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Wishlist: Injustice Character Roster + DLC Wishlist Thread

1. Zatanna all the way. She is a major hottie and pretty damn versatile, when it comes to the power set.

2. Poison Ivy. There is simply too much potential behind her power set.

3. Raven. Not a big fan of the character, but her power set is good, so ... yeah.

No Power Girl, no Supergirl, no Huntress, no Batgirl, no no no no no no copies of the male characters we already have.
But I wouldn't mind seeing Donna Troy as an alternate for Wonder Woman. It doesn't get much better than Donna Troy!
I've honestly never heard of him (until Ed Boon said about not having him in the game) or seen what he looked like until now
Oh man, that's a shame.
Zoom is such a god damn badass :-X

He snips with his fingers and everything around him explodes. He beats up Superman and Wonder Woman without even trying. He travels way faster than Flash, even after Flash absorbs the speed of few other speedsters.

Zoom is probably the most powerful being on the DC earth, even surpassing the Martian Manhunter, who is simply not fast enough. At all.
What's up with the love for John Stewart basically everywhere?

Yeah, Hal Jordan wouldn't be my pic either, but man ... if a Lantern, then Kyle Rayner for sure. The most interesting and entertaining one. I would take crazy ass comical constructs over some architecture and military stuff any day.


We're trying to get Zoom in with an Alt skin for the Flash and it would be cool to see red speed force and eyes for sure
and the more people that are for this, the bigger chance they'll do it.




Those two are the main ladies I want, the other girls in the poll are awesome, but if those two make it, I'd be content, Raven would be my main :).


Poison Ivy is cool, but enough with Batman cast. I voted for a lot of the girls, but my best 3 would be:
Black Canary - because she's sexy and because of this costume

Circe - because she's a Wonder Woman villain;

Power Girl - because she's the hottest female-Superman.

Thus we have 1 more gadget and 2 more power female characters. That makes 3 power and 3 gadget female chars. Which is cool.

Oh yeah, honorable mention: Raven and Starfire.


What's up with the love for John Stewart basically everywhere?

Yeah, Hal Jordan wouldn't be my pic either, but man ... if a Lantern, then Kyle Rayner for sure. The most interesting and entertaining one. I would take crazy ass comical constructs over some architecture and military stuff any day.
John was in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited and is the Lantern most people are familiar with. Kyle seriously gets the shit-stick more often than I'd like to think.

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
John was in Justice League/Justice League Unlimited and is the Lantern most people are familiar with. Kyle seriously gets the shit-stick more often than I'd like to think.
Don't really agree with that. But I don't watch many cartoons either. I know the DC Universe through comics - not really other media. Most people know Hal Jordan as Green Lantern. He's the more [most] identifiable of the GLC.

I mentioned John because he's more of a brute, I think he fits video game settings better.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Hmm...you know the smart thing to do for this as an alt is to treat it with respect and give it a different face. What I'd do is take the base model, and extract off the face and any key areas that need attention then I'd throw them into Zbrush or Mudbox or any detailing software and spend awhile sculpting out a different set of facial features. Afterwards I'd just bake off the image as a normal map to skin onto the base model I had been working on.

This would be a smart way to get all kinds of quick and easy yet very different elements onto the model so long as no new topology or clothing chunks were needed. Heck even if you did need those chunks just pull your base model into zbrush and extract along a mask over the area you need and take the new layer of sculptable polygons to model into said item (belts, pouches, coats, etc.). Afterwards you could unwrap the item and compile it back to the original file's assets. In some cases you could even merge it onto the model so long as you paid attention to your UV's.

I wonder if there will be a PC version? If so custom skins in a steam workshop sort of thing would be pretty awesome. I know I'd contribute for everyone here.


RM Phanatic
Poison Ivy...I mean how can you not want a red haired hottie that walks around in her underwear with vines wrapped around her legs...okay let me stop


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Cheshire? Sorry just playing devil's advocate.

Actually that list is pretty much every female I could come up with save for Cheetah, Supergirl, Ravager, and a few others give or take.

Raven, Zatanna, Cerce and Poison Ivy probably have the most playstyle variety to offer to the cast IMO.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Circe #1 and Starfire #2 ... they are too badass

Poison Ivy ... I love batman characters lol

Zatanna would be cool, but wtf would be her movelist?

Vixen is another that would be ?wtf? on the movelist

Black Canary doesn't even have real powers right? Batman with boobs...