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Why don't most NRS streams upload top 16 matches to Youtube?


I only use characters with wakeup scoops.
I was having a discussion with @CrimsonShadow about this last night and felt that it should be brought to TYM's attention.

I feel like some of the most hype matches that have ever happened in our game occur a lot in the top 16, predominantly at Big E tournaments and Final Round.

I feel that these hype matches are an amazing way to present our game to a wider audience since it would hopefully show up on Youtube if someone is interested in seeing hype moments for our game.

For example.
-Why is my match vs. Tyrant at NEC at only a thousand views on Youtube?
-Why is my match vs. KDZ not uploaded on Youtube?
-What about Captain Oxygen wrecking shit at Winterbrawl?
-What about 7L vs. Saltface at Winterbrawl?
-I remember Reno Racks vs. Khaotik being an incredible match at TFC
-What about when Maxter almost made top 8 with Lobo?
This list goes on and on and on

-Are the hype moments at Final Round not going to be uploaded as well? (Syknis vs Murk, KDZ vs Tom, Smarr vs Pig, Deg's matches, etc. etc. etc. etc.)

I feel that when someone Youtube's Injustice competitive videos, we don't get any hits besides EVO grand finals. Hypothetically, if someone made a compilation of hype moments for Injustice, I'd predict that it would be composed of most of these top 16 matches.

I'd understand if it took time to upload a lot of those matches, but it would unquestionably be for the greater good. It'd be sad to see some of our most beautiful Injustice moments be trapped in stream archives on Twitch. I think stream channels such as Kombatnetwork should take into consideration what a goldmine they're potentially leaving out for people interested in seeing why our game is so hype.

Perhaps if we have a dedicated Youtube channel that houses all of the great Injustice matches that we've had?

@AK Pig Of The Hut (I know you upload most of the matches, but as a streamer, this should be brought to your attention)
Not sure who else to tag. Some pointers would be appreciated.
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Galloping Ghost Arcade
I agree, as well. As someone who sees both sides of this (player and streamer), it can be cumbersome to chop up the twitch.tv archives into 5 minute segments and trust that their (twitch's) flawed exporter is working, and after that make sure youtube processes them and then add them all to a playlist. That being said, I have a pretty good track record of uploading ALL matches from our GGA locals to youtube, its just kind of a PITA.

(Shameless plug): Galloping Ghost's Youtube channel

edit: I left out the fact you can monetize the youtube videos with googles ad sense program; maybe the potential ad revenue can be incentive enough for streamers to consider getting more matches uploaded.


Coverage for NRS games could still use a lot of work. I know some people will be upset but the following would go a long way in making tournaments easier to follow, results easier to remember, etc...

-- Result updates. Update threads are messy as hell and difficult to follow for those who aren't watching. How difficult would it be to designate a mod (or anyone else) to just post "X player defeats Y player" in the update thread after each match? It literally takes 10 seconds and would helps us through the inevitable "Who put X player in losers? Who eliminated Y?" questions.

-- Challonge Brackets. This infuriates me to no end. Why on earth is this not used in every tournament? Not only would it help us later recap everything and find out who beat whom, but also makes following the tournament easier in order to know what to look forward to, who is going to play who, etc...

-- Upload matches on Youtube. See OP.

-- Whoever is streaming: Get your shit together. Sorry, we've heard all the excuses. I'm sure you're trying and I'm sure some of said excuses are valid, but there is absolutely no reason to screw something like this up every single time. If you can't run the tournament and stream at the same time, delegate the streaming to someone else. Ask the community for help. Have a back-up plan. Do something.
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Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
the TYM and NRS community seem to not really support/promote Injustice videos
there have already been 3 Injustice hype videos made and 2 threads made about them and pretty much nobody posted in them and the threads didnt get front paged. people just dont support their own game i guess (Feel free to correct me if im wrong)

Captain Oxygen

The end of one combo is the beginning of another
There's so many hype matches from Majors that we never get to see, the only matches we see uploaded are top 8 on Team Spooky. It'd be great to have especially hype matches uploaded on youtube.

