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XBOne and PS4 Hardware "Essentially the Same"


Administrator and Community Engineer
In the words of the great John Carmack:


I said this was going to happen from the beginning, but it's nice to see it verified by an expert at that level. People are always talking about theoretical differences, but a lot of times "in theory" and "in practice" are 2 different things.

So -- I'm going to let the games decide :) Hopefully that'll put anyone that was worried about theoretical RAM specs at ease.


In the words of the great John Carmack:


I said this was going to happen from the beginning, but it's nice to see it verified by an expert at that level. People are always talking about theoretical differences, but a lot of times "in theory" and "in practice" are 2 different things.

So -- I'm going to let the games decide :) Hopefully that'll put anyone that was worried about theoretical RAM specs at ease.
Okay so you have said "it's nice to see it verified by an expert" - Nothing has been verified by anyone. He clearly states (see the link in op) that "I haven't done really rigorous benchmarking". So no tests have been done from which he can base his comments.

Lets assume that he is making this assumption that both are "essentially the same" based upon his experiences as a co-founder of id Software, which is acceptable.

There is a significant, as you say, theoretical difference, between the RAM used in the two devices. GDDR5 (in PS4) is a much faster operating random access memory for graphics processing, however, if the system architecture is developed efficiently, it can be less powerful than GDDR3 (in Xbone). So for this reason, no worries about "theoretical RAM specs" can be put at ease until the consoles are released and developers have had significant time developing for the platforms.

The MAJOR difference between the two consoles is the GPU. PS4 has a 50% higher max performance than the Xbone. Now because neither console matches high end PC specs, a comparison of performance between two GPUs (one having a 50% higher max performance) can be made on a PC. Although it doesn't give a direct difference between PS4 and Xbone, what it can do, is show exactly how much of a difference a 50% increase in GPU max performance can do.

Digital Foundry conducted this exact experiment and the results can be found in the following video: NB - The numbers on either side that are ever changing are the frames per second. Anything below approximately 26 frames per second, will translate to you noticing that the video is not fluid and you will notice a stutter/lag/jump in the video (the number 26 will vary from person to person and depends on many factors but is approx. 26).

As you can see, a 50% GPU max performance boost, does NOT give a direct 50% performance boost, but rather an approximate 25% performance increase. So in any areas with explosions or high amounts of action on the screen and lots for the GPU to compute, the PS4 will demonstrate an ~ 25% improvement in the frame rate which could well be the difference between you noticing a stutter or not.

For 50% better GPU = ~25% performance increase

So for anyone out there who is to be blinded by this guys comments, and for those who think that these technical specs are something silly, please think again.

Source of information:
1. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/162612-ps4-vs-xbox-one-performance-compared-using-representative-pc-hardware
2. Own geeky knowledge lol


You seem to have missed Microsoft's announcement where they reversed their DRM policies and allowed gamers to share discs like they used to.
No, I didn't miss it. I think the fact that they would even have the balls to put forth such policies tells you all you need to know about Microsoft and where they are going in the future. I'm not gonna support the death of my rights as a consumer let alone fund it as well.


Saikyo Student
No, I didn't miss it. I think the fact that they would even have the balls to put forth such policies tells you all you need to know about Microsoft and where they are going in the future. I'm not gonna support the death of my rights as a consumer let alone fund it as well.

Yeah, but look how well that turned out for them. The public has spoken, and Microsoft had to remove those particular policies (except mandatory Kinect, but even that's stirring up some debates about privacy).


Administrator and Community Engineer
Okay so you have said "it's nice to see it verified by an expert" - Nothing has been verified by anyone. He clearly states (see the link in op) that "I haven't done really rigorous benchmarking". So no tests have been done from which he can base his comments.
Benchmarking code that's not optimized for the target platforms is completely misleading and a general waste of time. This comment is coming from someone who is basing it on the target hardware + software and not on PC's 'roughly approximating' the specs and on software that hasn't been optimized for either system.

