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Guide Post Patch Skarlet Combo's

I hope you don't repeat it 7 times before succeed in real match x) (just joking dude)

I still prefer my 2, up slash starter as an AA (I prefer good stuffs I will never drop for some reason and I also like finishing combos by reset, mine is 29% reset followed by +10% string on block : 2, up slash, 2, 3, red dash, up slash, 1, 1, 2, ex-dag cancel, 2, 1, 2+1, red dash or dag cancel etc...).
What about U3 hitbox ? Is it good against a jump kick ?

One thing, I really dunno why you don't air dag on your second U3 (add +1% to your combo) and don't red dash right after your 2, 3 for the up slash, it makes the string easier to do coz you're closer from your opponent for the f4, 3. Also, this air dag + red dash added to your combo will give you a bit of meter.
So it should be this : U3, U3 air dag, 2, 3, red dash, up slash, f4, 3 : 41% + some meter, easier to do coz without the dag, the 2, 3 is very hard to get on timing because your opponent is too close from the ground and will drop too fast, and without red dash it's very hard to get the f4, 3.
Try it and tell me bout it. ;)

Yeah, but seriously this F4 is a pain in da ass ! My Skarlet always does 4 or f4, 3 instead and even (sometimes) f4, tp (don't ask me why lol) when I try that stuff followed by a red dash :(
maybe i will man, thanks. i just learn her at my own pace thats all, but i could always use an idea. yea the up 3 is good against jumpkicks, but timed right. and as far as not throwing a dagger after up 3, i like to see what other things i can do. i try to play unlike most people lol. and hope to see your skarlet in action soon.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
WonderedFuture merged your thread into this one. Unfortunately this isn't new tech to the community, though it may be to you. :)

I left a 3 hour re-direct from your other post, which I edited to "Skarlet 40% Anti Air"
WonderedFuture merged your thread into this one. Unfortunately this isn't new tech to the community, though it may be to you. :)

I left a 3 hour re-direct from your other post, which I edited to "Skarlet 40% Anti Air"
yep im a late bloomer, but its cool i dont play for the community, im in it for me, but i thought this be cool to show. anyway, hope to play ur skar someday, and usedforglues.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
yep im a late bloomer, but its cool i dont play for the community, im in it for me, but i thought this be cool to show. anyway, hope to play ur skar someday, and usedforglues.
It's totally cool. Don't get me wrong, we want your input and I'm a huge fan of your enthusiasm. I also want to keep the forum organized, which is why I merged your thread. :) Welcome!

Are you on XBL WonderedFuture ?


I don't understand what you are trying to demonstrate here.

There are no combos that I can see, just a few examples of strings. There is a section where you get rocked by trying to throw bloodballs at a Nightwolf using wakeup ex charge. Using bloodball on a character when they have the option to wakeup is begging at least lose the life from BB, and probably be hit if that wakeup and move around the stage.

The section on spacing using dagger cancels doesn't seem to demonstrate anything either. You are already at full screen, what are you trying to space? Zoning with daggers and bloodball from fill screen is basically asking to die.
I don't understand what you are trying to demonstrate here.

There are no combos that I can see, just a few examples of strings. There is a section where you get rocked by trying to throw bloodballs at a Nightwolf using wakeup ex charge. Using bloodball on a character when they have the option to wakeup is begging at least lose the life from BB, and probably be hit if that wakeup and move around the stage.

The section on spacing using dagger cancels doesn't seem to demonstrate anything either. You are already at full screen, what are you trying to space? Zoning with daggers and bloodball from fill screen is basically asking to die.
shoudnt have posted this. it has messages about what would happen in a match, but oddly without the character moving ( for the spacing part) and either way, good mixups, and i win with them. i learned these and put them up.
I don't understand what you are trying to demonstrate here.

There are no combos that I can see, just a few examples of strings. There is a section where you get rocked by trying to throw bloodballs at a Nightwolf using wakeup ex charge. Using bloodball on a character when they have the option to wakeup is begging at least lose the life from BB, and probably be hit if that wakeup and move around the stage.

The section on spacing using dagger cancels doesn't seem to demonstrate anything either. You are already at full screen, what are you trying to space? Zoning with daggers and bloodball from fill screen is basically asking to die.
lol your actually right. its an old ass vid i made and i got carried away with putting stuff on here. i do no combos in the vid, and i remember doing the spacing thing all wrong. lol either way its a good watch i think.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Destiny working on it daily. Can't give a time frame just yet, but I'm committed to seeing it done. When I have a time estimate, I'll let you all know.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
So why does everyone do this 23 xx dagger cancel stuff?

