we are. Obama and the other radically left libs who think like him are pretty much saying "ok, we'll tax the rich higher and give that money to the poor, people less fortunate, people who want everything for free and have other hard working people work for stuff they want or feel obligated to have for nothing...that's hardly a logical concept to solve that issue. I think you need a lesson in reality, I did my research and unlike others don't believe everything "you hear" out there...I never said welfare people are lazy bums...when did I say this again? I said a lot of people on welfare want everything for free or choose to not better themselves. Why do I feel this way? Well, unless you're literally thrown into the street by a retarded, evil family how do you explain hard workers out there who actually got wealthy by working their asses off? Example, Donald Trump...so it's not really improving our country, perhaps to you but not to me.
No, no it's not like that at all. You don't know what the leftist policies entail. We're not taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor, we are taking money from the rich and putting it into public programs to help the poor and other disadvantaged people. It's not to add to the poor peoples' paychecks. There are some people on welfare who are lazy, but a huge amount of these people simply did not have the opportunities other people had, and were victims of things like drug addiction. When you grow up in a very low-income area, businesses do not want to be there. To actually get out of places like that you have to put in a very disproportionate amount of effort in and have a little bit of luck. Also, if everyone in this country was 100% equal... who would be doing our low-status jobs? We can't ignore the bottom rungs of our society, we have to make it so everyone has equal opportunity and everyone can live a healthy life.

Uh, you don't have to be rich to become a US citizen, and time? While I will say adults should be approved in less time, within a year or something not multiple years you'll still do it if you want to become an American legally. Like I said, I'm a prime example of why and how you do it by the book. And most of them would be denied? I doubt that, that's a false assumption on your part. If they're denied, chances are it's for a good reason. And that would never happen because Mexico is another country entirely, people would want to stay there. So your pretty much saying you support "illegal immigration"....
First of all, you don't have to be rich, but you need some disposable income. Just to file the proper forms with the DoS/USCIS can cost you hundreds of dollars. And people aren't denied just because of things like criminal history, they are denied because we only allot a certain number of immigrants into our country each year. If you can go through the legal process, great, but many people can't and can't wait long enough in their terrible homes to do so. If I had three kids, was making little income with no foreseeable opportunity for improvement in my country, and was surrounded by violent drug cartels (which, might I add, wouldn't be a problem with marijuana legalization:) ) I might do the same as these people are.

7. Hardly, if anything you're the one horribly ignorant to information and facts...all the libs do is pull out the "racist and bigot" cards for merely having a different perspective. Much like this video shows.
Oh my god, what the fuck? Did you not read what I wrote? I gave you a prime example of republicans striking down a hate crime law... and you respond with "hardly"???? Dude.... are you trolling?

Did you NOT know that it was a Republican Conservative President named Ronald Reagan who made Martin Luther King day a national holiday?! Not to mention Lincoln who fought for Blacks? You really are beyond ignorant. So don't give me that "all righties are racists" bullshit because I assure you, whenever you find a racist who happens to be rightwing, there's another one who's leftwing. And I must say Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have to be the WORST hypocritical, racist libs out there...oh and let's not forget all the bashing the libs were doing to Palin and her family, attacking her grandchild for being slow, her daughter for having a baby...nahh, that's not hatred and bigotry right there..not at all. Oh and some lib site named slate.com who set up a "Santorum Sex Daughter mockery contest" hmm? Why aren't you bitching about that? Oh yeah because you're a lib...
Wow, Ronald Reagan made a black holiday, that sure did a lot for their communities. Lincoln fought for the blacks, yes... this was also in the 1800s when political parties were substantially different. When did I say all righties are racists? Sharpton and Jackson are interesting characters. They've said some dumb things (against homosexuality too) but IMO much of it is overstated. As for Palin, the daughter having a baby thing was a shot at her pro-family stance, which is very justified. It's the same thing with the pro-family Gingrich abandoning one of his wives and wanting an open marriage. The Santorum thing was funny... I don't see a problem with that. Why would anyone bitch about that? Lol. It's harmless, dude. By the way, I already talked about that Bill Maher vs Rush Limbaugh thing a while ago... I don't know why you're still bringing it up.

8. How is it a flawed argument when it's true though? NYC had it's best economic time or one of it's best during Rudy's administration as Mayor, he cut taxes, cut crime, got the city more jobs and was hard on security. Now compare that to when Dinkins or Bloomberg(who doesn't even know what he is now changing parties like he does clothes) and it's a nobrainer the former works better...and where have you been dude? We've always taxed the rich higher then the average joe or poor...they just pay less taxes but everyone still pays taxes regardless. Do you not know that people like Jeter, Trump, Oprah etc, etc pay ridiculous amounts in taxes far more then you and I do?
It's not about the dollar amount of your taxes, it's about the percentage of your income. The top 10% is paying proportionately less than the middle class. When you factor in things like loopholes, they're paying around 12-15% in income tax while the middle class pays 5-10% more than that. There's not justifiable reason why this should be happening. NYC had its best economic time during that period because the US was having one of its best economic times during that period. The same could be said about crime. There's no evidence that his tax policies (except possibly lowering of the hotel tax, which I would've supported) made that kind of positive effect.

And now for what's laughable:

I'll also give you a short term list of terrorists Obama is friends with or associates himself with.

William Ayers - American Terrorist
Raila Odinga - Cousin, Radical Islamist
Raul Reyes - Columbian Terrorist
Antonio Rezko - Muslim Slum Lord- Recently Convicted of
Professor Khalidi - Muslim Terrorist Supporter
Reverend Wright - Racist Muslim Supporter/Preacher, Anti-American
Reverend James Meeks - Racist
Reverend Louis Farrakhan - Racist Nation of Islam / Faux Preacher
Reverend. Jesse Jackson - Racist - Anti-Semetic
Nadhmi Auchi - Muslim Billionaire
Sohaib Abassi - Muslim Millionaire
First of all, I find it hilarious how you go around accusing everyone here of listening to the mainstream media, when 95% of the sources you bring up are from extreme right-wing sites like World Net Daily. Secondly.... wow. This is just stupid. I can go down the list of names here if you want... just going to look at a couple. Now I understand though, you go to these kinds of sites, look at things like this, and just assume it's true without looking any further. Like, Sohaib Abbasi? Really? Why is this guy included on a list of TERRORISTS? This is why WND is a joke. This is a businessman who's done nothing out of the ordinary but try to increase educational programs throughout poor areas of the Middle East. Raul Reyes? Really? So because someone's group said something in support for Obama, they're now an associate of Obama? I know Obama just as much as this guy. Rashid Khalidi? Just another example of anti-zionists being touted as terrorism supporters... smh.

And as far as the Bush thing goes, I can't believe you won't accept that. It's not a conspiracy, it is a fact. The same thing goes with our partnership with Middle-Eastern dictators. It's been like this since the 1930's, it's a matter of public record.