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Why don't most NRS streams upload top 16 matches to Youtube?


Administrator and Community Engineer
okay that sounds awesome but i still dont think anyone elses work should be pushed aside, why not support ALL videos trying to promote Injustice? like whats the downside to it? why wait until civil war to start supporting hype videos then at that point only support 1? so much is wasted with that mentality. its not about whether or not disrespect is meant it just shows what how much someone who could be supporting actually cares (or in this case doesnt care) about supporting the game.
I think you missed what I was trying to say. Although it's great that people make videos, you can't force people to watch them, and people will generally take interest in things that they find to be high enough quality or interesting enough to watch. If someone puts out a video, and not many people are interested in it, you can't blame the community. It's the responsibility of video makers to promote and generate interest in their work.

(This goes for forum threads, blog posts, podcasts, streams, and any other kind of content as well).

Here at TYM, just like on other major FGC sites, we try to promote and feature some videos that are high quality or contain really useful content -- but just like at Shoryuken, Eventhubs, 8wayrun, etc., there's no guarantee that every single community video will be noticed, be featured or meet the criteria. So it's also up to people to push their own content.

I understand what you mean, but I think you have to have realistic expectations. Sometimes being popular requires hard work!
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Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I think you missed what I was trying to say.. Although it's great that people make videos, you can't force people to watch them, and people will generally take interest in things that they find to be high enough quality or interesting enough to watch. If someone puts out a video, and not many people are interested in it, you can't blame the community. It's the responsibility of video makers to promote and generate interest in their work.

(This goes for forum threads, blog posts, podcasts, streams, and any other kind of content as well).

Here at TYM, just like on other major FGC sites, we try to promote and feature videos that are high quality or contain really useful content -- but just like at Shoryuken, Eventhubs, etc., there's no guarantee that every single community video will meet the criteria or be featured. So it's also up to people to push their own content.

I understand what you mean, but I think you have to have realistic expectations. Sometimes being popular requires hard work!
okay good you do understand. my issue with what you are saying is how is the quality bad? or do you have extremely high standards of quality? the content is there its a compilation lol and at least 1 of the vids had little intermissions and whatnot for laughs/references and things like that. people either arent taking interest or just dont know about it i highly doubt its on the video maker in this case but i see what youre saying, the community just doesnt watch/support the videos. i mean the same "Halls of Hype" videos 2 of which have been made for IGAU have had their Marvel and AE counterparts posted on Eventhubs so if it meets their standards is the quality still too low for TYM? EH didnt post the IGAU vids but theyre obviously more into those games than IGAU and honestly probably didnt even know the vids were made since the views were so low.


Administrator and Community Engineer
okay good you do understand. my issue with what you are saying is how is the quality bad? or do you have extremely high standards of quality? the content is there its a compilation lol and at least 1 of the vids had little intermissions and whatnot for laughs/references and things like that. people either arent taking interest or just dont know about it i highly doubt its on the video maker in this case but i see what youre saying, the community just doesnt watch/support the videos. i mean the same "Halls of Hype" videos 2 of which have been made for IGAU have had their Marvel and AE counterparts posted on Eventhubs so if it meets their standards is the quality still too low for TYM? EH didnt post the IGAU vids but theyre obviously more into those games than IGAU and honestly probably didnt even know the vids were made since the views were so low.
Yeah, but that's like saying that if 16 bit did a Street Fighter Stock Report and someone posted it in the Shoryuken forums that it should be a big hit just because that's what we do here. It may be a tradition for our group of people -- but if he wanted it to attract attention somewhere else, he'd probably have to actually promote it/build it up/draw interest to it himself. Otherwise, it'd go under the radar because not a lot of people there know or care who he is.

Maybe he'd get lucky and someone would pick up on it, or maybe not.

There's a reason why guys like Big E, Vandy, and Valle come here to post and drum up interest and promote their events, answer questions etc. (and these are guys who are already known; but they still see the importance of promoting their stuff in different places).

