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Block Breakers Confirmed in Mortal Kombat

Rip Torn

A recent find in Mortal Kombat X is something called Block Breakers. They are a pushblock-like mechanic that lets you "break" a blocked move for 2 bars of meter. The opponent is knocked down and sent back a distance. See the image below as an example.

Thanks to @bebedao for finding the video.

So I noticed in training mode, in the recording options, there is something called "block breakers" which Paulo leaves in the "off" position.

How do you feel about this mechanic? Comment below!

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Average at Best
Good eye, that's definitely an interesting term and leaves room for a lot of speculation!

I'm taking it as breakers having some sort of start up window (along with the meter requirement) where if the player on offense anticipates the breaker then they can input the appropriate command (whether it be just blocking or an actual input that cost meter) and "take the burst" similar to the Guilty Gear/BlazBlue series.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
God i hope not, injustice had enough with get out of pressure free card button.

Hopefully its something else.
Agreed, they should keep that guard, push block etc shit out of mk. Like boon said regarding block differences. Block button-mk. Back to block-injustice.

I dont want push block in mk, breakers are good enough.


Yeah, this is interesting.

I definitely don't think it's pushblock

What I hope it ISN'T, is a mechanic that opens you up if you're blocking stuff too long, because that's what my immediate thought was.

Otherwise, I have no idea.


What I hope it ISN'T, is a mechanic that opens you up if you're blocking stuff too long, because that's what my immediate thought was.
especially since throws are what this was usually used for?

what if its a counter to a combo breaker, like i spend 2 meters to prevent you from combo breakering during my long ass combo at the end of the rd? im all about hour long combos so id love that and hate it when im the one being juggled

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
It it wasn't for pushblock a lot if characters would have no options against some characters.
Injustice was a game filled with safe 50-50 options, that doesn't seem to be the case here MKX is designed aroud risk and reward options, having a pushblock allows characters to escape setups and frame traps with little no risk.


Its most likely a breaker that can be used while you are in block stun, instead of the traditional breaker which requires u to be in combo state to activate, so yea this is sort of like a push block if u look at it, now whether it will cost a lil less then a regular breaker is yet to be seen, I think they implemented this mechanic as an answer for chip damage in this game, there are quite a few variations in this game that allows characters to do crazy chip damage, like JC, and Liu Kang, Reptile, ect. I for one do not want to be in a close match then get locked down in the corner with a fire fist activated Liu Kang and get chipped out on block with half or full meter with no answer to get my opponent off of me with the meter I have at my disposal. So if this is what I think it is I say good shit NRS

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Pushblock its a welcome new mechanic to MK games. Me as a defensive aka "lame" players love pushblock. I think it adds an extra layer of depth to the game.


2 bars of meter.

Its most likely a breaker that can be used while you are in block stun, instead of the traditional breaker which requires u to be in combo state to activate, so yea this is sort of like a push block if u look at it, now whether it will cost a lil less then a regular breaker is yet to be seen, I think they implemented this mechanic as an answer for chip damage in this game, there are quite a few variations in this game that allows characters to do crazy chip damage, like JC, and Liu Kang, Reptile, ect. I for one do not want to be in a close match then get locked down in the corner with a fire fist activated Liu Kang and get chipped out on block with half or full meter with no answer to get my opponent off of me with the meter I have at my disposal. So if this is what I think it is I say good shit NRS
Scar is right about what it is.


Block Breaker 10:02
So just like regular breaker, block breaker cost 2 bars, not sure how I feel about that, will have to see how it plays out during matches, I wonder if they can set block breakers to costing a bar and a half, instead of 2 full bars if need be.

Duck Nation

Dicks with a future
MKX has run and CD counters.

Time to play some more KoF 98!

More seriously, hopefully there's a wait to bait them out as with CD/Alpha counters. Pushblock is a kind of silly mechanic, but I'm down with this.