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New Yomi Tier List after The Big Patch 9/1+


Original Liu Kang cop.
Yeah, a member of STB. A very respect Johnny Cage player.

It's saddening that you don't know who he is.

STB Kompetitor is who he is. So yeah, pretty high level player.

If you don't main Cage @Phosferrax then just stop.
Yeah he's done really well in all those tournaments he's went too so of course I've heard of him...

Good sir, I have played A-List enough to know that what your boy posted is utter garbage. I have mained him in the past as well. If you think you can react to a 15f overhead then you need to stop.


Deus Fulminatus
They over nerfed raiden so much:( seriously what's the point in removing everything raiden had just to give it to another character because they're too weak without it, then calling that 'fair' just because top tiers got worse and low tiers got better and in reality the tier lists just flipped for some characters...
NRS hates TG Raiden man. Just constant nerfs and nothing to show for it. From possible top 5 to being nerfed into irrelevancy.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
That's a read. Basically you're saying you should pretty much never get hit with any overhead in this game ever.
Not at all.

I really don't know how to explain it. It may be a read, but I know Kompetitor isn't that predictable. Maybe I'm just good at blocking some shit. Iunno.

Idk why you guys don't believe me when I say I can block it consistently lol like, iunno what to tell ya. I know what I can block and what I can't.

Or maybe everybody's reaction time is different? I've had people react to me ending a combo with mb cartwheel smash which is 16 frames. Idk what to tell you.

And I know that's not a read cuz I may do it once or twice a whole match.


My blades will find your heart
Not at all.

I really don't know how to explain it. It may be a read, but I know Kompetitor isn't that predictable. Maybe I'm just good at blocking some shit. Iunno.

Idk why you guys don't believe me when I say I can block it consistently lol like, iunno what to tell ya. I know what I can block and what I can't.

Or maybe everybody's reaction time is different? I've had people react to me ending a combo with mb cartwheel smash which is 16 frames. Idk what to tell you.

And I know that's not a read cuz I may do it once or twice a whole match.
Its probably just online shenanigans. Certain people have faster reaction times but that only means they can react to 18f moves or something. 15 is completely out of the realm of possibility. You say he isnt predictable but if you block his f2 every time than he probably is.
Not at all.

I really don't know how to explain it. It may be a read, but I know Kompetitor isn't that predictable. Maybe I'm just good at blocking some shit. Iunno.

Idk why you guys don't believe me when I say I can block it consistently lol like, iunno what to tell ya. I know what I can block and what I can't.

Or maybe everybody's reaction time is different? I've had people react to me ending a combo with mb cartwheel smash which is 16 frames. Idk what to tell you.

And I know that's not a read cuz I may do it once or twice a whole match.
That's pretty much the definition of a read. Yes reaction times are different, but you're just not reacting to 15 frames. Especially when he has other options. If we're going by that theory, no one should get bit by Jason's overhead or low, (24 and 19 respectively). Dvorah's overhead, Goro's overhead, Jacqui's overhead/low etc.

Edit: http://shoryuken.com/2015/05/21/human-reaction-times-and-fighting-games-or-why-blocking-isnt-always-easy/

Great read on the subject.


Raiden Practitioner
They over nerfed raiden so much:( seriously what's the point in removing everything raiden had just to give it to another character because they're too weak without it, then calling that 'fair' just because top tiers got worse and low tiers got better and in reality the tier lists just flipped for some characters...
I agree. Raiden was over nerfed. I don't know of any other former top tiers that fell as low as Raiden did in the tier ranking and in the tournament usage. Does anybody even remember the last time we saw Raiden in Top 8 at a tournament? I don't. They should have given him a buff to compensate for the removal of OS (the ones they gave to Displacer and MoS don't compensate for it). Maybe some damage boost or reducing the recovery time of B2 would have done the trick.


Yeah he's done really well in all those tournaments he's went too so of course I've heard of him...

Good sir, I have played A-List enough to know that what your boy posted is utter garbage. I have mained him in the past as well. If you think you can react to a 15f overhead then you need to stop.
If your in the zone and a player with good reactions you can react to 15 frames but most likely in shorter sets. I have done it before but I noticed in longer sets you get tired and cant react as consistently but it is possible.


Block Spammer
My post is stupid? Lmao whatever floats your boat. I actually dnt care what you or others think about kenshi because just because many ppl say a character is bad, doesn't mean they actually are. Also u are not interpreting my post correctly so reply back to me when u actually understand what I was trying to say. Also no merit? Lol u are hilarious.
I read your post correctly. You however are refusing to understand what everyone who played kenshi is saying. Until you or your brother can prove Kenshi is viable which is against popular opinion. The onus of proof is on you proving he's viable. Which has yet to happen. The onus of proof isn't on others to prove he sucks, which thus far has been proven. It's only all talk and claims on your end. So I suggest you two go in a major and play with him. Oh wait. You won't because money is on the line.

So yes. Your claims have no merit because no Yomi used kenshi in a major or in a first to 10 outside of yomi casuals. The onus of proof is on you. So have at it.
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My blades will find your heart
If your in the zone and a player with good reactions you can react to 15 frames but most likely in shorter sets. I have done it before but I noticed in longer sets you get tired and cant react as consistently but it is possible.
Even SonicFox, who has arguably the best reactions of any NRS player, says he cant react to anything below 18f. Even saying you can react to an 18f is highly suspect because you have to account for multiple stimuli(throws, lows, other pressure etc.)