That's why I stress the importance of people doing work to spread the word instead of feeling entitled to receive attention just because their content exists. People need to do a much better job of not feeling entitled to views, and instead trying to earn them via hard work/promotional effort.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Yeah, but that's like saying that if 16 bit did a Street Fighter Stock Report and someone posted it in the Shoryuken forums that it should be a big hit just because that's what we do here. It may be a tradition for our group of people -- but if he wanted it to attract attention somewhere else, he'd probably have to actually promote it/build it up/draw interest to it himself. Otherwise, it'd go under the radar because not a lot of people there know or care who he is.

Maybe he'd get lucky and someone would pick up on it, or maybe not.

There's a reason why guys like Big E, Vandy, and Valle come here to post and drum up interest and promote their events, answer questions etc. (and these are guys who are already known; but they still see the importance of promoting their stuff in different places).

That's why I stress the importance of people doing work to spread the word instead of feeling entitled to receive attention just because their content exists. People need to do a much better job of not feeling entitled to views, and instead trying to earn them via hard work/promotional effort.
hmm not really, it was a big hit on youtube an werent you guys talking about youtube as well? i only mentioned eventhubs because you brought it up as a major FGC site
i dont think he did any more for the marvel AE vids than he did for the IGAU one (i could very well be wrong about that though) i mean the videos after it on the same channel got more views (they were deleted and reuploaded)
i dont think anyone is saying they are entitled to anything but i think the people who do work like that are trying to help the community grow and even if thats not their main intention it has the potential for it, but just to humor you what should they do to try to promote it more?
im also gonna note that you didnt answer my questions lol


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Coverage for NRS games could still use a lot of work. I know some people will be upset but the following would go a long way in making tournaments easier to follow, results easier to remember, etc...

-- Result updates. Update threads are messy as hell and difficult to follow for those who aren't watching. How difficult would it be to designate a mod (or anyone else) to just post "X player defeats Y player" in the update thread after each match? It literally takes 10 seconds and would helps us through the inevitable "Who put X player in losers? Who eliminated Y?" questions.

-- Challonge Brackets. This infuriates me to no end. Why on earth is this not used in every tournament? Not only would it help us later recap everything and find out who beat whom, but also makes following the tournament easier in order to know what to look forward to, who is going to play who, etc...

-- Upload matches on Youtube. See OP.

-- Whoever is streaming: Get your shit together. Sorry, we've heard all the excuses. I'm sure you're trying and I'm sure some of said excuses are valid, but there is absolutely no reason to screw something like this up every single time. If you can't run the tournament and stream at the same time, delegate the streaming to someone else. Ask the community for help. Have a back-up plan. Do something.

1. Crimson Shadow/Gamerblake have been seen doing updates. Sure we could get a little bit more managed about it.

2. We would do Challonge brackets but the higher ups want us to do paper brackets.

3. Understandable

4. Have you even been to a tournament? Do you not understand that KN not only has to set up all of the equipment for pools and what not... but get the stream working? We also have to depend on a card that normally
gets fucking horrible reception (verizon/sprint/whatever, I've seen and dealt with each card, verizon works best...when it works... WB for some reason we had like two bars on the damn thing).

Oh and do you pay for this service? I'm pretty sure other big name streamers have the subscribe button that costs money. KN does not.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I was having a discussion with @CrimsonShadow about this last night and felt that it should be brought to TYM's attention.

I feel like some of the most hype matches that have ever happened in our game occur a lot in the top 16, predominantly at Big E tournaments and Final Round.

I feel that these hype matches are an amazing way to present our game to a wider audience since it would hopefully show up on Youtube if someone is interested in seeing hype moments for our game.

For example.
-Why is my match vs. Tyrant at NEC at only a thousand views on Youtube?
-Why is my match vs. KDZ not uploaded on Youtube?
-What about Captain Oxygen wrecking shit at Winterbrawl?
-What about 7L vs. Saltface at Winterbrawl?
-I remember Reno Racks vs. Khaotik being an incredible match at TFC
-What about when Maxter almost made top 8 with Lobo?
This list goes on and on and on

-Are the hype moments at Final Round not going to be uploaded as well? (Syknis vs Murk, KDZ vs Tom, Smarr vs Pig, Deg's matches, etc. etc. etc. etc.)

I feel that when someone Youtube's Injustice competitive videos, we don't get any hits besides EVO grand finals. Hypothetically, if someone made a compilation of hype moments for Injustice, I'd predict that it would be composed of most of these top 16 matches.

