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Why don't most NRS streams upload top 16 matches to Youtube?


I was having a discussion with @CrimsonShadow about this last night and felt that it should be brought to TYM's attention.

I feel like some of the most hype matches that have ever happened in our game occur a lot in the top 16, predominantly at Big E tournaments and Final Round.

I feel that these hype matches are an amazing way to present our game to a wider audience since it would hopefully show up on Youtube if someone is interested in seeing hype moments for our game.

For example.
-Why is my match vs. Tyrant at NEC at only a thousand views on Youtube?
-Why is my match vs. KDZ not uploaded on Youtube?
-What about Captain Oxygen wrecking shit at Winterbrawl?
-What about 7L vs. Saltface at Winterbrawl?
-I remember Reno Racks vs. Khaotik being an incredible match at TFC
-What about when Maxter almost made top 8 with Lobo?
This list goes on and on and on

-Are the hype moments at Final Round not going to be uploaded as well? (Syknis vs Murk, KDZ vs Tom, Smarr vs Pig, Deg's matches, etc. etc. etc. etc.)

I feel that when someone Youtube's Injustice competitive videos, we don't get any hits besides EVO grand finals. Hypothetically, if someone made a compilation of hype moments for Injustice, I'd predict that it would be composed of most of these top 16 matches.

I'd understand if it took time to upload a lot of those matches, but it would unquestionably be for the greater good. It'd be sad to see some of our most beautiful Injustice moments be trapped in stream archives on Twitch. I think stream channels such as Kombatnetwork should take into consideration what a goldmine they're potentially leaving out for people interested in seeing why our game is so hype.

Perhaps if we have a dedicated Youtube channel that houses all of the great Injustice matches that we've had?

@AK Pig Of The Hut (I know you upload most of the matches, but as a streamer, this should be brought to your attention)
Not sure who else to tag. Some pointers would be appreciated.

I won't be able to upload stream content or tournament footage as I do not have the right too. However i have started uploading replays of top players i have been lucky to contact and have uploaded them onto my channel. If you can help spread the world I be happy to help the game grow. My YouTube channel is "YogaFlame24"


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
I won't be able to upload stream content or tournament footage as I do not have the right too. However i have started uploading replays of top players i have been lucky to contact and have uploaded them onto my channel. If you can help spread the world I be happy to help the game grow. My YouTube channel is "YogaFlame24"
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Rip Torn

Cuz ain't nobody want to see an Injustice match more than once :DOGE
There is a nugget of truth in this statement. As much as I like Injustice, it's time to accept that most people simply didn't enjoy the game. Injustice Evo 2014 Grand Finals has about 300k views. Compare that to MK9 Evo 2012 Grand Finals which has over 1 million views.
This is an interesting point. During most major tournaments you have multiple streams going on, and when you look at the amount of viewers, NRS streams have really low numbers. The Capcom streams will have 15,000 viewers, while the NRS stream will have like 500 viewers. Check out the tournament this week, and you will see what I mean.