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Why does everyone pick dead woods?


15 time Evo champion
I pick outworld marketplace most of the time because i just love the atmosphere. Also i have a love affair with Blanche. DONT WORRY BABYGURL I WONT LET THEM HURT YOU!!!:mad:


too smart to play MKX
When I was still attempting to play, I liked this stage because I thought the others were way too bright and busy.
I pick random every game, I wonder if dead woods used to be the living forest but all the trees died.
Nah, the Living Forest is in Outworld. The Dead Woods are located in Earthrealm, according to the story mode.
Quan chi's fortress is my favorite bc of the sweet guitar licks during a win pose
The music of the Outworld Marketplace amplifies Jason's win animation if the match is won on the second round, in my opinion.


Feel the nerf of despair
I like the aesthetics of dead woods but in all honesty kove is my favorite. Something about the other stages seem to have a flat color tone to them.


"I will cut a hole in you"
I thought i was the only one tht noticed that lol not only the dead woods the training arena as well it like each person i play they choose only those two stages, i think im the only one who favors the krossroads lol


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
The Kove is my favorite stage. It's beautiful w/ the water, and of all the stages, Kove & Dead Woods look like they came from a previos MK.
didn't you here somthing about an old MK stage being in the PC files? or was that rumor?


I really enjoy that stage. It's easy to see everything clearly and it's not as stale as the practice level.


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Because it looks so awesome!

At least that's my guess. I dunno. I always choose random.
I don't like Dead Woods - or any dark stage for that matter. I usually just pick the Training Stage because it doesn't lag, corners work properly and interactables are random anyway. I don't like going random because you can end up on crappy stages w/ low visibility like Sky Temple or Infected Stages.
You can't get an infected stage from random.