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What Character Community downplays the Most?


Meterburned Interactable Master
Superman or Killer Frost.

Zod community would get the award for most upplaying if the character wasn't actually that beast.


Aspiring Fighter
How is asking for nerfs any better/different than asking for buffs? It amounts to the exact same thing.
I just find it odd that, if someone's asking for major buffs (not fixes) for their character they're admitting that their character is bad, but they continue to play with the same character. Let's say that hypothetically Flash got 40% for 1 bar and trait off a d1. It would be more likely that people ask for it to be buffed than for them to just change characters. If someone's asking for nerfs to another character then they're not necessarily admitting their character is bad, just that the other character is, in their opinion, too good. Still doesn't make sense for them to not switch to that character, but it seems less odd to me for some reason.


Grundy think you handsome!
I just find it odd that, if someone's asking for major buffs (not fixes) for their character they're admitting that their character is bad, but they continue to play with the same character. Let's say that hypothetically Flash got 40% for 1 bar and trait off a d1. It would be more likely that people ask for it to be buffed than for them to just change characters. If someone's asking for nerfs to another character then they're not necessarily admitting their character is bad, just that the other character is, in their opinion, too good. Still doesn't make sense for them to not switch to that character, but it seems less odd to me for some reason.
Obviously people have favorite characters and they want to play with them. They should not get penalized because they don't play Superman or Black Adam.


Aspiring Fighter
Obviously people have favorite characters and they want to play with them. They should not get penalized because they don't play Superman or Black Adam.

That's a given that people have favorite characters, but I'm not taking that into account, this is just theory. If you're trying to be the best in the world at a given game there's no reason to use characters that need major buffs, it's a hindrance to your primary goal of winning.


Grundy think you handsome!
That's a given that people have favorite characters, but I'm not taking that into account, this is just theory. If you're trying to be the best in the world at a given game there's no reason to use characters that need major buffs, it's a hindrance to your primary goal of winning.
Unless you are emotionally invested in a character to the point where you can dream about tech and how best to use it, then you will be sorely mismatched against people who play the same character but ARE invested in their characters. Also it is better for the games lifespan if there are a very good number of viable characters.


I'm a fan of up-playing as oppossed to downplaying.

Take Lobo. Most people think he sucks. Yeah he has some issues, but look on the upside. He has really good damage. As long as he has meter he's a threat and can take anything from 40 - 50% + on you. His trait is actually pretty good. If you get to load a nuclear shell, thats a free 5% damage boost in a combo or potential juggle starter. I know loading a shell is a risk, but theres no cool down time and it does come out relatively fast. Just out of jump range his hooks are pretty safe. His standing 3 is a semi decent AA and he also has a not too shabby mid air over head. His jumping 2 isnt too bad either. His 21 is also pretty good for checking people just out of jump range where you can cancel into hooks or charge. B12 xx Mb B3 will lead into 50% combos.

The buffs coming his way are really gonna benefit him. Hook charge being an overhead is gonna be beast. MB version will also get two hits of armour. Also getting two nuclear shells which is beast. I'd personally like to see his standing 1 changed to a mid but that's just me. I feel his dash should be better than it is considering he seemingly lowers his hitbox significantly.

That said, I feel out of the lower characters, he is going to benefit the most from this patch.