Muhuhahahaaaaaaa! So that was an interesting find--Guild Boss Battle damage counts for your Legendary progress as well. I am in Stoic League and we will have openings tomorrow morning. Search QR10X (Stoic League) and join if you like. Together we can put the Amazon kibosh on the baddies and earn match progression, damage progression, event progression and the dreaded minutes progression.You have the first 2? I'm mostly done with 1 but the 3mil damage is going to be awhile @670,000. About 25% with MV events and 50% on transitions. How did you pull off 200 MV events and do guild? Granted I have zero clue what guild is or how it works or what it credits to. how hard is getting 50k guild credits to get? That one I don't know what the scale of is. Really don't want do deal with guild at all.
The epic gear thing seems the hardest. I probably got about 40-50 over the past few days but only 1 I think was WW. I don't see how to pull that off for months and months if ever. I'm guessing I've played WW about 100hours so far and I never got anything close to that.
You can now use your AI in Guild towers (could not do that prior to the last patch) and that helped get the matches and events as well as getting us to Multiverse 3 where the baddies have tremendous health to take.
Because the enemies in Guild Multiverse are stronger and have more health I was able to rack up the damage. The Boss Battles were a big part of that
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