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Official UMK3:TE Changelog and Discussion Thread


I'll give you a hint of something that happened to me, not alternate between the original rom and rom hack in the same directory... in my case noob saibot did not appear after the correct combination ,sweeps did not work, all because of some additional files that are generated


Undisputed #1 ScrubBot Worldwide.
Robohomo basic TPU follow ups (For TE Revision 2.0.032 Beta 8):

TPU, Spear, 5 hit Dial (7 hits, 30%) - Vs. Everyone - Eazypeezy
TPU, JK, Air Throw (3 hits, 36%) - Vs. Everyone - Also easy
TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial (8 hits, 36%) - Vs. Everyone - I see no real reason to do this combo, does the same damage as the above combo and is more difficult to execute
TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Air Throw (4 hits, 42%) - Vs. Everyone - Risky/wierd timings on F. Ninjas, Sonya, U. Sub, Sindel, Kung Lao, Sheeva, Shang, and Kang
TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial (9 hits, 43%) - Vs. Jax, Nightwolf, Kano, U.Sub, Robots, Sindel, Stryker, Kabal, and Sheeva - Easier than the combo above, Risky/FA based timing on Nightwolf, and a bit of a timing alteration when done on Robots

With all of this in mind, IMO, you best/most reliable follow-ups for each character are:
F. Ninjas, Sonya, Kung Lao, Shang Tsung, and Liu Kang - TPU, JK, Air Throw
Ninjas and Robots - TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Air Throw
Jax, Kano, U.Sub, Sindel, Stryker, Kabal, and Sheeva - TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial
Nightwolf - TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial (The 2nd aaHP may whiff (due to FA, maybe?) but the spear will still connect, making it the same damage as TPU, JK, Air Throw which is your next best option anyway)

Not a great deal different from Vanilla UMK3, but enough to be noticable :)
I didn't really know where to leave this, or if anyone really cares, but it's nice to have a reference sometimes :D
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MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Robohomo basic TPU follow ups (For TE Revision 2.0.032 Beta 8):

TPU, Spear, 5 hit Dial (7 hits, 30%) - Vs. Everyone - Eazypeezy
TPU, JK, Air Throw (3 hits, 36%) - Vs. Everyone - Also easy
TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial (8 hits, 36%) - Vs. Everyone - I see no real reason to do this combo, does the same damage as the above combo and is more difficult to execute
TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Air Throw (4 hits, 42%) - Vs. Everyone - Risky/wierd timings on F. Ninjas, Sonya, U. Sub, Sindel, Kung Lao, Sheeva, Shang, and Kang
TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Sweep (4 hits, 43%) - Vs. Everyone except Sonya and Shang - Risky timing on F. Ninjas, not really a viable Invisibility setup
TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial (9 hits, 43%) - Vs. Jax, Nightwolf, Kano, U.Sub, Robots, Sindel, Stryker, Kabal, and Sheeva - Easier that the combo above, Risky/FA based timing on Nightwolf, A bit of a timing alteration when done on Robots
TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Run-Cancel JK, Sweep (5 hits, 50%) - Vs. Jax (maybe a few others, still testing, however it doesn't look promising) - TBH, don't even bother with this one...

With all of this in mind, IMO, you best/most reliable follow-ups for each character are:
F. Ninjas, Sonya, Shang Tsung - TPU, JK, Air Throw
Nightwolf, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang (Invisibility setup) - TPU, JK, Air Throw
Ninjas, Nightwolf, Robots, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang - TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Sweep
Ninjas, and Robots (Invisibility setup) - TPU, Run-Burst aaHP, Run-Cancel JK, Air Throw
Jax, Kano, U.Sub, Sindel, Stryker, Kabal, and Sheeva - TPU, Run-Burst aaHPHP, Spear, 5 hit Dial

Not a great deal different from Vanilla UMK3, but enough to be noticable :)
I didn't really know where to leave this, or if anyone really cares, but it's nice to have a reference sometimes :D
All of those sweeps are blockable after the JK.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Is this a legit combo, or can sweeps like this be blocked by a human opponent? Still new to this game and trying to figure out what works and what doesn't




MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Is this a legit combo, or can sweeps like this be blocked by a human opponent? Still new to this game and trying to figure out what works and what doesn't


That is blockable. Only certain moves allow a followup attack.
will Scorp get the Forward teleport then?
Not sure
I think the more important question is "Will the way the Robo-TPU juggles be fixed?"

What exactly needs to be "fixed"?
Will the returnarang get the friendly Fire treatment if its current form (which is ridiculous, by the way) isn't nerfed?


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
That is blockable. Only certain moves allow a followup attack. Not sure

What exactly needs to be "fixed"?
That is cool, I actually like just walking forward and doing a roundhouse into invisible with Smoke so they are at full screen. Messing with the invisible setups is pretty cool for sure.
That is cool, I actually like just walking forward and doing a roundhouse into invisible with Smoke so they are at full screen. Messing with the invisible setups is pretty cool for sure.
2 hit pop up, aaHP, RH, Teleport, Uppercut, invisibility. 43% damage and invisibility.

How about an option for Smoke and Snuff? You know, Smokeless. One gets invisibility, the other gets the air throw :)


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
2 hit pop up, aaHP, RH, Teleport, Uppercut, invisibility. 43% damage and invisibility.

How about an option for Smoke and Snuff? You know, Smokeless. One gets invisibility, the other gets the air throw :)
I was doing the 2 hit pop up, jk~ spear, 2 hit pop up walk up round house and it was about the same damage and leaves you full screen. With that said, I have no clue what I am doing.

I'd rather have the air throw than the invisibility.
I do miss the air throw as well. FREE SMOKE.


Undisputed #1 ScrubBot Worldwide.
I'd rather have the air throw than the invisibility.
I'd rather him not have his current pop-ups, but a custom knee-starting 4 hit pop-up (knee, knee, last two hits of his current knee, DLP, DHP combo) and invisibility, and the air throw, but hey... (double DP on the spear if 4+, of course)
Now tell me that isn't the best idea you've ever heard :D
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TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
2 hit pop up, aaHP, RH, Teleport, Uppercut, invisibility. 43% damage and invisibility.

How about an option for Smoke and Snuff? You know, Smokeless. One gets invisibility, the other gets the air throw :)
How the f do you hit aaHP into RH?