Just to illustrate this, take this test. All you have to do is react to the Overheads:

Even SonicFox, who has arguably the best reactions of any NRS player, says he cant react to anything below 18f. Even saying you can react to an 18f is highly suspect because you have to account for multiple stimuli(throws, lows, other pressure etc.)

Just to illustrate this, take this test. All you have to do is react to the Overheads:

Tried this a few days ago lol, murdered me.
Reactions: GAV


Green Lantern Corps.
I agree with Jax being A and if I was to be more precise somewhere at the top of that list. The latest patch covered pretty much every problem with this character in regards to his combos and normals so now some MU's have gotten a bunch better mostly where Wrestler shines due to covering multiple bases with his 123 tick throw.

Seems like the majority of people are collective in asking 'Why are people sleeping on Jax?'
IMO Jax is like the Jago of this game.
If I'm not mistaken, Jago has it all, but other characters abuse the system better than him.
The second line is pretty spot on.


AKA Uncle Kano
Cage is good, no one is saying otherwise. I just think some of the shit people claim is funny as hell. Someone said he has GOOD ZONING. If you sit fullscreen and throw off projectiles all day you gonna lose that battle a lot of the time. Sure, zoning ain't all about projectiles, but the projectile arc is good in some cases whereas it sucks in others. It's a decent projectile, but playing keep out game with Cage wont net you any results lol.

Here's what's next, Kotal Kahn S-tier, has amazing pressure and nice zoning.

Still, his ground game is amazing. I think why some people wanna claim he deserves a lower spot is also due to his demanding execution, but that's not something to take into considerations in tier lists, it's about capabilities. That being said, he has some amazing block pressure. His air game though, is extremely lacking. Some say he doesn't need to jump - I previously said that makes no sense. If people start to realize Johnny's footsie game is dope, they wanna avoid it. Kung Lao also has a good ground game (Johnny has arguably better advancing moves, but Lao can definitely hold his own). One of the reasons Kung Lao is so hard to deal with is because you can't JUMP IN/OVER Kung Lao. Johnny Cage is on the polar opposite end of the spectrum. His options to deal with crossups is bad. Kung Lao has a lot of things to scare the opponent with, whereas jumping is a much more reliable option vs Johnny. I'm glad this thing was improved with the lastest patches, however - they have seemingly made jump ins for Johnny even worse. Now Johnny HAS to space PERFECTLY in order to achieve this only to get anti aired by a lot of the cast. Im not saying he has no options - I've seen our dedicated Johnny players do anti air jabs on occasions, but I've also seen them fall victim to jump ins as well (at Majors, because for some reason, casual practice matches hold no ground, dafuq).

I hope this is not seen as downplaying, but honestly people, you can't just write f3 in every Cage discussion and expect it to ignore his flaws. Yeah, f3 is an insane normal, but one move don't outweigh everything else. He should be in the same spot as Jax, Erron and Kung Jin.

Not saying he needs buffs either, Johnny is well suited for professional play due to his strong footsies.


Amazing ground game, bad air game = A tier or at least in the tier with Erron, Jax and Kung Jin


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Curious as to why there is no emphasis on variations

Look at Quan as a prime example. You have a character with bad MUs in individual variaitions but as a whole character (picking and choosing which variation to use for a give MU) he would have no losing MUs and win a good amount of them. So in this list he would easily be viewed as the highest tier, but as individual variations he would be lower which more accurately depicts him as having some issues (which he does)

The way he is listed in this form of tier list with no given explanation only serves to spread disinformation and confusion
People need to stop pretending variations aren't their own character just because some variations are seemingly very similar on the surface or because they are generally weak in a few cases

I'm not asking for every single variation to be listed in a tier list because let's be honest, nobody cares where high tech Jacqui or unstopable Jason etc. fall, but it would be nice to see at least some effort put into a tier list for once. Specially from a group of people who's lives literally revolve around the game
Imposter Shinnok beats Quan across all variations.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Or maybe you guys' combined efforts of inability to understand that a period stands for "end of thought" should be fool of the week.

Punish accordingly meaning - when you get the chance, punish.

I can watch Cage's front leg and notice when he is doing overhead. Idk how to explain it. His front leg scoots up, I can block it fairly often. Idk how that makes me a "fool", maybe you guys are "fools" for not noticing it, iunno.

What you're describing is called scouting. You're actively looking for a move before it happens and blocking it.

That's not a pure reaction.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Okay guys...
As far as Johnny Cage goes, his "d4/f2 mixup" is not that good. Block low, react to overhead. Punish accordingly. His selling point is pressure, not mix-ups. And his pressure might be 4th in the game behind Tanya, Kung Lao, and Jax.

Certainly not enough to be A+ cuz the damage isn't really there so if you even open them up, you arent taking a huge chunk of life.

That is, if you are saying A-List is the best variation...if not then you can just throw this tier list away.
This is so wrong it hurts.

Never change...


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I do think Cage might be too high. Jax certainly feels like a more complete character and Liu Kang has better pressure, in my opinion.

Johnny is a good character for sure, maybe not that good.