It's so annoying trying to sift through Twitch archives just to find a match.


Administrator and Community Engineer
-- Result updates. Update threads are messy as hell and difficult to follow for those who aren't watching. How difficult would it be to designate a mod (or anyone else) to just post "X player defeats Y player" in the update thread after each match? It literally takes 10 seconds and would helps us through the inevitable "Who put X player in losers? Who eliminated Y?" questions.

-- Challonge Brackets. This infuriates me to no end. Why on earth is this not used in every tournament? Not only would it help us later recap everything and find out who beat whom, but also makes following the tournament easier in order to know what to look forward to, who is going to play who, etc...
As to the first point, the issue isn't so much from this side as from the event side. Most of the time when there's missing information, it's because we don't get any updates from the venue or commentators. As someone who usually tries to get important results to relay to others, I can tell you first-hand how frustrating it is when there's silence from the venue and no updates for hours as to what's going on.

As to the challonge brackets, a few EC to's maintain that it's faster and easier to use paper brackets for bigger events. They swear by them and won't hear of doing otherwise. Because of this most of the challonge updates come from other events, like Compton's on the WC.


Administrator and Community Engineer
the TYM and NRS community seem to not really support/promote Injustice videos
there have already been 3 Injustice hype videos made and 2 threads made about them and pretty much nobody posted in them and the threads didnt get front paged. people just dont support their own game i guess (Feel free to correct me if im wrong)
The real Injustice moments video is being finished now and is slated to be out at Civil War. The production value is high, and I'm not surprised that other similar videos are receiving less attention in the meantime.

We see a lot of videos come and go here, and the time you spend building an audience + the time you put into production value makes a huge difference. I have no doubt that the upcoming video will receive a lot of attention, and probably a ton of comments as well.

Each community is different, and if you want a following, you've got to earn it if it doesn't already exist.
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As to the first point, the issue isn't so much from this side as from the event side. Most of the time when there's missing information, it's because we don't get any updates from the venue or commentators. As someone who usually tries to get important results to relay to others, I can tell you first-hand how frustrating it is when there's silence from the venue and no updates for hours as to what's going on.
I understand this, but someone could at least relay the results of the streamed matches (so that those who missed the stream can catch up on all the results, especially if there are specific matches they'd like to go back and look up in the archive). I know you guys work hard, by the way, but sometimes the update threads are a bit all over the place. It'd be preferable if at the end of each streamed match, someone posts the result in the thread.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
The real Injustice moments video is being finished now and is slated to be out at CEO. The production value is high, and I'm not surprised that other similar videos are receiving less attention in the meantime.

We see a lot of videos come and go here, and the time you spend building an audience + the time you put into production value makes a huge difference. I have no doubt that the upcoming video will receive a lot of attention, and probably a ton of comments as well.

Each community is different, and if you want a following, you've got to earn it if it doesn't already exist.
"real" Injustice video? um what please explain lol how about we at least support the videos that are out while its being worked on? the guy doing marvel hype videos that sometimes get over 20k and 50k views made 2 vids for Injustice now id think (and hope) that everyone would be happy with even half of that lol instead of waiting for the "real injustice moments video" and purposely not supporting others that could do the community good. also if im not mistaken a hype video was made by a TYM member and that got no support either but i guess nothing is important but the "real" video right? lol


Administrator and Community Engineer
I understand this, but someone could at least relay the results of the streamed matches (so that those who missed the stream can catch up on all the results, especially if there are specific matches they'd like to go back and look up in the archive). I know you guys work hard, by the way, but sometimes the update threads are a bit all over the place. It'd be preferable if at the end of each streamed match, someone posts the result in the thread.
The best way for people to keep up with things is for people to watch the streams. Over the course of a 10+ hour day of pools, there's no guarantee that anyone who isn't at the venue is going to be around to post every match after it concludes. For Top 8 there's usually a match log immediately after the event is done.. But responsibility should go to someone at the event if they want to do any kind of live updates and have time to do them.

