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You Got CAGED! - The Johnny Cage Matchup Thread


How's my volume?
last night i had a session my friend and i played sub vs his cage. the ex shadow kick definitely gives cage a better chance especially timed correctly, like when i iceblast or clone. even when my ex clone was out it owned it and i either took da kick or blocked, but if i blocked i got a full combo so its still that punishable. so imo its not that OP'd and it just means sub players have to be smarter, i started only using clones after he jumped or tried to DC me and it still made my sub game work just fine. so i dont think the buff should be touched. also, i play a little of cage myself and did they nerf the dmg on his ex flash kick? i coulda swore it did more than 13%
Wait a minute what version are you on? It still does 16%


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
As Johnny Cage I have HUGE amounts of troubles with Kano, Raiden, Reptile, and Kabal.

Each one of these characters has an ability to zone and dominate with their broken speed. One hit that you mess up Cage and these characters can mess you up very badly. The EX armor Shadow kick hits them sure, but also pushes them so far away again.

Other characters I have trouble with are Liu Kang, Ermac, Nightwolf, and Sub-Zero.

These characters are tricky for me to fight, each one has its ability where if I don't time everything right, I will be zoned and once I get close its just pointless because I get knocked the fuck back or proceed to be beaten the shit out by some string.

JC is so high on everyone's tier but no one uses him(From what I've seen. The only time Ive seen him in top 8 was with Tom Brady at PowerUp). Hes honestly imo the most balanced top tier character, hence why the only things that usually get him are bullshit recovery times or some trap. I'm no pro and half the time this stuff always happens to me online due to lag ( Input delay sucks ass ). But if anyone has some real help for me with these guys it would be helpful.


As a decent Sektor player i can say that JC is defenitly the easiest match up for me. Iv beaten people with over 85-90% win records with ease.

Have any of you found a way to beat Sektor?
Let me add my .02 on the Sektor match-up. Would call it an easy 6-4 in JCs favour.

Dash block! You can punish a blocked flamethrower with flash kick. If you get close enough, you can also punish a blocked straight rocket with flash kick (careful with this as a wise opponent will crouch without blocking in anticipation and Sektor does have a very fast uppercut). These will push Sektor to the corner really fast. Once there apply pressure. If he is not an experienced player he will attempt a panic teleport which you can punish with full combo. He may also try to jump in on you in order to start the TU Jk :enTU string. Remind him of the power of your uppercut and flip kick. I also read somewhere that you can use :en nut punch to AA but haven´t tried it. Punish blocked TU with:

:l+:fk, dash, :bp, dash, :bp, dash, :bp, dash, :bk:bk xx :l:d:fp (nut punch) 31%

As stated above by MagiCurtains

The key is to impose a horizontal lockdown on Sektor. Be ready to react to ANY jump ins. After a few AAs he will hesitate to jump. You should easily dominate after that as he has no low projectiles or moves that will prevent you from brutally pressuring him.
Not sure if anyone posted this yet. Apparently for enhanced forceball pressure, the second forceball whiffs up close for Reptile and Ermac only. From a character space away or more, the first forceball of enhanced will whiff. I'm guessing the forceball pressure isn't an option on those characters. Assuming they block standing of course.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Sektor is a pretty easy matchup... all of his normals are slow. Frame trap with JC's normals and just keep the pressure on. Sektor really doesn't have any answers once up close. His missiles are very easy to counter... whether dash blocking or ex Shadow Kick.
Remember to always finish combo's with nut punch to quell any wakeup. Easy as pie.

Reptile is almost the same way. You have to find a way to get inside the orbs and spit. Once there... nut punch always to end combos. Many noob reptiles will slide/dash on wakeup against cage. Lock reptile down. Bait a wakeup Dash if you have Xray for an easy punishment. Chip away at his health as he blocks strings and you build meter. I always find that being the aggressor in this matchup makes reptile do dumb shit.

always remember with the entire cast that your sweep is a valuable tool. If its blocked you get a free entry into f+3, 3.


Hi guys, can you give me some tips on how to play against Cyber Sub-Zero?
I find this matchup to be the hardest for JC...


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Any tips against Kabal?
Its all about his projectiles... You gotta learn how to precisely move in between them. when he nomad dashes just shadow kick.
Most kabal players get hit (Even tournament players) if you shadow kick right in the beginning.
Kabal can still give cage a hard time because of the fact that his dash can stun you in the air.
I have been a dedicated Kabal player since the game was released, and I decided that Johnny Cage would be my second character. I know that there are favorable match-ups like in Kabal's case Kang and Kitana are a hard match-ups for him. But I think Cage has one of the worst match-ups in the game, and it's Sub-Zero. I honestly think its an 8-2 match-up even with the shadow kick buff, mainly due to ice clone. This match-up is comparable to Sagat v Zangief in vanilla SF4.

