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Community Real Talk Thread - IGAU and MK9 Players, Please Read


Saltiest Joker Player
I love injustice because I can use the Joker. Outside of that I can't really stand this game. I come from games where 50/50s were based on setups and footsies are a real thing. Even the strong characters in tekken and street fighter had to work hard against the weaker ones. All I see in NRS titles is a dominant few characters that are really overpowering to the roster and everybody using them and almost everybody pocketing them. I probably won't play MKX because I feel that it's going to be the same thing in that game as it is in injustice and as it was in MK9. Its frustrating when you are playing injustice and all you see is reckless attacks being thrown that can whiff easy and have advantage on block so they can follow up with more of the same shit until they hit you or you waste meter. I will keep an eye out on MKX when it drops just to see what becomes of it but if it ends up like injustice and MK9 I think I will pass. I agree with there being patches in fighting games because people can honestly think of millions of options testers overlook but watching characters get buffed, nerfed, then overly buffed just because people complain instead of labbing there options is dumb as fuck. If you labbed forever and you still can't find ways around it and people are having the same issue thats one thing because MMHs zoning is fucking stupid and those MB orbs are OP which in know is a mutual struggle in this community. Play UMVC seriously and hit me up with real complaints about a broken game. Really look at what needs to be patched and what is simply just an annoying but manageable tool. Everything I said was strictly opinion so blowups are welcome though it will be irrelevant to my perspective :joker:

To summarize my thoughts to avoid confusion, injustice has characters that, are though managable, are too overpowered maybe some broken features that people just get tired of playing against. Umvc is a truly broken game and patches are good when they are truly needed but needed to be thought out
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"On your Knees!"
"Ain't no such things as halfway crooks" meaning that if a person loses at a tourney and they complain and complain *cough* Elitists *cough* they pretty much dont know how to deal with the problem, well physically that is lol. You can talk shit, but if you aint got the balls to back it up even if you lose at the game then shut the fuck up lol.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Like, I'm pretty sure 99% of us are all guilty that we wanted Injustice to come out ASAP to replace MK9 because we wanted a new, more balanced game...

Well, I regret saying that because I wish MK9 was still alive today. But it's not. It's dead.
I don't like to play Injustice, but I don't want it to die for the people that play it. I still like to watch and support it.

I hope when MKX comes out, Injustice isn't shoved to the side. I have strong urges to play MK9, but almost noone plays it now.
I play the hell out of MK9 lol.... i mainly play ESP Lao, Pboard, and get my routine ass beating by Khaotik but i still sit in choasrealm hoping for the best lol

Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
You know why he did that? Because I lead a boycot on the tournament because of how shitty they were treating us. So when they threatened to dump NRS games for good since we complained, he panicked and did so.

Also, fuck you for thinking 250 is anything! Do you have any idea how much money people put into actually attending and traveling?! In the thousands per year, easily!
So I read this as me personally taking 250$ out of my shitty pay check because I like most people in this community means nothing to you. I personally sponsor some of my guys who are struggling, I personally like to throw money into pots. It's not much because I am not a rich fuck head or some business. So it's thoughts like that that make me go...

NRS games were treated just fine at every major ive been to, you expect to be treated like SF, well we get maybe half the entrants, so rather than say fuck that crimson decided to try and help. Any pot bonus attracts players, even the smallest. Money talks. How come a tournament with a 250$ pot bonus is going to have way more entrants than mlg which is looking at what 8k?! Illuminati BS.


Do not provoke a god
So I read this as me personally taking 250$ out of my shitty pay check because I like most people in this community means nothing to you. I personally sponsor some of my guys who are struggling, I personally like to throw money into pots. It's not much because I am not a rich fuck head or some business. So it's thoughts like that that make me go...

NRS games were treated just fine at every major ive been to, you expect to be treated like SF, well we get maybe half the entrants, so rather than say fuck that crimson decided to try and help. Any pot bonus attracts players, even the smallest. Money talks. How come a tournament with a 250$ pot bonus is going to have way more entrants than mlg which is looking at what 8k?! Illuminati BS.
You are too godlike right now you're going HAM in this thread


"On your Knees!"
So I read this as me personally taking 250$ out of my shitty pay check because I like most people in this community means nothing to you. I personally sponsor some of my guys who are struggling, I personally like to throw money into pots. It's not much because I am not a rich fuck head or some business. So it's thoughts like that that make me go...