Isn't it better to do reps of 2 or f4 into red dash b2?

Am I missing something?

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
Skarlet is awesome. More entertaining then Tsung for me. I got a combo i called "sweet 50" not sure if it was presented.

jip, b2, downslash, dash, u3, df1, dash, 2,3,df3, EX downslash, dash, 2,3, df3, 4. 12 Hits 50%



Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?

There are a ton of combo's I have written down that are the best that I've found for every situation that aren't in this thread yet. My personal life competing for my time is making producing the guide difficult (again). I may have to do it in batches, in which case I'll release the video explaining normals, specials, and combo's.

But I'm not giving up on the Strategy and Setups sections! Still plugging away at it...I hope to have a fairly decent guide out for all my fellow Skarletans.


I've never known a character with such a huge variety of combos.

It's like she has a massive combo for any situation.

Here is a relatively easy one for 43%, no meter:

JP, B2, downslash, dash, F4, downslash, dash, 23 cancel into dagger, dash, F4, red slide


Maximizing Skarlet's damage:
Let's say you're doing F2, 1, 2, 1+2. The opponent blocks the first 3 hits but is hit by the overhead. You can actually link that to a Down Slash instead of an Up Slash. This only works if they crouch blocked any part of F2, 1 2 (not sure why). Of course, people who know how to fight Skarlet will never get hit by the overhead.

(F2, 1, 2,) 1+2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Up Slash, F4, Red Dash, Red Slide (9 Hits, 38%)
(F2, 1, 2,) 1+2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Up Slash, dash, 2, 3, Red Dash, Red Slide (9 Hits, 38%) <-- Much easier
(F2, 1, 2,) 1+2, Red Dash, Down Slash, 2, Red Dash, Down Slash, dash, 1, 1, 2 (8 Hits, 32%)
Can someone share some practical combos starting from red dash or ex red dash up and down slashes? I have trouble getting 2,3 to connect with both dash slashes if this is the perfered follow up, any advice? thanks

Saltea Moonspell

"Mind Over Matter" I dont mind, and X dont matter
I am new to Skarlet, but I will give you what is practical and reliable for me in critical situations.

Up Slash fallow up:
2, df3, 2, 2, df3,2,dash,2,3, df3,4 = 33%
f4, df2, f4, df1(Dagger cancel), dash 112 (reset) =24%

Down Slash fallow up:
Same as the 1st one above, but it gives total of =37%
2, df3, 2, 2, df3,2,dash, 112 (reset) = 33%
I would recommend replace the 2,3 string with 11 or f4. Less pain in the ass. While you get use to her you can switch to 23 fallow ups. She requires some fine manual (execution) and a lot of patience.

Good Luck!

fr stack

Noob's saibot or noob saibot's?
damn so thats how i connect de downslashes i never red dash
boom back to practice mode !!!


Skarlet, Sub-Zero, Smoke (PSN: gLoBaL_ThReAT-_-)
Hey Ninj, dude I have been trying to get a combo in with Skarlet that incorporates her "Blood Ball", I mean its 15% damage, I know its super slow and it takes away her health but I mean that 15% damage could mean bring her max corner damage game from like 52% to 67% or more, depending on what mix-ups/combos are used. Since its so slow I was thinking that it would be a good corner combo if you could launch the opponent high enough in the corner, but I can't seem to connect it with anything if you have any ideas or if you think I should just give up on this idea let me know please. :)


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Hey Ninj, dude I have been trying to get a combo in with Skarlet that incorporates her "Blood Ball", I mean its 15% damage, I know its super slow and it takes away her health but I mean that 15% damage could mean bring her max corner damage game from like 52% to 67% or more, depending on what mix-ups/combos are used. Since its so slow I was thinking that it would be a good corner combo if you could launch the opponent high enough in the corner, but I can't seem to connect it with anything if you have any ideas or if you think I should just give up on this idea let me know please. :)
I would give up on that idea - Blood Ball will hit for 6-8% in a combo setting, depending on which combo you do (there are only a couple corner's that allow BB to connect). If BB didn't scale, it would be worth it as a round-ending combo (special = unbreakable), but it does scale, so it's not worth it.