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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Retired Noob
Here some
Thank you sir. I was on a 15 win KOTH streak and someone complained about me doing something different, so I ended up mostly swapping the 222 and f21d2's. Doesnt really matter. They whiff something, theyre eating 35% minimum.
I just got hit by a thought about corner. For 1 bar we can end combo with mb throw and vortex :D

b3/f4~soul ball, back dash, j2, f21d2, njp,j3,b12~mb throw -35-37% and reset
222~up burst,222~soul ball, back dash, j2,f21d2, njp, mb throw - 40% and reset

In every scenario soul ball will be fully recharged.

Also I think we should add wall carry combos like:
f4/b3/222~soul ball, j2,f21d2, run(or walk), b12,b12,f43/b1d2 (hard knockdown) - 36-38%
if you end up close to the wall. to b12 twice and mb throw, run cancel for vortex.

f21d2, run (or walk), b12,b12,f4~soul ball, j2,b12 - 33% and reset

I've been messing around with this a bit and found another option after a soul ball in the corner. Do a cross up jip, b12 reset so you are in the corner then f4/b3 , ex teleport, run, b12, b12/22 (either works and same damage), soul ball, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut/mb throw/d1 lift. Useful if you don't want to do the mb throw reset in case they break it (I havn't played a whole lot yet so I'm just assuming that grabbing a person out of the air like that is just as breakable as a regular throw, it is breakable right?) and still uses just one bar of meter.

Sorry for the quality. Apparently my xbox doesn't like to be yelled at so when I tell it to record something it always gives me this low res garbage. :/
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Retired Noob
Yes, air throw's can still be reversed.
I was playing and wanted safe unbreakable damage. I hit with soul ball, did the bf1 pop up and did a throw which would have killed him, but he reversed.


I've been messing around with this a bit and found another option after a soul ball in the corner. Do a cross up jip, b12 reset so you are in the corner then f4/b3 , ex teleport, run, b12, b12/22 (either works and same damage), soul ball, jip, f21d2, njp, uppercut/mb throw/d1 lift. Useful if you don't want to do the mb throw reset in case they break it (I havn't played a whole lot yet so I'm just assuming that grabbing a person out of the air like that is just as breakable as a regular throw, it is breakable right?) and still uses just one bar of meter.

Sorry for the quality. Apparently my xbox doesn't like to be yelled at so when I tell it to record something it always gives me this low res garbage. :/
Big flow here is if opponent guesses right you will be in the corner and punished bad :)

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
Hey! New to the site, but pretty decent with Ermac, been practicing a lot with info from his forum. However I've noticed I have trouble dealin with rush down/super fast paced offense at times. Any suggestions regarding this? Also how else do you like to set up a soul ball or ex tele lift besides 222 and f21d2? Is f4 and b12 good options?


Let's fighting love
Also how else do you like to set up a soul ball or ex tele lift besides 222 and f21d2? Is f4 and b12 good options?
Yes, b12 can be hitconfirmed into soul ball/lift on reaction. I like to use f3 as well, can be hitconfirmed into d1 xx soul ball/lift and is safe on block.

f4 xx soul ball/lift is a very strong option, super fast overhead with good reach that gives you a solid combo. You can mix it up with b3 xx soul ball/lift which is a fast low into full combo. Problem is, you can't hitconfirm on reaction, so either option is a gamble as soul ball/lift is horrible on block. Guess wrong and you'll eat dirt.