NRS games were treated just fine at every major ive been to, you expect to be treated like SF, well we get maybe half the entrants, so rather than say fuck that crimson decided to try and help. Any pot bonus attracts players, even the smallest. Money talks. How come a tournament with a 250$ pot bonus is going to have way more entrants than mlg which is looking at what 8k?! Illuminati BS.
Another Realists in this forum, thats what's up Ese.

Kitana Prime

Top-tier at everything but the characters I choose
I wanted to post some stuff from the NRS side on all of this, but it devolved into name calling and general jerkery. I'll just let you guys be.
You see guys? This is what we are.
You think NRS (and WB by extension) isn't paying attention? They always have been.
This doesn't mean act like fucking pansies and kiss each other's asses on everything, just means show some civility. We can have all have/voice our opinions without being...well since I can't think of the perfect adjective - I'll create one we should all understand....




"On your Knees!"
i disagree with a lot that was said in the OP but i feel like if i posted how i really feel it would get a lot of people mad :(
TBH I like the back and fourth of this heated argument, I'm entertained right now. If you say what you say regardless what ppl think, at least you are being real.


False Information Police Officer
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Just because mk9 isn't thriving like it was before doesn't mean its dead. Sure, myself and others don't practice it nowadays but if it's at a tournament or someone asks to play casuals I'm almost always down. We can still get 30-40 peeps at some majors and that's fine.

People moved on but it still brings fun and hype which is enough.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
TBH I like the back and fourth of this heated argument, I'm entertained right now. If you say what you say regardless what ppl think, at least you are being real.
well with that being said, i only read the OP and im strictly referring to that. but anyways...

the fact that mk9 died was nobody's fault but the community's. as soon as major TOs decided they didn't want to run it as a main event anymore, to my knowledge, NOBODY but Kombat Network ran a side tournament ONCE at an event. i guess because it means we would have to do everything ourselves, like make brackets, promote the side tournament and generate and run brackets meant it wasnt worth it. of course numbers will drop over time, as a game ages, the barriers of entry increase so its harder to get new players and life happens so other players stop playing. 35 entrants at final round is no surprise, the game is 3 years old and the community has done nothing to try to make the game last longer other than say "whens mk10".

the fate of injustice all depends on whether or not people are gonna want to grow a pair and run a side tournament and just accept the fact that it wont be as big as it used to be. it is how it is. games that have 35 entrants at final round aren't dead. games that don't have tournaments ran for them are dead.


Salt Mine CEO
Crimson, we tried to make something happen with IJS and look how it crashed and burn. The only way MKX will become big in the comptetitive scene is with the help of NRS and WB. We can only do so much buddy.
I disagree. The community has the biggest impact on how a game's future will be, regardless of company support or not. If you don't believe me, look at Smash (Brawl+, Brawl-, Project M, etc.) and how the entire Smash community turned a casually competitive game into the competitive powerhouse that it is now.


"On your Knees!"
well with that being said, i only read the OP and im strictly referring to that. but anyways...

the fact that mk9 died was nobody's fault but the community's. as soon as major TOs decided they didn't want to run it as a main event anymore, to my knowledge, NOBODY but Kombat Network ran a side tournament ONCE at an event. i guess because it means we would have to do everything ourselves, like make brackets, promote the side tournament and generate and run brackets meant it wasnt worth it. of course numbers will drop over time, as a game ages, the barriers of entry increase so its harder to get new players and life happens so other players stop playing. 35 entrants at final round is no surprise, the game is 3 years old and the community has done nothing to try to make the game last longer other than say "whens mk10".

the fate of injustice all depends on whether or not people are gonna want to grow a pair and run a side tournament and just accept the fact that it wont be as big as it used to be. it is how it is. games that have 35 entrants at final round aren't dead. games that don't have tournaments ran for them are dead.
Seems to me, NRS just makes the games b/c they know its gonna sell on business sense. What we do with the games is up to the community, you got to know NRS is a business they want to make as much money as possible.


King of the Jobbers 2015
I disagree. The community has the biggest impact on how a game's future will be, regardless of company support or not. If you don't believe me, look at Smash (Brawl+, Brawl-, Project M, etc.) and how the entire Smash community turned a casually competitive game into the competitive powerhouse that it is now.
Yeah, when we had a chance to do something great for Injustice they shat on it. Sometimes I feel the NRS community has the tournament scene it deserves.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
Seems to me, NRS just makes the games b/c they know its gonna sell on business sense. What we do with the games is up to the community, you got to know NRS is a business they want to make as much money as possible.
thats why everyone makes games. competitive communities are less than 0.1% of their sales. mk9 close to 3 mil copies in aug of 2011. there were certainly less than 300,000 competitive players.