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Your ideas for TYM shirts

I have an idea! On the back is the TYM logo, like the one on the banner at the top of the site.

The front says: "Protip: Pick Kabal." Maybe with a picture of REO's face on it too!
Oh! Another idea is a shirt featuring Johnny Cage, with cool swirly green designs and the TYM logo in there too. On the back are two giant characters that encompass almost the entire backside of the shirt:



MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
There should be a slew of them:

LBSH, MK is dead
Only a real master...
Get babied, bro...
He needs it!

and for Kitana players:
Mash d+1 or
2, 1, and a dream
I made this logo for a skate shop i was making last year, i could do something similar and put it on a shirt lol. (Just the text, it would look horrible with a square background on a shirt)



Xbl: Johnny2Die
On the front, the tym logo. On the back, the Brady quote from mlg: 'There is an aspect of this game that allows Shang Tsung to retain his damage boost if he uses soul steal to finish the previous round'

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


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What about...
Front: "6-4 KUH-BAWL"
Back: "get babied, bro."

or are these better if separated?