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Games that the majority think is God's gift, but you think it's actually trash


Every Call of Duty after the first Modern Warfare.
Madden series. (2K Sports made the superior football games before they lost the NFL license, imo.)
Halo series.
Mass Effect series. (There are simply several other RPGs I find way more compelling.)
People seem to think the Borderlands games are awesome, I find them boring.

About all I can think of.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I thought the Campaign was garbage. Maybe since Revelations was my first AC game, but I felt no connection to anything in that realm. I felt no one had any depth put into their persona and stopped playing once I couldn't get past the part where you ride a fragile cart on a bumpy ravine chasing God knows who. Not too mention how so little effort was put into the retelling of the past games in that "intro" thingy. It sits uninstalled in my Steam library.

The multiplayer was fun, I give it that.
"Revelations was my first AC game" oh, then I don't even need to explain anything.The mistake was on your part.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Battlefield 3 (Not trash, just vastly inferior to BFBC2 which is fun as hell)
WoW (Horrid)
Gears 3 (First 2 are great)
MvC3 (Like arguing with a taser)
Skyrim (worst rpg ever)
StarCraft (huh?)
Pretty much 90% of the market.

Only games I currently play are Sleeping Dogs, MK, BFBC2, and a touch, just a touch of Dark Souls. :coffee:


Go to hell.
I enjoyed H2 and H3 throughly. Reach was eh.

Silent Hill games... were just not for me. I didn't get scared, and I had segments of being extremely bored.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Never understood the Elder Scrolls series. I feel like I'm driving through Virginia on a road other than I-95.
Trees. Everywhere. Nothing but trees.

I've never had any passion for Call Of Duty. If I want a shooter, and the "realism of suspenseful, godlessly violently gunfights, I'll go full psychotic and play Dead Space/DS2, Quake, UT, or something of the like.

I cared nothing for Little Big Planet.


Shazzy's Senpai
"Revelations was my first AC game" oh, then I don't even need to explain anything.The mistake was on your part.
Maybe. But then again, I've started late on other franchises such as Halo and love them.
I probably would've disliked the others as well, since everyone tells me Revelations is the best so far.


I think I'd offend almost everyone on this website if I spoke my mind here. LOL. I'll just say COD, and leave it at that.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Maybe. But then again, I've started late on other franchises such as Halo and love them.
I probably would've disliked the others as well, since everyone tells me Revelations is the best so far.
Whoever that "everyone" is, they don't know jack shit about Assassin's Creed.Revelations is the worst one by far, I suggest playing AC2 first, since Ezio's story starts there if you don't care much about the main story much.

Or if you just want to know the games' full potential gameplay-wise, play Brotherhood.It has mechanics that were taken away in Revelations, horses for example.

But if you don't feel like wasting money, just wait for AC3 instead.It'd be VERY VERY worth it.