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Who Does The Communtiy Want to Send to Final Round for Pure Hype and to Win it All?

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  • Poll closed .

YOMI Reno_Racks

I have a dream...
First off to all of you giving thanks and showing love, I love y'all too. Reading this thread is like getting a big group e-hug and I appreciate it.

I wouldn't care about doing this if I didn't love my community. This is happening cause y'all are awesome and because I want the major that goes down in my city to kick as much ass as possible.

As far as the FR vote is concerned for me it's only about three players. I respect the other guys on the list in terms of skill but I don't have any kind of relationship with them so they can't compete with these three badasses:

WoundCowboy - This is my boy and Norcal brethren. One of the first guys that I met in the scene and I really admire this little guy's toughness, composure and determination. Ryan taught me a lot while whoopin my ass relentlessly. He also put one possibly the hypest series of matches I've ever seen in a major and I know he'll do the same thing at Final Round.

Mr. Mileena - One my favorite people to play online with and always a positive, funny and classy guy. I want to see his Sindel make top 8 so bad. He is also the inspiration for this in the first place. We were playing online one day and I was like, "Hey pimp, are you going to Final Round?" and he was like, "No due to school and money I'll only be able to make it to Evo bla, bla, bla." Then came the lightbulb.

Gamer Blake - How can you not love this guy? He's the biggest contributor to the MK community since MK9 dropped and does it all out of love for the game and us. IMO he's the best sonya and such an emotional and hype competitor. It would be so sick to watch him dive kick everyone's ass at FR. He's pretty fun to be around so that's another factor as well.

I'm gonna vote like I do everything else in my life.. last minute as hell. I'm a sucker for the underdog as well so my vote will likely go to whoever has the least amount of votes wednesday night.

To everyone coming to Final Round make sure you book your return flight for Sunday cause Saturday night we're goin in! I'm droppin my kids off at grandma's, getting kegs of beer, a shit-ton of liquor, possibly strippers doing cosplays and setups will be everywhere. No hotel staff is gonna tell us to quiet down and we'll have multiple streams going too. This will be the most memorable party in MK9 history so please come be a part of it. If any one has any questions regarding the party just pm me.


Grapple > Footsies
To everyone coming to Final Round make sure you book your return flight for Sunday cause Saturday night we're goin in! I'm droppin my kids off at grandma's, getting kegs of beer, a shit-ton of liquor, possibly strippers doing cosplays and setups will be everywhere. No hotel staff is gonna tell us to quiet down and we'll have multiple streams going too. This will be the most memorable party in MK9 history so please come be a part of it. If any one has any questions regarding the party just pm me.


Okay, aside from Scorpion (or in other words, Slips), Shang Tsung is probably the most fun character to watch in tournament in my opinion. Detroit wrecking everyone with him at NEC in 2011 remains one of my favorite MK moments, and watching his Shang in action was a true joy. After he dropped him, I felt the character had no real representation at the highest level and it was a a shame...

That all changed when I saw Wound at MLG Dallas. His match with Pig was fantastic, his patience, spacing, footsies, and usage of soul steal were a sight to behold. His subsequent performance at SCR and fight with DJT were some of the best examples as to why this game is so awesome. For that alone, he deserves to go.

HOWEVER, there's someone I've been dying to see play since Devastation. He's in my opinion one of the smartest and most innovative players in the community, he's helped many people level up online, he brings vast knowledge to the game, and most importantly, is one of the most fun, unique, and classiest (he loves that word) players in the community. He hasn't competed in ages and I really feel we've been robbed of a truly great player. For that, Mr. Mileena gets my vote.


To everyone coming to Final Round make sure you book your return flight for Sunday cause Saturday night we're goin in! I'm droppin my kids off at grandma's, getting kegs of beer, a shit-ton of liquor, possibly strippers doing cosplays and setups will be everywhere. No hotel staff is gonna tell us to quiet down and we'll have multiple streams going too. This will be the most memorable party in MK9 history so please come be a part of it. If any one has any questions regarding the party just pm me.
Man, screw the actual tournament, I wanna come just for this haha.


Blue Blurs for Life!
I voted for Blake, which is now Blake/Khaotik I guess hahaha. As much as I love the other candidates, no one has put nearly as much time and dedication into this community as he has.
I appreciate the vote, but that's just not true. There are plenty of us who have put all our hearts into this community, none more so than the other. Some do a better job of helping out than I ever could.

And like I said, don't vote for somebody in this poll just because you like them. Vote for them because of the accomplishments that stand out to you. Vote for the players whom you feel are the most likely to win, to bring the most upsets and hype to a tournament. That's all there is to it.


Blue Blurs for Life!
As much as I love everyone on here except Death,

Mr Mileena has been the one person the community's been dying to see come back after his amazing debut early in mk's history. Not only that, but he's still respected in online play as possibly the best Kitana (and Sindel) out there so it's unlikely that he's a fluke. I think he deserves an opportunity to show what he can do since he hasn't been able to much.

So, no offense to my friends Cowboy Khaotik and Blake. I still <3 you guys
Trust me, no offense is taken, because I agree 100%.


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
i voted for wound, of the players on the list hes the one i enjoy watching most

big props to the alt crew/reno for doing this,itspretty cool
also Pig Of The Hut who picked the 8 players on the list?