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How are the villains "weak"?

Cicada 5

Kotal beating Goro is another stupid thing if you ask me. Kitana can't beat Shao Kahn in a 1v1 fight. She just can't. Whoever wrote that is a moron or rebooted Shao Kahn was nerfed to shit in MK11. IN MK9 he destroys Johnny, Sonya and Raiden in one swoop. In the original timeline Taven says that whole realms tried to overthrow Shao Kahn and failed. As long as Kitana isn't the chosen one she can't beat Shao Kahn.
Taven also beat Kahn in the the original games. You don't have fo be the chosen one to beat Kahn.


Dojo Trainee
I meant before the events of Armageddon. Kahn invaded Edenia and was repelled by Taven.
He never directly fought him. Might be speculation cause there would be no reason for Taven to laugh at Shujinko by saying "alone? This I must see". He didn't know Shao Kahn lost to a monk.


Dojo Trainee
Another two bullshit moments in MK11:
Sindel isn't anything special. She was never able to hurt a God or an Elder God so the writers literally pulled her being able to hurt Cetrion without the crown out of their own ass just as an excuse to include her in the story. She defeated Earthreal warriors only because Shao Kahn transfered Shang Tsung's soul into her. (A fucking skill he somehow forgets in MK11).
2 Raiden is turned into sand in the Aftermath, something Kronika doesn't do in the main game, allowing Raiden to get to Liu and transform him.
One more thing about Sindel. He blames Quan Chi for "taking so much time from them" when it was literally their both plan to use her lol. She even puts a fucking ward to prevent him from konquering Earth lol. These writers are incompetent.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
Another two bullshit moments in MK11:
Sindel isn't anything special. She was never able to hurt a God or an Elder God so the writers literally pulled her being able to hurt Cetrion without the crown out of their own ass just as an excuse to include her in the story. She defeated Earthreal warriors only because Shao Kahn transfered Shang Tsung's soul into her. (A fucking skill he somehow forgets in MK11).
2 Raiden is turned into sand in the Aftermath, something Kronika doesn't do in the main game, allowing Raiden to get to Liu and transform him.
One more thing about Sindel. He blames Quan Chi for "taking so much time from them" when it was literally their both plan to use her lol. She even puts a fucking ward to prevent him from konquering Earth lol. These writers are incompetent.
I recommend you do not play Story Mode anymore given the sookery that you are having here.


A few of my own comments based on what everyone has been saying:

Because Shinnok attained ultimate power and lost to a teenage girl who literally just received her powers.
The "green energy" simply seemed to enhance Cassie and Johnny's current abilities, and it's something used instinctually. Cassie also isn't a teenage girl, she's an adult in her early 20's at this point and only a year or so younger than Sonya and Johnny were during the Shaolin Tournament. Cassie has also had years of combat training and experience by this point.

Kronika is the literal god of time and can will people in and out of existence, still somehow got smoked by someone she's watched fight in an infinite number of timelines.
Even though she's a titan, there do seem to be limits to what she can do. She's extremely powerful but not all powerful. Also note that not once during the entire Story Mode was she ever concerned or nervous until the very end when Raiden "saved" Liu Kang and gave his godhood to Liu. Fire God Liu Kang is entirely new.

The Kombat Kids

Keep in mind the "Kombat Kids" aren't witless kids. As mentioned above about Cassie, the same level of training and experience also goes to Jacquie. Takeda was trained from late childhood by Hanzo himself and his then revived Shira Ryu. Jin was trained by the Shaolin and they don't produce slackers. All the "kids" are also in their early 20's by this point, so they're adults, and are comparable to their counterparts from the Shaolin Tournament.

Also don't forget at the end of MKX, where an INJURED Takeda and Jacqui manage to fight off revenant Smoke, Sindel, Kung Lao, Liu Kang and Kitana.
The Revenants, while still formidable, seem to be much less skilled then their living selves. I do agree this fight was quite the stretch though.

Kotal Kahn got his ass handed to him by a novice Shaolin archer.
Jin isn't a novice and Kotal is no where near as powerful as everyone likes to pretend he is.

and let Kitana beat Shao fucking Kahn the Konquerer of Worlds. Only to make him OP in the Aftermath that he defeated Liu Kang 1vs1. I fucking hate the writers.
We never saw Kitana try and topple Shao in this timeline before, and keep in mind she was giving it her all. In real life underdog sports teams can, have, and will beat the "better" team; nothing is absolute. People focus to much on "power levels." For Shao beating Liu, keep in mind Liu had been fighting for a while and wasn't "fresh" while Shao came to that battle later and had barely popped a sweat. Liu would have been fatigued by that point. The previous fights we see where Liu beats Shao, Liu was rested every time.

while he destroys Goro like he's a jobber.
He defeated Goro because he powered himself up with Blood Magic through a Kamidogu dagger.

