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Reptile Frame Data


Alright I'll have to try that.... Though it kinda bugs me how you can trick/break the mechanics to doing stuff rather unproperly. Like for example I got replays of reptile doing cancel special moves without specified face button imput.

Anyways I'm looking for some insight on my previous reply.
I completely agree but it can also be a good thing.

D4 invis for example (great tool to use) is D4 U4, nice smooth input....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I think this is wrong.... I've never ever have had 122~fb be interrupted. Nor any 122~ anything. Me and my fiance tested it today against kung Lao, sheeva, kabal, and mileena, trying low pokes, fast single strikes, fast specials, and xrays and nothing interrupted reptiles 122~.

On a different note.... I don't think f3 1+2 works in the corner. Not sure since I didnt test a lot but my fiance was able to block 1+2 when f3 1+2 was done in the corner.

Besides that I'm wondering what yall suggest.to follow up with after a 1+2 hit? And is there a possible free throw opportunity after 1+2 if you cancel 1+2 into elbow dash? I tried testing that but didn't have consistent results..... May work but may need specific placement.

Couple side notes.... D4~fb works but is hard for me to do lol. any tips? And im new here. Hi yall :)
122 xx forceball is interruptable.

Icy X

122 xx forceball is interruptable.
Wtf is "xx"? If that just another way of saying cancel then no it cannot be. If it could be then they changed it. If you're talking about enhanced fb, well thats something i dont use or was talking about. But yeah I did some thorough testing and 122 cancel into anything isn't interruptable unless I'm totally missing something.... Oh and I've been talking about on hit not block.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
xx does mean cancel.

It's always been interruptable. Just people didn't know frame data for this game until recent, when Somberness started collecting it. We didn't know Smoke 3d12 could be xray interrupted until recent so yeah.

Icy X

xx does mean cancel.

It's always been interruptable. Just people didn't know frame data for this game until recent, when Somberness started collecting it. We didn't know Smoke 3d12 could be xray interrupted until recent so yeah.
You keep saying it is. I'm saying its not and will continue to til you or someone can actuqlly tell me and explain to me how the hell you can interrupt it? Like ive said I've.never had it interrupted before and yesterday I thoroughly tested it against 20+ different attacks and xrays. I couldnt interrupt it at all nor my fiance. I'm just confused about this because i know you are good guys here but I am gonna need some explaining on this.... I mean i havent been able to do it with any low poke or xray or specials like KL spin so i.dont understand....


You keep saying it is. I'm saying its not and will continue to til you or someone can actuqlly tell me and explain to me how the hell you can interrupt it? Like ive said I've.never had it interrupted before and yesterday I thoroughly tested it against 20+ different attacks and xrays. I couldnt interrupt it at all nor my fiance. I'm just confused about this because i know you are good guys here but I am gonna need some explaining on this.... I mean i havent been able to do it with any low poke or xray or specials like KL spin so i.dont understand....
At first you didn't say you were talking about on hit. Of course you can't interrupt it on hit as it is +35.

Icy X

Yeah I'm sorry for the confusion. I thought it was talking about on hit from what i originally quoted so I tested it and was like Wtf no it isn't interruptable lol so ok... Thanks for the clean up somberness. Now I'll go sit in the noob korner for a little while lol. Sorry :)

Icy X

Hey I'm still relatively new to examining and making sense out of frame data so bare with me plz if I sound dumb.... (I've just never cared to use frame data for games in the past)

So if I understand correctly, on block, 321~ (+26) elbow (16 duration) = +10 advantage = free throw (10 execute)?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Hey I'm still relatively new to examining and making sense out of frame data so bare with me plz if I sound dumb.... (I've just never cared to use frame data for games in the past)

So if I understand correctly, on block, 321~ (+26) elbow (16 duration) = +10 advantage = free throw (10 execute)?
No, the dash would have to somehow whiff the dash while landing the blockstring.
I didn't read all 7 pages, but if your opponent blocks f3,1+2 then are you basically guaranteed a free 3,1,2 since its +8 on block and 3 is only 13 frames?


I didn't read all 7 pages, but if your opponent blocks f3,1+2 then are you basically guaranteed a free 3,1,2 since its +8 on block and 3 is only 13 frames?
I get d1'd out of it all the time. My favourite enders are d4 AH/invis/forceball or EX dash afterwards.


It hits crouching.
I used to use this in the early days but I found it hard to get pressure going from full screen. When ending with 321 slow ball, you have the option of dashing in or backing up and putting a fast ball on screen.

Icy X

I think I've been confused about something....

So is elbow dash always -15 on block no matter what even when canceled into from another string?

For example I thought on block 321~ (+26) elbow dash (dur 16) would = reptile at +10 advantage.

Now is that wrong and reptile would be left at -15 since elbow dash would be last blocked hit?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I think I've been confused about something....

So is elbow dash always -15 on block no matter what even when canceled into from another string?

For example I thought on block 321~ (+26) elbow dash (dur 16) would = reptile at +10 advantage.

Now is that wrong and reptile would be left at -15 since elbow dash would be last blocked hit?
Yep if it's blocked it's -15.


I think I've been confused about something....

So is elbow dash always -15 on block no matter what even when canceled into from another string?

For example I thought on block 321~ (+26) elbow dash (dur 16) would = reptile at +10 advantage.

Now is that wrong and reptile would be left at -15 since elbow dash would be last blocked hit?
Reptile at +10 after a blocked elbow dash?

He needs it.

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I think I've been confused about something....

So is elbow dash always -15 on block no matter what even when canceled into from another string?

For example I thought on block 321~ (+26) elbow dash (dur 16) would = reptile at +10 advantage.

Now is that wrong and reptile would be left at -15 since elbow dash would be last blocked hit?
cancel advantage onl applies to whiffed specials, blocking advantage is different


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
So Krys9984 and I are doing a video for Jade on when to EN Glow during block strings. What strings for Reptile do you know FOR SURE have gaps? Somberness