"real" Injustice video? um what please explain lol how about we at least support the videos that are out while its being worked on? the guy doing marvel hype videos that sometimes get over 20k and 50k views made 2 vids for Injustice now id think (and hope) that everyone would be happy with that instead of waiting for the "real injustice moments video" and purposely not supporting others that could do the community good. also if im not mistaken a hype video was made by a TYM member and that got no support either but i guess nothing is important but the "real" video right? lol
As for the videos made by someone offsite, I can't really comment on them, since I don't know who that person's following is. But as far as the video made here, there was someone who announced that they were going to be making a big Injustice moments video, and he created a thread to collect suggestions and gather input to make it really superb. Then after he announced it and while he was working on it, someone else came along and tried to do the exact same thing quickly and put it out.

I'm not really surprised at the way the situation played out; I don't think any disrespect is meant by it, but people are really anticipating the video that's debuting at Civil War and I think it'll see a ton of positive feedback.
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The best way for people to keep up with things is for people to watch the streams. Over the course of a 10+ hour day of pools, there's no guarantee that anyone who isn't at the venue is going to be around to post every match after it concludes. .
As far as the first sentence goes: Uh, yeah. Watching > Not watching. But sometimes time difference + real life + shit comes up makes this complicated.

As far as the second sentence goes, I'm well aware, but would it be too much to ask for some mod to post the results of the matches he IS watching? In other words, if you just saw player X beat player Y in pools, click on the update thread and post "player X beats player Y." Boom. Problem solved. That doesn't mean you have to stay stuck to your laptop for 10 hours to report everything. Just report the stuff you see. PS: I don't mean "you" as in you personally. Just a general "you."

Regardless, this problem would be extremely easy to solve too. The mods would coordinate between one another, see who's available to cover the tournament, maybe even take shifts, etc... It's part of proper coverage. I'm not saying you HAVE to do it, but as long as we're talking about improving coverage, this goes a long way.
Someone has already made a hype vid for this year (I forgot there name) and another person is making another vid for the hypest matches to celebrate a year of injustice. They just need more promotion imo. Even player montages would be legit (I've seen montages of Daigo's and Alex Valle's clutch moments and they were amazing).


King of the Jobbers 2015
We would have totally done that if the community didn't trash the shit out of our site. Just sayin'.

But yeah, you should totally make a youtube channel and upload stuff, why not it'd be great!

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
As for the videos made by someone offsite, I can't really comment on them, since I don't know who that person's following is. But as far as the video made here, there was someone who announced that they were going to be making a big Injustice moments video, and he created a thread to collect suggestions and gather input to make it really superb. Then after he announced it and while he was working on it, someone else came along and tried to do the exact same thing quickly and put it out.

I'm not really surprised at the way the situation played out; I don't think any disrespect is meant by it, but people are really anticipating the video that's debuting at Civil War and I think it'll see a ton of positive feedback.
okay that sounds awesome but i still dont think anyone elses work should be pushed aside, why not support ALL videos trying to promote Injustice? like whats the downside to it? why wait until civil war to start supporting hype videos then at that point only support 1? so much is wasted with that mentality. its not about whether or not disrespect is meant it just shows what how much someone who could be supporting actually cares (or in this case doesnt care) about supporting the game.
the TYM and NRS community seem to not really support/promote Injustice videos
there have already been 3 Injustice hype videos made and 2 threads made about them and pretty much nobody posted in them and the threads didnt get front paged. people just dont support their own game i guess (Feel free to correct me if im wrong)
The 1 hour long, a year of Injustice thread? Ya that was hype, not sure if it got front paged but damn that thread was fucking dead, poor guy put in a lot of work too.
And isn't it like copy right issues and shit? Top 16 is usually, KN or some other random stream and top 8 is usually on Sp00ky, you really gonna spit up top 16 into 2 channels?