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undefeated online evo champion
cause its a funny way to say that feminism needs to be reworked so that every one wins. Women are equal and men aren't just there to exist.
The article was a satire piece. More or less bordering on making fun of MRAs. It sorta had the right idea, but it was presented in a clumsy way. It downplayed male issues tbh.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
Why do I have to be a mra to point out bloated statistics to overzealous feminists? Or that somehow, even if I was, implying that MRA = anti-feminism? As if fighting for men's rights means you to seek to undo feminism at every turn. Focus on the arguments being made instead of trying to character assassinate.

Forgive me for trusting statistics and facts from the U.S Department of Justice over what I'm sure will be some quote by some choice feminist literature from the 70s to backup your claims. Look, women do make less than men. Yes. The wage gap, controlling for other factors, is an important factor to understand the mechanisms that results in this fact and to make sure that we don't attribute the wage gap to, say, discrimination. You'd rather ignore these factors and jump to sexism. Honestly, I'm surprised by the ignorance. I thought it was known that women make roughly equal money for equal work, it is the types of work they traditionally enter that have low pay.

If you've seen my posts about race then you already know that this portrait you paint of me couldn't be further from the truth.

No, again, you're putting words in my mouth. Never did I equate or imply the entire that this single act of blatant discrimination against males is much bigger than the larger and more prevalent sexual, religious, race and female discrimination.

Really, I feel like we'll just have to agree to disagree. You're making up all these phantom arguments combined with all the hit and run posts from others... it's not conducive for a healthy discussion.
Alright, I'll apologize for calling you an MRA. Sorry that was uncalled for. I deal with it all time unfortunately (and I may have been going off some of the things you said last time we discussed feminism).

However, I only brought it up because of the airline quip. To me it is just sounds the same as when someone tries to tell me that police discriminate against persons of color as well as white people equally, then procede to give examples where white people are the victims to counteract a story such as Michael Brown. Yes, there are instances where white people (and in the case of our argument, men) are unfairly victimized (such as the plane, or child custody cases). However to highlight these matters (in conversations about race/gender) only detracts from the realization of greater systemic violence against women/persons of color. (Of which these issues are also intersectional and linked..but another time). There are forums to bring up these issue, but I only ever hear about them when someone is trying to tell me that 'it isn't that bad' for said minority group. You'll just have to forgive for assuming you were doing the same.

Anyways, at least you care enough to even come in here and debate. And at least you can acknowledge that there is some form of oppression going on (even if we disagree with the statistics... I'll agree to disagree).

Let's settle all of our conflicts in a FT10 Injustice matches from now on. I think it'd be best for morale around here anyways. Besides, it'll be much easier for me to free up that MMH than debate the validity of the statistics regarding economic inequality. ;)
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True feminism is dead. The feminazis have ruined it's name with male shaming, mockery of abused and raped boys/men, and compassion for only those on board with their hateful ideals and double standards.

Truthfully, I don't think feminism should have been called feminism. It really started out as a specialized humanitarianism. During the time, females just so happened to be the ones that needed liberation, but the main goal has always been equality and freedom for all...