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Tech standing 2 anti air


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King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
I'm not sure if you already have this one but this is the one i always use, works pretty well:

2 as Anti air= 2,dash,214, smoke bomb, *32, dash, f4, EX Smoke bomb...
or=2,dash,214, smoke bomb, *32, Jump kick, Grab (if no EX)

In order not to fail 214's second hit wait till the enemy is at CHEST level.
*Can be replaced with 3d12 for a little more damage, but i like playing it simple
-Also i didn't put the damage input since imat work and don't remember the exact values. I prefer this ones since they are very easy to do.
Most people don't use 2 > 214~bomb just because it's really height dependent... 2 > 2 > d1~bomb is more consistent for most people despite it being a few % less damage. Good to know you can 2 > 214 for max damage if you're confident in it however

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
Most people don't use 2 > 214~bomb just because it's really height dependent... 2 > 2 > d1~bomb is more consistent for most people despite it being a few % less damage. Good to know you can 2 > 214 for max damage if you're confident in it however
Im gonna be honest with you. I find it WAY easier to just get used to the height calculation for 214 than dashing so many times and for less damage. But well thats just me XD
Thanks for your consideration
Im gonna be honest with you. I find it WAY easier to just get used to the height calculation for 214 than dashing so many times and for less damage. But well thats just me XD
Thanks for your consideration
What if you catch them really low with the 2? the follow up 214 bomb drops between 4 and bomb. 2 2 d1 or 2 2 2 d1 are pretty much height independent, they work no matter what. which is why they are the staples. nothing wrong with height dependent high damage stuff; pretty much what smoke's reset is all about :p

King Checkmate

uɐlop sı ʎllɐnʇɔɐ
I see what you say FrothyOmen and of course you are right. For some reason (maybe luck who knows) i usually catch them really high.The times i catch them low ( like 15% of the time) and input 214 , what i do , is that since i know im not gonna connect the SB i just do Shake cancel to build up meter or invisibility since its a big part of my game style. If catch him high, full combo maybe even reset.If catch them low, then 15% damage and some meter. but i DO understand where you are coming from.Sometimes you just need damage XD

Guess my gameplay needs some more work then, would be nice to be able to pull all of them off 100% of the time.......Ty for the info BTW. to all of you.


Mad scientist
well im glad someone mentioned 2, 214~sb.

Its not that hard. you just have to make sure you dash in quick for the 214~sb

i prefer it over the 2, d1, d1~sb method

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Not that big of a deal, but when you do Standing 2, Standing 2, D1 (or replace one standing 2 with another D1), the opponent falls to the ground faster. Because of this, you can't extend the combo beyond a 3 D1 2 and ender. If you use one Standing 2 and one D1, you can follow it up with 3 2, 3 D 1 2, 2~Smoke Bomb for some extra damage.

As for set-ups, you can do an NJP consistently after you follow the Smoke Bomb with 3 D1 2 for double whiffed teleport shenanigans, which can be mixed up. You can also easily follow up 3 D1 2 with a B1 4. Lastly, it's a lot easier to land the reset since they fall to the ground slower. I've never really understood why people use that other AA, aside from them being paranoid they'll drop it. :p

CD jr straight up followed Standing 2 with a Smoke Bomb. lol.
CD jr straight up followed Standing 2 with a Smoke Bomb. lol.
I remember that lol

I'm just used to 2 2 d1, and I've got my reset timing off of it down pat, so I'm hesitant to change. I like your idea of just one d1 or no d1's at all though, but i'm not really ballsy enough for that. I have a hard enough time performing in tournament as is; I'll stick to what I know :)


...is awesome.
Hell yeah it is. Highly underated. 0 on block. On hit midscreen, you get an awesome teleport switcheroo by teleporting twice. Also, it's the easiest X-Ray for me to hit, personally.

3D12, B14~X-ray

It's so swag in the corner too.

B14, 21~teleport, D1~smokebomb, 3D12, 214~whatever (may be able to F4 reset instead of 214)

Or for less swag, just B14, 214~smokebomb

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Hell yeah it is. Highly underated. 0 on block. On hit midscreen, you get an awesome teleport switcheroo by teleporting twice. Also, it's the easiest X-Ray for me to hit, personally.

3D12, B14~X-ray

It's so swag in the corner too.

B14, 21~teleport, D1~smokebomb, 3D12, 214~whatever (may be able to F4 reset instead of 214)

Or for less swag, just B14, 214~smokebomb
Also has other properties that make it unique, which xSmokex stated before. If you end certain combos with it and Smoke Towards, assuming you used it at the proper height, you'll end up in a spot where you can dash twice to appear behind the opponent or seemingly in front of them. Nice little trick to mess with their wakeup inputs.

Not to mention it is the best string to use shake cancel shenanigans with since opponents have, like, a -4 window to react. It's a great pressure tool to use after a D4 because both inputs are 0 on block and can be hit confirmed. It certainly isn't a MUST USE string for Smoke, but it's another option he has, and a viable one at that, so it's worth noting.