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Why was MK9 Loved? NRS History on its Origins


Plus on block.
Man, I loved everything about MK9 except for the gameplay beyond the low level.

Optimal MK9 did and still looks janky as all hell and the top tiers of that game were probably the most rage inducing characters I ever had to face in a fighter.

Sometimes I wake up in coldsweats, having nightmares of Kabal tearing my metaphorical asshole to shreds online.


Mr. Righteous
Ah....made me wish Uncle JBeezY was around during those golden times. The end of an era but the start of a new one is months away ;)

Lt. Boxy Angelman

And I don't mean this as a sleight against any of the games to come after, because they've all had their big big moments...

...but I can't think of one really really big match over the years that stands out like the top MK9 moments do.

I feel like if there was a collective community Top 10 NRS matches of all time, at least 6 or 7 of them would be in MK9.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I remember I could not get a good match on deception at all on PS but Xbox was ok.

I remember most of those mk sites back in the day. Don't remember the toxicity so much but it was there. Not has bad has SRK was getting. That was toxic. But I made my here to TYM or the site before it.

I remember dem 50/50's. Ridiculous OH's. Over the top sliding knockdowns. Huge projectiles. Really awkward and stiff movement and interesting ranges on normals in MKD. I LOVED THAT GAME!!! It truly was the last great 3D era mk game.

Then they balanced that out in MK9. Mk9 compared to all the earlier games was a Godsend. We were truly blessed. At the time and didn't know it.

MK9 was/is the Amulet of Shinnok. It's what started everything and brought those from the past and from the shadows out here into the scene we thankfully have today.

It's one of my favorite Mortal Kombat games despite it's flaws because I remember the previous 8 tiles and spinoffs and the few years hiatus we had when there was no Mortal Kombat.

Mortal Kombat 9 is such a great game literally one of the best in the whole series.

One day it will be backwards compatible on Xbox One with that good roll back netcode and I'll play it forever and ever and ever Amen.
i skipped that 3d mk era cos im a fighting game player (fgc) and not a franchise fanboy.
i was simply playing better games lul. regarding mk ofc only mk2 and umk3, what else?
but yeah ofc mk9 brought us bitches together!
good shit reo as always!


Iam not experienced in games and such.... MK9 feels like 2.5d not a freaking 3d fighting game...i manage playing this style coz 3d fighting game need a really experienced player to keep playing and enjoying it.... problem is these new generation of fans like 3d shit....most of em r young boys with low IQ...digg that?

Deleted member 5032

To add to this, check out the MK9 Discord, as they also house links for the MK9TE mod that comes with a netplay mod to improve on the online play.
You got a link to the Discord or the mod?


To add to this, check out the MK9 Discord, as they also house links for the MK9TE mod that comes with a netplay mod to improve on the online play.
Can you apply the netplay mod without the TE mod in case you want the play the game in it's original format with better netplay?


Premium Supporter
Bottom line is, MK9 was a game the community had confidence in as a source of competition worth traveling to play. From 2001 to 2011 I saw every new MK game fail to draw FGC attention but MK9, everyone knew it was special.


Premium Supporter
indeed, those 3d mk trash games were not evo material.

anyway do you think the success of sf4 as a franchise reboot inspired nrs to build mk9?
SF4 inspired all scenes to get serious and show up for sure, a lot of us who have been around a long time talk about that still. '09ers are real, and for MK, we call them '9ers.


Are you not entertained!?
First and foremost it was loved because it united the community. The new players and the OG's who loved the 2D MK's. I know I'm one of them. Secondary was the fun gameplay, the bright colors...and the big boobs. Fight me.