In addition, John Carmack is a game developer and not an e-magazine...

Scarlett Viper

Let's begin the witching hour.
No, I didn't miss it. I think the fact that they would even have the balls to put forth such policies tells you all you need to know about Microsoft and where they are going in the future. I'm not gonna support the death of my rights as a consumer let alone fund it as well.
Sony filed a patent for similar DRM just so you know.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I'm no programmer, but this sounds like the typical apologist argument you usually hear from developers with limited publisher budgets and/or experience with new architecture. This isn't a vote of confidence when you consider how many times the more powerful consoles tend to get shafted on ports.

The SNES, Saturn, and PS3 are all proof of that. Even when the PS2 was first released, most of it's games looked worse than Dreamcast games.


Brain Dead Bro
No, I didn't miss it. I think the fact that they would even have the balls to put forth such policies tells you all you need to know about Microsoft and where they are going in the future. I'm not gonna support the death of my rights as a consumer let alone fund it as well.
The problem was Don Mattrick and guess what happened to him. Mattrick was the brain child behind the DRM policies and bull shit, now he was let go.

There is no coincidence between him announcing all the DRM policies revoked and his " resignation".

Microsoft has done good by us by eliminating the problems, I have no problem supporting THAT.


Benchmarking code that's not optimized for the target platforms is completely misleading and a general waste of time. This comment is coming from someone who is basing it on the target hardware + software and not on PC's 'roughly approximating' the specs and on software that hasn't been optimized for either system.

In addition, John Carmack is a game developer and not an e-magazine...
Some people go to a restaurant and get fed a 3 course meal. At the end they come out and spend an hour talking about how the starters were not up to their expectations. Someone notifies them that they are nit picking and need to look at everything else that was fed to them rather than just one little part and to evaluate everything together.

Moral of the story: LOOK AT EVERYTHING I WROTE, not just the first sentence.

I.e. You said:
In addition, John Carmack is a game developer and not an e-magazine...
The sentence after the one you decided to exclusively look, at clearly demonstrates my understanding of who Carmack is and my opinion that him judging the situation without benchmarking can be accepted:

"Lets assume that he is making this assumption that both are "essentially the same" based upon his experiences as a co-founder of id Software, which is acceptable."


Administrator and Community Engineer
Some people go to a restaurant and get fed a 3 course meal. At the end they come out and spend an hour talking about how the starters were not up to their expectations. Someone notifies them that they are nit picking and need to look at everything else that was fed to them rather than just one little part and to evaluate everything together.

Moral of the story: LOOK AT EVERYTHING I WROTE, not just the first sentence.
Easy there; I read the entire thing -- I just didn't want to quote the full page-worth of writing in my response.


The problem was Don Mattrick and guess what happened to him. Mattrick was the brain child behind the DRM policies and bull shit, now he was let go.

There is no coincidence between him announcing all the DRM policies revoked and his " resignation".

Microsoft has done good by us by eliminating the problems, I have no problem supporting THAT.
That's pretty naïve. The policies were put into effect because Microsoft wanted them, not Don Mattrick. You must not be familiar with PR or marketing. Don Mattrick was let go to temporarily appease the consumers, but Microsoft will bring them back slowly, even if they have to bring them in through the back door. This is standard protocol for any serious company. If you seriously think that those policies are entirely attributed to 1 person in a massive Fortune 500 company, then there is no point continuing a discussion. You deserve everything that Microsoft is going to do to you.


