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wnba to be indourced


missiles are coming

You can send them pics of me in shorts/sleeveless shirt so they can see the severity of the problem in the FGC.

(I have a giant baphomet tattooed on my left shin, hence the shorts)

A bunch a satan worshipping porn addicts we be.
Provide me the most satanic picture of yourself.

Also can the most flamboyant member of TYM provide the gayest picture they have of themselves.

I'll send them off right away.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
if they show up at EVO or MLG it will be the biggest troll in the history of trolling, it would be all over the news. "in other news today at EVO championships, the biggest troll in the history of ever, more from the floor at EVO with trisha takanawa" " thanks tom, it appears we have the westboro baptist chruch, the same anti gay protesters that picketted countess funerals and comic book conventions are at it again, it appears they are picketting gays at EVO as we look behind us they are on the main stage with their bibles and signs protesting all the gamers which they think are homosexual at his event, back to you tom"

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
Give me a picket sign "god is dead but god still white" give me a picket sign "god is dead but god still hates [ban incoming]"

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I can't believe I forgot all about this video and surprised nobody has posted it...
Swift you and Phase3 need to recreate this video and have the rest of wnba playing mk in the background.

"WNBA: We don't do fatalities, we turn the other cheek."
"WNBA: Because babalities remind us of the baby Jesus."
Damn these two posts had me crying laughing



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
I want the player sponsored by WBC to have them go to the tournaments. Tell them if you lose a round, to start mumbling their prayers and witchcraft aloud so that the opponent gets nervous. If they (your opponent) win a match, tell them they're going to hell and that God hates them.