If anyone has any advice on how to deal with Sub-Zero that would be appreciated.


I have been a dedicated Kabal player since the game was released, and I decided that Johnny Cage would be my second character. I know that there are favorable match-ups like in Kabal's case Kang and Kitana are a hard match-ups for him. But I think Cage has one of the worst match-ups in the game, and it's Sub-Zero. I honestly think its an 8-2 match-up even with the shadow kick buff, mainly due to ice clone. This match-up is comparable to Sagat v Zangief in vanilla SF4.

If anyone has any advice on how to deal with Sub-Zero that would be appreciated.
Don't rush him and use EX Shadow Kick when he is throwing ice ball or is using the clone.
After you gain life advantage, just wait for him...remember that Sub-Zero can't do any chip damage from the distance.
With Sub-Zero obliged to come close, things will be easier for you :)
I think this matchup is 6-4 for Sub but using this tactic you can beat him.

* Can someone help me with the CSZ matchup? I would really appreciate it.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Johnny Cage Matchup Discussion Thread

I realize that there might be a matchup thread already in this forum, but the point of this thread is to discuss matchups to make the Matchup Chart as accurate as possible.

The Matchup Chart thread:

When you discuss or list what you think the matchups are, please do so in alphabetical order. Also, they should be listed in either whole numbers or .5 notations.

The current Matchup Chart for Johnny Cage is as follows:
7-3 vs Baraka
6-4 vs Cyber Sub-Zero
6-4 vs Cyrax
7-3 vs Ermac
xxx vs Freddy Krueger
6-4 vs Jade
7-3 vs Jax
4-6 vs Kabal
6-4 vs Kano
xxx vs Kenshi
4-6 vs Kitana
5-5 vs Kung Lao
5-5 vs Liu Kang
4-6 vs Mileena
5-5 vs Nightwolf
4-6 vs Noob Saibot
6-4 vs Quan Chi
5-5 vs Raiden
xxx vs Rain
3-7 vs Reptile
6-4 vs Scorpion
4-6 vs Sektor
5-5 vs Shang Tsung
7-3 vs Sheeva
6-4 vs Sindel
xxx vs Skarlet
6-4 vs Smoke
5-5 vs Sonya Blade
6-4 vs Stryker
4-6 vs Sub-Zero

Agree? Disagree? DISCUSS!


Here's my opinions on the match ups. I'm a little cautious about calling anything harder than 6-4 unless there are multiple tools that shut down a characters best options.

6-4 vs Baraka - Baraka has some good frame traps but Cages are just stronger.
5-5 vs Cyber Sub-Zero - Ice parry is the reason this match is even. Both characters are about the same offensively.
5-5 vs Cyrax - If Cyrax controls the pace of the match he wins, if Cage gets in Cage wins. 5-5
6-4 vs Ermac
xxx vs Freddy Krueger
6-4 vs Jade
6-4 vs Jax
4-6 vs Kabal - I'm getting more comfortable with this match up but 4-6 is definitely right. His zoning is the reason he wins this match up.
5-5 vs Kano
xxx vs Kenshi
4-6 vs Kitana - This match is a nightmare if Kitana is willing to lame it out with fans and square away all day. 4-6 is right.
5-5 vs Kung Lao
5-5 vs Liu Kang
4-6 vs Mileena
5-5 vs Nightwolf
4-6 vs Noob Saibot - Very hard match for cage if anything was 3-7 other than sub-zero this would be it. Cage needs to stick out a lot of low pokes to stop the up clones. It's really hard to stay in on noob.
6-4 vs Quan Chi
5-5 vs Raiden - 5-5 or 6-4 Raiden has to get close to deal significant damage and Johnny cage has him beat up close. People need to work on their reactions to teleport.
xxx vs Rain
4-6 vs Reptile - The orb's make this really hard, Reptile gets so many safe jump opportunities off orb its really hard for Cage to get anything started with dash as well.
6-4 vs Scorpion
4-6 vs Sektor - I'm not sure how to call this one, I feel like its even. Once Cage is in Sektor doesn't have many options but the flame thrower can be a tough obstacle to overcome. 4-6 or 5-5
5-5 vs Shang Tsung
6-4 vs Sheeva - Sheeva's armor bonus on her ex grab does a lot to slow down Cages game.
6-4 vs Sindel - Really frustrating until Cage is in. Sindel doesn't have great wake up options to stop his pressure.
xxx vs Skarlet
6-4 vs Smoke
5-5 vs Sonya Blade
6-4 vs Stryker - The zoning is good but once Cage gets in Stryker has a hard time getting him off.
3-7 vs Sub-Zero - This match is almost unwinnable for Cage if both players use their characters to their full potential