And MK11 established Raiden was a demigod, which means Kitana isn't.
Dominic actually clarified this. It's not correct, but something being said for the average player. People were regularly getting confused between Elder Gods and Gods, so in Mortal Kombat 11 they call Raiden and Fujin "demigods" to try and create more of a distinction. Raiden and Fujin are indeed gods, not demi-gods.

the writers literally pulled her being able to hurt Cetrion without the crown out of their own ass just as an excuse to include her in the story
As far as we know, she's still powered up with all of Shang's souls. This isn't past Sindel but present Sindel.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Kotal beating Goro is another stupid thing if you ask me. Kitana can't beat Shao Kahn in a 1v1 fight. She just can't. Whoever wrote that is a moron or rebooted Shao Kahn was nerfed to shit in MK11. IN MK9 he destroys Johnny, Sonya and Raiden in one swoop. In the original timeline Taven says that whole realms tried to overthrow Shao Kahn and failed. As long as Kitana isn't the chosen one she can't beat Shao Kahn.
You said, "she just can't." Why? Why can't she?

I mean Liu Kang could do it and he was just a guy with some fireballs.

Quan Chi and Shang Tsung beat him too. Both are known for their cunning and trickery, not their God tier martial arts skill.

Cicada 5

You said, "she just can't." Why? Why can't she?

I mean Liu Kang could do it and he was just a guy with some fireballs.

Quan Chi and Shang Tsung beat him too. Both are known for their cunning and trickery, not their God tier martial arts skill.
Minor thing: The Shao that Quan Chi and Shang Tsung was a clone.


Jin isn't a novice and Kotal is no where near as powerful as everyone likes to pretend he is.
Which in a thread titled "How are the villains weak" kinda says a lot.

They have established, in multiple scenes, that shao khan is the badass of badasses. Fighting off multiple characters at once, all supposedly super powerful themselves.

Kotal is his successor and implied to have been a threat to Shao when he was on the throne. Except he's just not.

So if their goal was to introduce a weak, pointless, quasi anti hero but not really. Nailed it. Setting up the "we fight to the death in outworld!" scene, and then having a brand new character dumpster him (with no consequences for kotal despite the fact that EVERYONE ELSE in outworld would lose respect) just instantly establishes "this character is pointless".

So if you're going for "well he's not really a villain", fair enough, but it's still shoddy as hell writing and a wasted opportunity. The idea that kung jin could dumpster Kotal and Kotal himself can even fend off Shao briefly (who again is this unstoppable force of ass kicking if it's not Liu Kang) is just ruining another character by association.

Now look, it's a fighting game. We have such narrative marvels as "no wait he's not dead" SF and "throwing your family off a cliff for fun and profit" Tekken, which are some of the best selling games in the genre. Clearly story is not a focus.

It's just soooo annoying that MK gets closer to being good. If this was "Ok bison is going to steal someone's body again" level nonsense it'd be whatever, but it's not hard to take the bones they've built from 9 through 11 and see the potential for some half decent writing, and that's even working around the issue that you're having fights to the death where almost no one dies.

So are the kombat kids novices? No. Do they have any business wrecking shop the way they do when a majority of their victories are over characters who in the past have given the veterans of the series trouble? Well that's up to the writers, but in my eyes it's the most boring way to develop them. Actually having some of them lose is also more interesting for them. If everyone just walks over their opponents than victory is whatever. You make the new characters boring and you make the bad guys weak. They haven't done enough to actually establish these are characters who should be winning other than to say "oh yeah we train em up tough" which is the worst way to establish credit.

Cicada 5

Which in a thread titled "How are the villains weak" kinda says a lot.

They have established, in multiple scenes, that shao khan is the badass of badasses. Fighting off multiple characters at once, all supposedly super powerful themselves.

Kotal is his successor and implied to have been a threat to Shao when he was on the throne. Except he's just not.

So if their goal was to introduce a weak, pointless, quasi anti hero but not really. Nailed it. Setting up the "we fight to the death in outworld!" scene, and then having a brand new character dumpster him (with no consequences for kotal despite the fact that EVERYONE ELSE in outworld would lose respect) just instantly establishes "this character is pointless".

