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Combo List - Cassie Cage Cassie Cage Combo Thread


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Or if you're too lazy to practice the good timing,like me, just use b1, ex nut punch which works every time for minor damage reduction.


Thanks guys I'm getting it more now. The funny thing I've only had the second hit whiff when I have quan chi had my training dummy. I'll just call it a coincidence.
Hey guys Cassie was the first character I picked up and spent a lot of time with last week. Not sure where to post but I have a play list of what I came up with. Might not be game changing but maybe it'll help someone.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Yah, @RiBBz22 posted an uppercut combo earlier in the thread. Looked lulzy.
dunno fi anyones mentioned it yet, but antiair d2 (high in the air or trade) should connect into b1,2 if you can time the link
Yeah it was a corner uppercut combo that can probably be optimized more, but the meat and potatos is that 21u4 links off a naked uppercut in the corner for cray cray damage.



Whisper within a sigh
Squeezed a little more damage out of her OH, low and b12 starters in the corner (Tested on Hollywood only, might work with other enders).

Vid coming soon.


Whisper within a sigh
Here it is! They should up our corner dmg by 1-2% on all starters :)

Includes @Sajam's latest combo off of 242 for reference (I hope its OK :oops:)

b12 xx db2 , f2 , 21u4 , f34 xx db2 , f24 xx bd3 (42%)

f3 xx db2 , f2 , 21u4 , f34 xx db2 , f24 xx bd3 (43%)

d+f1 xx db2 , f2 , 21u4 , f34 xx db2 , f24 xx bd3 (41%)
Dunno if anybody's posted this combo, but:
242 4 21u4 f34 xx db2 run f34 bd3 does 46% meterless or 48% with meter.
All these gain an additional 2% if you use EX bd3 and grant you a guaranteed 50/50, but this should be common knowledge by now :D


"Cassie , D'vorah , Jacqui and Tanya are killers"
Ok so I've finally found a good use for the air grab , run in jump 3 for general spacing and if someone's zoning a lot you can use it as a method of getting in

J3 - Airgrab MB- f4,4~db2-RUN-B1,2-BF3 33%

This Is not final I can get 40% from this I'm sure of it ,I'm looking into more tech and bnbs for cassie brawler and I'll be posting everything I find , please keep me updated with cassie tech ;) day 1 cassie


Like Father, Like Daughter
I got 47% off 242 in the corner.

242 f3,4 xx DB2 run F3,4 xx DB2 b1,2 xx BD3 at 47%

Just gotta make the 2nd F3,4 hit high then it's 100% consistent. Or just do b1 xx BD3 for 46%

It's obvious when B1,2 will work by how F3,4 hits.
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AUS FGC represent!
I got 47% off 242 in the corner.

242 f3,4 xx DB2 run F3,4 xx DB2 b1,2 xx BD3 at 47%

Just gotta make the 2nd F3,4 hit high then it's 100% consistent. Or just do b1 xx BD3 for 46%

It's obvious when B1,2 will work by how F3,4 hits.

And yeah, I can tell whether or not I'm gonna have to use b1 or b12 as soon as the f34 has hit.


Whisper within a sigh

And yeah, I can tell whether or not I'm gonna have to use b1 or b12 as soon as the f34 has hit.
It's totally confirmable! Ive been doing b12 at times without even noticing. I just felt that it would connect and it did. I've played so many offline casuals by now that it became second nature lol.


Yeah it was a corner uppercut combo that can probably be optimized more, but the meat and potatos is that 21u4 links off a naked uppercut in the corner for cray cray damage.

You're my hero.

On the off-note though. Are people still dominantly using Hollywood and Brawler? I've made the switch to Spec Ops a few days ago and haven't regretted it since with the missile mix-ups. Even placed at a local. Seems that with the wake up game the way it is in MKX it is better to not go for the restand (unless you MB the nutpunch) and then just roll straight into some sort of Oki pressure.


AUS FGC represent!
You're my hero.

On the off-note though. Are people still dominantly using Hollywood and Brawler? I've made the switch to Spec Ops a few days ago and haven't regretted it since with the missile mix-ups. Even placed at a local. Seems that with the wake up game the way it is in MKX it is better to not go for the restand (unless you MB the nutpunch) and then just roll straight into some sort of Oki pressure.
I go Spec Ops in certain MUs (females except Sonya, Kano, Shinnock and Sub) Hollywood everyone else


MKX XB1 & Cage Family Supporter
My fellow Brawlers...
When you land superman, 1+3 how do you follow it up? I find uppercuts can interrupt you...
Is there a way we can see how much stagger the opponent has in this stun, as opposed to say, regular nutcracker? It appears to be a nice sized stun, but her recovery IMO leaves only a few follow up actions. As of now, I will typically go with the DF1, and into tackle (canceled if they block the DF1, maybe go through the whole combo (screen location depending).

I kind of feel the same way about B1,2 or B1,2,4 combo's.. I feel those are good pressure moves, to get you in, but they don't really do anything for my style that is overwhelming at this time.

I feel F2 (or B2 (sorry, at work)- it's when she sticks her baton straight out at opponents head) string is not developed yet and has a strange property...
The string is F2(or B2),1,2 and has to be input as so, but the string can be special canceled after her first baton swing. The reach of the baton makes it one of the longest reaching pokes, plus the second hit I believe is a low, then can be canceled into special accordingly.

PS: Goddamn the D+throw for air throw... Feel spoiled from having just a throw in the air without an extra input, f's my timing all up :(
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Quick question about her mid screen bnbs. So I have yet to land 212 after db2 xx run if the initial d+f1 or f3 launchers were hit at max range. I assume it's because db2 does not move you forward and she might be too far away to land the 212. I can get the 212 off of B12 xx db2 every time. Am I just missing something here or is my execution off?


Cassie is absolutely amazing, I cannot even explain how much I love her. Every time I get to the selection screen I have a hard time picking between Mileena (loved her since MKII), and Cassie. Cassie's run combos are so much fun to pull off.