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Your favourite drink?


TYM White Knight
Dug this up from the year 2008.

Myself and a buddy of mine enjoying a couple brews and some vodka and red bull....I look so baby faced.
...*thinks*...the show was December 3'rd, so...18 years and 5 months, on the dot.

I also once won a lady's affections via the Angry Jerry Maguire Shotgun Spread Formation.

Long story.

THE most satisfying beer in all creation.
True story.
So wait, did that all happen instead of the show or before you went? Lol

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Vodka and lime!?

I JUST CANNOT LIKE DOS EQUIS. It left an awful impression on me.
You should try Modelo Especial brother, it has replaced Dos Equis as my cerveza of choice. It is bloody amazing. Toss a lime or two in it....ERRMAHGERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD

Lt. Box I agree about XX, but refer above, try Especial. You can thank me later ;)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
Always wanted to know what absinthe actually tastes like.
well depends on what colour is it kinda.
mostly its a aniseed like taste, do they have "blackjack" bars over your side the world? they ttaste very like it.
dont drink it raw if ya do get a chance to drink it though, its not meant to be drunk raw.

oh and the things you hear about tripping out on it, that only happens if thujone (sometimes called wormwood i think) is in the drink, most of the time its not now a days.
i collect absinthe bottles aswell :D

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Actually started drinking them because of that movie, have loved them ever since.
Same here man. Hooked ever since. People who don't drink these because they think the combo of ingredients is gross are seriously missing the fuck out. Hella classy and a whole lot of fuck-you-up.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

So wait, did that all happen instead of the show or before you went? Lol
Drank before show, awesome show, sober after show, post-show drinking, ECW Street, stabbed.

Walked all the way from the Tropicana to the NJ Transit station AND made it all the way to Cherry Hill...
...And NO ONE asked me if I was okay -_-.