Sony filed a patent for similar DRM just so you know.
I haven't heard about this, so I don't know how much credibility to give your claim. I would need to know what your source is before I believe it. But if it is true, then I would be very wary about giving Sony my money as well.
i've been saying this from the start... everyone was freaking how about how much powerful the PS4 was when in reality, its a marginal difference ... Devs will do like they did for last gen... dev for the xbox primarily and port to the ps4 ... there is really no reason to buy a PS4 over the X1, unless you're into the 4-5 decent first party ps4 games over the next 6-8 years (uncharted, etc.) . plus, sony as a company is DYING hard & fast


i've been saying this from the start... everyone was freaking how about how much powerful the PS4 was when in reality, its a marginal difference ... Devs will do like they did for last gen... dev for the xbox primarily and port to the ps4 ... there is really no reason to buy a PS4 over the X1, unless you're into the 4-5 decent first party ps4 games over the next 6-8 years (uncharted, etc.) . plus, sony as a company is DYING hard & fast
Please see my (long) post earlier. You will see that there is a likely 25% real world performance increase with the difference in specs.

In my opinion, Sony clearly showed that they're the bosses of Video Game consoles with the way they launched the PS4. They stuck to their guns, listened to feedback and gave the world what it wanted. Microsoft however, caused an uproar and throughout development, refused to understand that certain restrictions could not be put in place - they went for it anyway and changed from their stance. What does that tell you? They changed their DRM policies on used games and on always online. They changed to allow indie developers to publish games and VERY recently, they improved the max clock speed on the GPU that they are going to use.

So in actual fact, Microsoft themselves have subtly admitted that their specs were not high enough and had to do some tweaking. Oh and when you buy an Xbone, nothing is stopping Microsoft from re-instating their original DRM policies.


Gaming4Satan Founder
I want someone who's throwing around the buzzword "DRM" or "DRM policies" to define what it is, WITHOUT linking to rant video/article that just throws around more buzzwords.

The real tragedy of the whole XB1 backlash is instead of raging against the actual problem (forced bundled kindect) the frothing Internet masses raged about the digital game system which was attempting to take console gaming into the future; or, you know, where PC gaming has been for years now. Yea it wasn't perfect but it had ambitious ideas which are now dead.

Also, you're fucking retarded if you think that anything the XB1 has anything that's more abusable by government agencies than your laptop/smartphone/Facebook page/anything you've ever done on the Internet ever and you're a fool if you think you can ever use the Internet and not be tracked.

*Ed Snowden reveals NSA is collecting mass amounts of data on citizens


Me: "I hate all of you with every inch of my being"

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
I thought I read Microsoft was releasing a kinect free bundle in Q1 2014 for $400. That is what I will probably buy if it is true.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I thought I read Microsoft was releasing a kinect free bundle in Q1 2014 for $400. That is what I will probably buy if it is true.
That was already shot down by MS ...and restarted and shot down again...it all comes down to the fact that they said it will be there so devs can use it...so they can't make it optional or it would affect the games and make it like kinect 1 were nobody really bothered with it unless it was a kinect game...

Sent under duress.


Grundy think you handsome!
I don't understand this PS4 vs Xbox One crap, build your own PC if you are in it for Graphics. I spent about $800+ on building my PC (which already puts both these consoles to shame) and I can always upgrade it when I want to. You guys are using silly arguments for little differences, my advice is to pick the system you want to pick. Don't let these fanboy 'experts' skew your vote.

Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
I don't understand this PS4 vs Xbox One crap, build your own PC if you are in it for Graphics. I spent about $800+ on building my PC (which already puts both these consoles to shame) and I can always upgrade it when I want to. You guys are using silly arguments for little differences, my advice is to pick the system you want to pick. Don't let these fanboy 'experts' skew your vote.
Most of my fav games don't even look "real" ...I like the cartoon/comic style myself...

Also I don't even get what people are fighting over besides makeing themselves feel better at this point...its not like anyone will change someones mind or cause someone to not like what they have and like...

I have had both 360 & PS3 for years & I still like them both...

Sent under duress.


Forum General Emeritus
You seem to have missed Microsoft's announcement where they reversed their DRM policies and allowed gamers to share discs like they used to.

The point though, is that Microsoft has the balls to put those policies in effect in the first place. Who's to say they won't change the policies back to what they originally were? 6 months, 1 year, 2 years down the line? Don't be surprised if it happens anyway.