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Dominance and Fear will strike the West Coast in June

Which side do you think will become victorious?

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Add EGP_Krayzie on PSN.

I honestly hope Foxy is legit. Because after this EC vs WC war, no matter who wins, both will come together at Evo and scream, "USA" multiple times as the UK gets blown up.

I also understand how you can adjust online and get a feel of the match-up. But seriously? Can you really adjust to a connection that far? I don't understand.

Anyway. Back on topic.

We cant die, you see. We digitally come back to life and body that shit.


AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Foxy is for real. If you have never played him online, you need to. I didn't believe pig when he told me how good he is but my god...

Best player I ever fought. I've leveled up ten times by playing him. I actually beat him one game nw vs cage. It was only one and it after many series but my god I took one. And I'm proud of it. West doesn't stand a chance vs foxy. And I'm slightly afraid for Ny too.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You know, the things this community says sometimes is really really fucking stupid. You guys blow out little stuff like host advantage, the meter drain "glitch" that actually isn't a glitch, whenever VSM wins a major you guys are like "OMG DEY WIN 2 MUCH N DIS IS BOOOORING" then when someone challenges them, VSM doesn't even have to lift a finger to defend themselves, and especially one thing...one fucking thing that pisses me off more than anything else...this community both encourages hatred and thrives on it.

Also, just because someone calls out your scene and wants to fight you doesn't mean you should go around calling everyone in the other scene scrubby. Insulting skill is one thing, but what's so stupid is that people think that calling someone out is a bad thing. This is the reason fighting games are played in the first place, so we can fight and have a chance at making something great. But no, this community thinks some people should be free from criticism. Apparently we should all just lie down and say "oh yeah we're soooooooo free!". Whats the point in fighting if its "free"? You guys get angry over the wrong reasons. This isn't an attack on VSM, the Mid-West, or the East Coast. I'm criticizing this community.

You guys would believe anybody if they had VSM in their name, and that's understandable, but this implies you guys have no spine. The reason the East Coast dominates? Yes its skill, but you guys have no faith in anyone else. Don't make threads saying West Coast was lucky if they win, and don't make threads saying VSM was expected to win if they do. This community lacks solidarity. The last time I saw this community united for the most part was in blowing up PL. Instead of you know, love for this game and the people who play it.

This is probably the angriest I've ever been at the scene and not because people insult the West Coast, but because how ignorant and cowardly this community is. Insulting the West Coast just gives us all more motivation to grow. Its a shame that people can't tell the difference between making hype and personally attacking someone. I've told this to Pig Of The Hut, I told him that even though I have the utmost respect for him as a person and player, that I will never back down from him regardless of how hard he will blow me up. In the end I don't hate him and end up actually respecting him more for giving me the opportunity to both play with me and teach me new things in MK.

I don't hate anybody but there are things that not only one person does, but that everyone does in this community that makes us look bad. Hype can be built without it becoming personal. Everyone should just take a second and think "how would I react if someone I didn't respect said what I'm about to say?" because you know, its mandatory to have hatred in this community.

I would like it if EGP beat VSM but I have no idea how it will turn out, and no one will until the day comes. This M-rated game is full of kids who don't know what they want. I know what I want. I want this community to grow up...but then again...who am I to say? I'm not VSM :coffee:

...lol I can'r believe I typed this. I can already tell I'm gonna be hated and I went so long without trying to make enemies....but if you guys think this is a valid reason to hate me...well let's hype this up so I can be on the next KTP and become famous and stuff. Keep it classy folks.

What are your thoughts on when someone consistently goes around on streams spreading shit rumors about someone?

Would you consider that "personal"?

I do and have and when I play this person i feel it will be extremely personal.

he may have his reasons but now he's giving me more motivation than i ever needed.

That being said: EXCELLENT post, <3 you kun. Was pulling for you yesterday hope pboardplayer delievered the msg :)


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
What are your thoughts on when someone consistently goes around on streams spreading shit rumors about someone?

Would you consider that "personal"?

I do and have and when I play this person i feel it will be extremely personal.

he may have his reasons but now he's giving me more motivation than i ever needed.

That being said: EXCELLENT post, <3 you kun. Was pulling for you yesterday hope pboardplayer delievered the msg :)

The way I see it, it all really depends in circumstances each case is different. It's really easy to determine whether it gets personal. Like I said, saying someone sucks isn't really a solid reason to outright hate the person, but there comes a point when it's less about skill and it's more about insulting them as a person with no plausible reason for doing so. It then stops becoming about the game. That's when it becomes personal, when the MK game becomes irrelevant. I hope I don't have to explain why rumors are bad.

In that case, people are welcome to do call-outs, in fact it's a good thing but denying someone the chance to do so is just lame for a lack of better words. Maybe because I play Kitana I know the value of respect and because I play CSZ that I'm not going to let my fear make me shut up and take my beatings silently.

You're dealing with your situation on a classy way Brant (I use your real name to show I'm serious ha) . You build the hype but you even go so far as to be willing to make amends when proven wrong. It takes a large amount maturity to do that.

I'm probably biased but hey, aren't we all? My major gripe is that people view callouts as insults. Just handle it without it getting out of hand, but if it reaches that breaking point do what you have to do...which is playing MK. But what I say is kInda pointless. There will always be a villain in the community.

That being said...EAST COAST COME AT US BRO! Haha man my bark is worse than my bite.


Cage ban wagon?
also i want to ask you this, before mlg columbus even happened, what place did you think you'll get? Also how do you think you'll do at the mlg invitational?
I believed I was gonna get first, stupid actions stopped me from doing that. And at the invitational I think I'll get first.


Cage ban wagon?
Add EGP_Krayzie on PSN.

I honestly hope Foxy is legit. Because after this EC vs WC war, no matter who wins, both will come together at Evo and scream, "USA" multiple times as the UK gets blown up.

I also understand how you can adjust online and get a feel of the match-up. But seriously? Can you really adjust to a connection that far? I don't understand.

Anyway. Back on topic.

We cant die, you see. We digitally come back to life and body that shit.

Add me LICOUSCURB. I prolly wont be able to get on for a few days so ill prolly forget.
I believed I was gonna get first, stupid actions stopped me from doing that. And at the invitational I think I'll get first.
aight I'm not going to lie, sub cage 5 5 lol. Played my bro today and it was very close. With good patience, well times AAs, and good footsies cage can win that match. Also sub has no chip damage, so if you get the lead with cage then sub has to come to you and that's an advantage for cage.
Foxy is for real. If you have never played him online, you need to. I didn't believe pig when he told me how good he is but my god...

Best player I ever fought. I've leveled up ten times by playing him. I actually beat him one game nw vs cage. It was only one and it after many series but my god I took one. And I'm proud of it. West doesn't stand a chance vs foxy. And I'm slightly afraid for Ny too.
I played Foxy twice in ranked. I never got beat that bad in a match -__- that dude is on another level