When's DragonBall?
Yes, b12 can be hitconfirmed into soul ball/lift on reaction. I like to use f3 as well, can be hitconfirmed into d1 xx soul ball/lift and is safe on block
Truth. I need to use F3 and B1,2 more often myself. All about being as safe as possible imo. Then smacking somebody with a meaty combo off a confirm. Can't wait for a classic Ermac skin. Was NOT feeling that Pharaoh one

Devin Thorn

chimp damage
Truth. I need to use F3 and B1,2 more often myself. All about being as safe as possible imo. Then smacking somebody with a meaty combo off a confirm. Can't wait for a classic Ermac skin. Was NOT feeling that Pharaoh one
I probably need to use b12 more I always use it in juggles obviously but I forget about it in neutral. I though pharao was cool it reminded me of the Mummy haha. They really should go nuts with costumes though


When's DragonBall?
I probably need to use b12 more I always use it in juggles obviously but I forget about it in neutral. I though pharao was cool it reminded me of the Mummy haha. They really should go nuts with costumes though
Yea I hope they go nuts on skins. 10 for each character


Let's fighting love
Just want to add, B12 into soul ball / lift is a pretty easy confirm. Played casuals today and found myself throwing it out now and then, getting surprised that it hit (didn't expect) and still had time to confirm into soul ball. Surprisingly lenient.


When's DragonBall?
Just want to add, B12 into soul ball / lift is a pretty easy confirm. Played casuals today and found myself throwing it out now and then, getting surprised that it hit (didn't expect) and still had time to confirm into soul ball. Surprisingly lenient.
Dope. I need to use that more myself

Dope Dojo

The Bomb Diggity
It took me about an hour or so lol. Funny thing is I can do teleport d1 soul ball, and f4 soul ball all day. Though doing d1 f4 soul ball? My poor fingers T-T


Mexican street vendor
Has anyone got a max damage combo for when you are in the corner and you wake up with EX teleport? At the moment I'm doing EX Teleport, 4xxSoul Ball, JIP, F21D2, NJP, F4xxLift - 38%. I don't like ending the combo in lift though as it pushes you away from them losing your corner pressure. If anyone has any good enders after the F21D2 please let me know!

Edit: EX Teleport, 4xxSoul Ball, JIP, F21D2, F34 - 38% Just found this, much easier to do and leaves you right beside them
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Shoutouts to Chakotay for the find.

Second one is basically the corner 47% corner combo. Nice that is doable while carrying to the corner.

The first one is nice :)
Timing is tricky though.... between d1 and f4.
Also you are using 2 SoulBalls in that combo. Dont think many ppls like to use 2 SoulBalls in one combo...
Have you tested to end it in b12, b12, f4 burst? Going by the height in your video it should be possible & it should be more damage.

Dope Dojo

The Bomb Diggity
It's like a 1-2 frame link. I have the most success in hitting d1 at the height of their fall, then pause just a quick second before f4.

Dope Dojo

The Bomb Diggity
Scratch that. Sorry was in the lab working (I haven't mastered this yet) the only way to get this consistently is to hit d1 as soon as the teleport ends. Gotta catch the character at maximum height. From there you need to hit f4 as soon as you're able to. Clean inputs seem to be the most consistent for me (taking my hands off the buttons after each one )

as far as ending the combo without soul ball the second time. Doing b12 b12 lift jet about 41% vs the 43 you get from burning another ball.


Prob should update the combos on the first post that have tp, d1~ex lift to tp,d1,f4~ex lift. It actually does not seem that hard to land the f4, like dope dojo said practice hitting the d1 as soon as possible after the tp.


Any tips on that?? I can't hit that F4 for the life of me
Like Dope Dojo said, d1 at heighest point and a slight pause before going into f4. As long as you dont input f4 too early it all depends on when you hit the d1.
If its not around the highest point you wont recover early enough form the d1 to confirm f4.

But if someone can pull this of consistenly.. you can do 43% without using 2 SoulBall.
Here some write downs for some variations of this combo without 2 SoulBalls.

jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12, uppercut (43%)
jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12, b1d2 (42% hard knockdown)
jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12, f4 burst (42%)
EDIT: with 1 bar
jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12, f4 ex lift, uppercut (46% with and without jip)

Combos that might work (still checking those)
jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 b12 b1d2
jip, f4 teleport, d1, f4 SoulBall, jip f21d2, runcancel b12 b12 f4 burst
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