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Imo cage wins vs sub and loses vs noob, the ice clone isnt really that much of a threat once you can count to 3 :p

7-3 vs Shang too, once you're there he cant get away and his skulls wont keep you out long enough
4-6 vs Kitana for the fans
3-7 vs reptile because of his retarded hitbox, cages normal string can go through reptile even on hit and be punished, and his ex forceballs wont work


Imo cage wins vs sub and loses vs noob, the ice clone isnt really that much of a threat once you can count to 3 :p

7-3 vs Shang too, once you're there he cant get away and his skulls wont keep you out long enough
The thing about sub-zero is he always seems to be able to get a clone out even when I'm pressuring him. Knee pressure doesn't advance cage enough to stop the clone from freezing me all the time so I end up playing very cautiously and loosing. I've seen you tear up sub-zero though and there isn't a Cage I would trust more than yours.

As it stands Noob is way more beatable for me than Sub-Zero, guess I just need to work on that match up more.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I'll do this properly:

7-3 vs Baraka - Obvious reasons, Cage can punish most of his moves with at least F3,2 nutpunch
5-5 vs Cyber Sub-Zero - Mess up your frame traps and you'll get parried, but cyber uses way more punishable moves
5-5 vs Cyrax - Similar to the way the Sub matchup is played, 1st hit seems quite important
5-5 vs Ermac - One of the 2 characters with messed up hitbox so FB strings are useless
xxx vs Freddy Krueger
6-4 vs Jade
6-4 vs Jax
5-5 vs Kabal - depends on the player, if they zone alot then Kabal wins, but if they even try a single dash cancel Cage can flip the match around completely by interrupting
6-4 vs Kano - Because Kano sucks and cage can punish the up ball
4-6 vs Kenshi - get in and stay in, predict when he will do an armoured move and cross over
4-6 vs Kitana - Fans fans fans
6-4 vs Kung Lao - Similar to the Kabal matchup but KL has no armoured move to get out of the frame traps and the spin doesnt work, any low hat blocked point blank = complete reversal of offense in a match
5-5 vs Liu Kang
4-6 vs Mileena
5-5 vs Nightwolf
4-6 vs Noob Saibot - Upknee, bane of my life
7-3 vs Quan Chi - Basically a punching bag
6-4 vs Raiden - A teleporting punching bag
xxx vs Rain
3-7 vs Reptile - Retarded hitbox = no forceballs, as well as being able to get punished by landing a hit on him.
6-4 vs Scorpion
4-6 vs Sektor
7-3 vs Shang Tsung - Old man punching bag, no escape and no need to fear skulls
7-3 vs Sheeva - 4 armed punching bag
6-4 vs Sindel
xxx vs Skarlet
5-5 vs Smoke - Smoke can keep away from Cage so easily, but it wont really do much since his projectiles dont chip
5-5 vs Sonya Blade
6-4 vs Stryker
5-5 vs Sub-Zero - Count to 3 everytime a clone comes up, attack on 3.


I'll do this properly:

7-3 vs Baraka - Obvious reasons, Cage can punish most of his moves with at least F3,2 nutpunch
5-5 vs Cyber Sub-Zero - Mess up your frame traps and you'll get parried, but cyber uses way more punishable moves
5-5 vs Cyrax - Similar to the way the Sub matchup is played, 1st hit seems quite important
5-5 vs Ermac - One of the 2 characters with messed up hitbox so FB strings are useless
xxx vs Freddy Krueger
6-4 vs Jade
6-4 vs Jax
5-5 vs Kabal - depends on the player, if they zone alot then Kabal wins, but if they even try a single dash cancel Cage can flip the match around completely by interrupting
6-4 vs Kano - Because Kano sucks and cage can punish the up ball
4-6 vs Kenshi - get in and stay in, predict when he will do an armoured move and cross over
4-6 vs Kitana - Fans fans fans
6-4 vs Kung Lao - Similar to the Kabal matchup but KL has no armoured move to get out of the frame traps and the spin doesnt work, any low hat blocked point blank = complete reversal of offense in a match
5-5 vs Liu Kang
4-6 vs Mileena
5-5 vs Nightwolf
4-6 vs Noob Saibot - Upknee, bane of my life
7-3 vs Quan Chi - Basically a punching bag
6-4 vs Raiden - A teleporting punching bag

xxx vs Rain
3-7 vs Reptile - Retarded hitbox = no forceballs, as well as being able to get punished by landing a hit on him.
6-4 vs Scorpion
4-6 vs Sektor
7-3 vs Shang Tsung - Old man punching bag, no escape and no need to fear skulls7-3
vs Sheeva - 4 armed punching bag
6-4 vs Sindel
xxx vs Skarlet
5-5 vs Smoke - Smoke can keep away from Cage so easily, but it wont really do much since his projectiles dont chip
5-5 vs Sonya Blade
6-4 vs Stryker
5-5 vs Sub-Zero - Count to 3 everytime a clone comes up, attack on 3.
you can make anyone look like a punching bag


F0xy: Oh yea, I forgot about that stupid reptile hit box which allows him to easily escape any of Cages meter management pressure. 7-3 or 6-4.