So if you're going for "well he's not really a villain", fair enough, but it's still shoddy as hell writing and a wasted opportunity. The idea that kung jin could dumpster Kotal and Kotal himself can even fend off Shao briefly (who again is this unstoppable force of ass kicking if it's not Liu Kang) is just ruining another character by association.

Now look, it's a fighting game. We have such narrative marvels as "no wait he's not dead" SF and "throwing your family off a cliff for fun and profit" Tekken, which are some of the best selling games in the genre. Clearly story is not a focus.

It's just soooo annoying that MK gets closer to being good. If this was "Ok bison is going to steal someone's body again" level nonsense it'd be whatever, but it's not hard to take the bones they've built from 9 through 11 and see the potential for some half decent writing, and that's even working around the issue that you're having fights to the death where almost no one dies.

So are the kombat kids novices? No. Do they have any business wrecking shop the way they do when a majority of their victories are over characters who in the past have given the veterans of the series trouble? Well that's up to the writers, but in my eyes it's the most boring way to develop them. Actually having some of them lose is also more interesting for them. If everyone just walks over their opponents than victory is whatever. You make the new characters boring and you make the bad guys weak. They haven't done enough to actually establish these are characters who should be winning other than to say "oh yeah we train em up tough" which is the worst way to establish credit.
But we do see the Kombat Kids lose. It just isn't in chapters were they are playable.


Kotal is his successor and implied to have been a threat to Shao when he was on the throne. Except he's just not.
This was never implied at all. Kotal is not Shao's successor, Mileena is. Kotal took the throne from her via a coup that was impromptu. Mileena is no Shao, and it was Ermac that fought and defeated her, not even Kotal himself.

At no point ever was Kotal implied to be a threat to Shao.

Kotal Kahn is an excellent character who's very human. He's taken more power than he can rightly hold, and through continual bad decision making, causes a lot of his own grief.

For some reason people have these odd perceptions about him that just aren't reality, and then they get all confused when he gets tromped.


In Zoning We Trust
Some of y'all are bugging. Kitana beating a prime Shao Khan is some all-time worst story consistency. If she can beat him half the roster should be able to, and they should have just done it a long time ago since he isn't some strong force. Probably the second most ridiculous canon fight decision after Stryker beating Reptile/Mileena/Kintaro in a row.

Black Chapters

Legend of Legaia Main
Mortal Kombat story is one of the worse when it comes to feats and power levels

Gods losing to humans, humans beating mutants and Shokan.

Shinnok losing to a Demi-God 3 times getting sealed in his own cookie or beaten up and tortured.

The Stupidity of the Elder Gods, letting people enter Earth constantly and killing people.

Always holding Raiden back, we never actually found out what Liu Kang's power is and why he can body everyone around him but Raiden.

The tournament in general is bullshit, its established by Bo Rai Cho's existence that you can't win Mortal Kombat for another realm, yet Shang Tsung........whos from Earth won for Outworld and we constantly have people fighting against their own realm's fighters.

I could go on

MK story has always been shit


Dojo Trainee
You said, "she just can't." Why? Why can't she?

I mean Liu Kang could do it and he was just a guy with some fireballs.

Quan Chi and Shang Tsung beat him too. Both are known for their cunning and trickery, not their God tier martial arts skill.
Liu Kang was a chosen guy in the og games. He's the main character said by Ed Boon many times. You already know that was Shao Kahn's clone.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
All these people saying that its impossible for Kitana to beat Shao Kahn have yet to actually provide a reason why other than "woman." Until I'm given an actual good reason, I'm going to assume these Kitana haters have 15 layers of Cheetos dust on their fingers and binge watch The Quartering.


This was never implied at all. Kotal is not Shao's successor, Mileena is. Kotal took the throne from her via a coup that was impromptu. Mileena is no Shao, and it was Ermac that fought and defeated her, not even Kotal himself.

At no point ever was Kotal implied to be a threat to Shao.

Kotal Kahn is an excellent character who's very human. He's taken more power than he can rightly hold, and through continual bad decision making, causes a lot of his own grief.

For some reason people have these odd perceptions about him that just aren't reality, and then they get all confused when he gets tromped.
He is canonically one of Shao's top generals and killed Goro. And yes "successor" in that clearly they were planning on having him take the throne, not literally as in Shao just appointed him.