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Predict the overnerfs/buffs


POTH makes me question my sexuallity
As a former FA Jacqui main, i cant really see the need of any nerfs to the machine gun. And if you guys really NEED a nerf on it, it would be the amount of meter you build on block.
When it comes to Quan Chi, maybe a slight dely between when you use the bat and resummon him is increased by abit. Not 2 seconds,not 3, mybe 0.5 or 0.7? But if any more delay is added, they REALLY need to take a look at the only armored move that quan got. Since it gets beaten by EVERYTHING since it got like a 300f startup.


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
It's only a problem for them because they refuse to learn how to get around it. This isn't even 'prepatch deathstroke frame trap' guns, this is, 'fully avoidable by neutral crouch and easily blockable on reaction' guns. You have 0 excuses for not being able to get around someone 'spamming' this move; it's not even that good.

Again, the fact that you don't like the way she plays has absolutely no bearing on whether or not she is balanced or in need of a nerf. Just because you don't find a strategy interesting/enjoyable to watch, doesn't mean others don't.
It just doesnt sit well with me that a new or casual players can be beaten by three of these sat around a controller.



Thou shalt be slain!
any of you calling for Ferra/Torr buffs need to step into my office :DOGE if anything, that character may need a little nerfing.