F0xy: Oh yea, I forgot about that stupid reptile hit box which allows him to easily escape any of Cages meter management pressure. 7-3 or 6-4.
the last two hits of cage's f3,3 also whif on quan chi when he ducks which quan can then punish.

someone please feel free to correct me if i'm wrong :hammer: as i'm pretty sure quan can duck something during cage's frame traps but i'm not entirely sure what he is able to duck


I already posted this in the matchup thread, but nobody cares.
I main JC and this is my matchup list:

Johnny - Baraka 6 - 4
Johnny - Cyber Sub-Zero 3.5 - 6.5 If used wisely, CSZ Ice Parry is an enormous problem for Johnny. Idk why you think this is 6-4 JC
Johnny - Cyrax 6 - 4
Johnny - Ermac 6.5 - 3.5
Johnny - Jade 6 - 4
Johnny - Jax 6 - 4
Johnny - Kabal 5 - 5
Johnny - Kano 6 - 4
Johnny - Kenshi 6.5 - 3.5
Johnny - Kitana 3.5 - 6.5
Johnny - Kung Lao 5 - 5
Johnny - Liu Kang 6 - 4
Johnny - Mileena 6 - 4
Johnny - Nightwolf 6 - 4
Johnny - Noob Saibot 4 - 6
Johnny - Quan Chi 7 - 3
Johnny - Raiden 5 - 5
Johnny - Rain 6 - 4
Johnny - Reptile 3 - 7
Johnny - Scorpion 6 - 4
Johnny - Sektor 5 - 5
Johnny - Shang Tsung 7 - 3
Johnny - Sheeva 7 - 3
Johnny - Sindel 5 - 5
Johnny - Skarlet 4 - 6
Johnny - Smoke 6 - 4
Johnny - Sonya 6 - 4
Johnny - Stryker 6 - 4
Johnny - Sub-Zero 4 - 6

What do you think?


6-4 vs Kano
5-5 vs Raiden
6-4 vs Sindel
5-5 vs Sonya Blade
Against Kano how can it be 6-4? I feel like I get shut down when I play against a good one and can't do much besides punish a blocked up ball or something. His strings I can't get out of.

I feel like against Raiden it's 6-4 for adv on Cage.. All I have to do is block high and interrupt his 334 string inbetween 3 and 4 with a nut punch and F3,2 to victory..

With Sindel I think it's 4-6... I never can get in(more of an issue with me) and whenever I do I just get cartwheeled only to eat a combo, placing me full sscreen again.. how to fix that?

Against Sonya.. I have no idea how to play. I try to get in but just get knocked out with D+3 and 4, try to operate around jump distance and get cartwheeled, full screen arc kick..I can't literally get any hits in and I'm lucky to get maybe 25% on her with punishes only. This is more of my issue than anything but how are you supposed to play against here?


Shang Tsung is even, nobody is fighting good Shang Tsung's. Its way more likely for Shang to get his zoning war/frame traps started than Johnny Cage. With that said if Cage actually can get it he has the ability to overwhelm Shang and even pressure him on wake up.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Cyrax MK4D4 has a good shang, but hes just too slow to be a threat to cage, block dash ur way in and he has nothing


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Ok, I am a REptile main and I don't for the life of me know how to fight Cage. Supposedly the matchup is in Reptile's favor and I've read about why but I just can't beat Cage.

I try to zone but it only takes a few dash blocks for Cage to get in. And if he has meter, then there's no point.

Now when Cage is frametrapping the bejesus out of me, exactly how do I get out. I read about being able to I think elbow dash out? But please someone help me out here because I have no idea when to do it. I don't know if playing online is what makes it so difficult or what, but I really would like to know how to fight Cage as REptile. I know this question might be for the Reptile forums, but I want the opinions of Cage players as to why this matchup is so hard for you guys. Because while I am not a great player, I feel like I am good enough to capitilize on a lot of matchups, but good Cage's ALWAYS beat me, and not even beat, but DESTROY
I noticed that Johnny Cage has a lot of 7-3 matchups; he's 7-3 against Baraka, Ermac, Jax, and Sheeva. Granted these are not good characters, but I'm wondering if a Johnny Cage player could explain to me why these matchups are so one sided? I don't necessarily disagree with these numbers, just hoping to get a better understanding of these matchups. Thanks in advance :)