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Wishlist: Injustice Character Roster + DLC Wishlist Thread

Okay. I know that the game isn't even out yet and all the characters haven't been revealed yet. But obviously the roster would have already been decided and NRS will start to be thinking about DLC characters soon after the games launch. So who do you want? Get the message out to NRS because they are on this forum! You never know, your character might just get in.......


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I can't think of how it's remotely productive to suggest DLC before a game is released. Way to provoke Warner Bro$.

1) I don't wanna see any DLC characters until at least 6 months post-release.

2) Scorpion. Because we all know Boon won't be able to help himself and his pokes would be super broken to entice everyone into buying him.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.

check my petition for him thread for why

In a nutshell he's an energy user, works for the government, is one of the most powerful guys in DC, has a cool and unique visual style, can create red sunlight which tied to the government angle makes him the PERFECT plant for the government angle the story could have fun with and his abilities let him do a ton of stuff we could use. Light speed dash teleports, illusions, invisibility, flight, beams, etc.


They had a system for MK9(one rumored character, one 3D character, one Trilogy character and a guest character), so I'm guessing they'll have a system for Injustice as well. Possibly one from each of the universe's(Batman, Superman, ...). Don't think they'll do the whole "guest character" thing again.