I'd understand if it took time to upload a lot of those matches, but it would unquestionably be for the greater good. It'd be sad to see some of our most beautiful Injustice moments be trapped in stream archives on Twitch. I think stream channels such as Kombatnetwork should take into consideration what a goldmine they're potentially leaving out for people interested in seeing why our game is so hype.

Perhaps if we have a dedicated Youtube channel that houses all of the great Injustice matches that we've had?

@AK Pig Of The Hut (I know you upload most of the matches, but as a streamer, this should be brought to your attention)
Not sure who else to tag. Some pointers would be appreciated.
All I can say is this

When i streamed FR 2012 and 2013 I uploaded every single match , every single one and @medina who streamed for me in 2012 did the same

My match vs zyphox (flash) and Rico (Aquaman and ba) where I played some of my best and won both 2-0 was not recorded nor streamed

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Coverage for NRS games could still use a lot of work. I know some people will be upset but the following would go a long way in making tournaments easier to follow, results easier to remember, etc...

-- Result updates. Update threads are messy as hell and difficult to follow for those who aren't watching. How difficult would it be to designate a mod (or anyone else) to just post "X player defeats Y player" in the update thread after each match? It literally takes 10 seconds and would helps us through the inevitable "Who put X player in losers? Who eliminated Y?" questions.

-- Challonge Brackets. This infuriates me to no end. Why on earth is this not used in every tournament? Not only would it help us later recap everything and find out who beat whom, but also makes following the tournament easier in order to know what to look forward to, who is going to play who, etc...

-- Upload matches on Youtube. See OP.

-- Whoever is streaming: Get your shit together. Sorry, we've heard all the excuses. I'm sure you're trying and I'm sure some of said excuses are valid, but there is absolutely no reason to screw something like this up every single time. If you can't run the tournament and stream at the same time, delegate the streaming to someone else. Ask the community for help. Have a back-up plan. Do something.
Challonge brackets aren't used because then it'd be easy as hell for everyone to see when someone who was DQ from a pool magically appear 5 hours later in another pool
As well as players not registered magically appear

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
1. Crimson Shadow/Gamerblake have been seen doing updates. Sure we could get a little bit more managed about it.

2. We would do Challonge brackets but the higher ups want us to do paper brackets.

3. Understandable

4. Have you even been to a tournament? Do you not understand that KN not only has to set up all of the equipment for pools and what not... but get the stream working? We also have to depend on a card that normally
gets fucking horrible reception (verizon/sprint/whatever, I've seen and dealt with each card, verizon works best...when it works... WB for some reason we had like two bars on the damn thing).

Oh and do you pay for this service? I'm pretty sure other big name streamers have the subscribe button that costs money. KN does not.
You need to understand this

I have told u and everyone multiple times verizon cards are different from Verizon frys pre paid data cards

Research it

VERIZON AT FRYS = 3rd party towers

Verizon at Verizon w a plan = real deal


Man of Tomorrow
trust that their (twitch's) flawed exporter is working,
Can't you just rip the footage from twitch? I tend to do that if the site is slow. If people agree to it I have no problem doing this, chopping the stuff up and sending it to the appropriate people to upload (since it's their footage).
Whoever does the uploads at the break should handle all uploading of everything. Dude has the entire tournament uploaded the night of, its insane.


Grundy think you handsome!
The thing is if a company promotes something I feel that the video quality has to be exceptional. You no doubt pointed out great matches, but if I was advertising a game I would have to ensure the video quality would have to be great to show off the graphics and the art style and the mechanics of the game, the match quality comes second in my opinion.

Long Story Short, the NRS community needs to band together and donate in a kickstarter way, top notch stream equipment.

Icy Black Deep

Still training...
It can be cumbersome to chop up the twitch.tv archives into 5 minute segments and trust that their (twitch's) flawed exporter is working, and after that make sure youtube processes them and then add them all to a playlist.
That's why Jaxel refuses to use any streaming software that can't start and stop recording while streaming. He hits record when the match is starting and stop when it ends and has the file ready for upload without having to do any editing.

Whoever does the uploads at the break should handle all uploading of everything. Dude has the entire tournament uploaded the night of, its insane.
He also takes advantage of a good internet connection at the Break to upload them immediately while the tournament is still going on.